* (3d Cross) |
native |
Cross Product of two 3d... |
vvvv group |
* (3d Dot) |
native |
Dot Product of two 3d... |
vvvv group |
* (3d Vector) |
native |
transform points in... |
vvvv group |
* (3d) |
native |
transform points in... |
vvvv group |
* (4d Vector) |
native |
transform 4d vectors at... |
vvvv group |
* (4d) |
native |
transform 4d vectors at... |
vvvv group |
* (Color) |
native |
Scales a color by... |
vvvv group |
* (Complex) |
native |
Returns the... |
vvvv group |
* (Differential ConstantScale) |
native |
does a differential... |
vvvv group |
* (Differential) |
native |
does a differential... |
vvvv group |
* (Octonion) |
plugin |
Octonion multiplication |
fibo |
* (Octonion) |
plugin |
Octonion multiplication |
fibo |
* (Quaternion) |
native |
calculate the combined... |
vvvv group |
* (String) |
native |
Repeats the string n... |
vvvv group |
* (Transform Priority) |
plugin |
Multiplies transform... |
vux |
* (Transform Priority) |
plugin |
Multiplies transform... |
vux |
* (Transform) |
native |
Returns a * b;... |
vvvv group |
* (Value Spectral Advanced) |
plugin |
* (Value Spectral) with... |
woei |
* (Value Spectral Advanced) |
plugin |
* (Value Spectral) with... |
woei |
* (Value Spectral Vector) |
plugin |
* (Value Spectral) with... |
woei |
* (Value Spectral) |
native |
returns the product of... |
vvvv group |
* (Value) |
native |
Returns the product of... |
vvvv group |
+ (Color) |
native |
Combines the colors by... |
vvvv group |
+ (Complex) |
native |
Returns the Addition of... |
vvvv group |
+ (Differential) |
native |
Adds two values while... |
vvvv group |
+ (Raw Spectral) |
plugin |
+ (Raw) |
plugin |
+ (String Spectral) |
native |
concatenates all slices... |
vvvv group |
+ (String) |
native |
Concatenates the given... |
vvvv group |
+ (Value Spectral Advanced) |
plugin |
+ (Value Spectral) with... |
woei |
+ (Value Spectral Advanced) |
plugin |
+ (Value Spectral) with... |
woei |
+ (Value Spectral Vector) |
plugin |
+ (Value Spectral) with... |
woei |
+ (Value Spectral) |
native |
Returns the sum of the... |
vvvv group |
+ (Value) |
native |
Returns the sum of the... |
vvvv group |
- (Color) |
native |
Combines the colors by... |
vvvv group |
- (Complex) |
native |
Returns the Subtraction... |
vvvv group |
- (Spreads Sets) |
native |
returns elements of... |
vvvv group |
- (String) |
native |
Removes the second... |
vvvv group |
- (Value Cyclic) |
module |
Subtracts two angles |
vvvv group |
- (Value) |
native |
Subtracts one value from... |
vvvv group |
/ (Complex) |
native |
Returns the Division of... |
vvvv group |
/ (Differential) |
native |
does a differential... |
vvvv group |
/ (Octonion) |
plugin |
Octonion division |
fibo |
/ (Octonion) |
plugin |
Octonion division |
fibo |
/ (Value) |
native |
returns a divided by b |
vvvv group |
< (Value) |
native |
returns 1 when a is less... |
vvvv group |
<= (Value) |
native |
returns 1 when a is less... |
vvvv group |
= (Color) |
module |
Returns 1 if both inputs... |
= (Raw) |
plugin |
= (Spreads Sets) |
native |
returns 1 if all input... |
vvvv group |
= (String) |
native |
Returns 1 if both inputs... |
vvvv group |
= (Value Cyclic) |
module |
Compares two angles. |
vvvv group |
= (Value) |
native |
returns 1 when a is... |
vvvv group |
> (Value) |
native |
returns 1 when a is... |
vvvv group |
>= (Value) |
native |
returns 1 when a is... |
vvvv group |
AABBQuery (Box2d) |
plugin |
Get all shapes from an... |
vux |
About (VVVV) |
native |
Create your own about... |
vvvv group |
Abs (Complex) |
native |
Returns the Absolute... |
vvvv group |
AbsolutePath (File) |
native |
Converts a filename to... |
vvvv group |
Accelerometer (Devices Phidget) |
plugin |
Manages the 1059 -... |
Phlegma |
ActiveWindow (Windows) |
native |
Returns the handle of... |
vvvv group |
Address (EX9.SamplerState) |
native |
Sets the wrapping mode... |
vvvv group |
ADSR (Animation FrameBased) |
vl |
vvvv group |
ADSR (Animation TimeBased) |
vl |
vvvv group |
ADSR (Animation) |
native |
Classic synthesizer... |
vvvv group |
Align (Transform FromTo) |
module |
Returns an aligning... |
vvvv group |
Align (Transform) |
module |
Returns an aligning... |
vvvv group |
AlignToPath (Transform) |
module |
AlphaLevels (EX9.Texture Filter Legacy) |
module |
Levels for alpha only |
unc |
AlphaLevels (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Levels for alpha only |
unc |
AlphaTest (EX9.RenderState) |
native |
Set per pixel alpha... |
vvvv group |
Anaglyph (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Fake anaglyph |
unc |
AnalogMappingDecoder (Firmata Internal) |
vl |
AnalogRead (Firmata Integer) |
vl |
Reads the value from the... |
AnalogRead (Firmata) |
vl |
Reads the value from the... |
AnalogWrite (Firmata Integer) |
vl |
Writes an analog value (... |
AnalogWrite (Firmata) |
vl |
Writes an analog value (... |
AND (Boolean Spectral) |
native |
ANDs the incoming spread... |
vvvv group |
AND (Boolean) |
native |
slicewise operation:... |
vvvv group |
Angle (2d) |
module |
Returns the angle... |
vvvv group |
Angle (3d) |
module |
APF (Bass) |
plugin |
All Pass Filter DSP for... |
vux |
AppendAnchor (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
Pins a soft body node to... |
vux |
AppendAnchor (Bullet) |
plugin |
Pins a soft body node to... |
vux |
ApplyForce (Box2d) |
plugin |
Apply force on a body |
vux |
ApplyForce (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
Applies a force on a... |
vux |
ApplyForce (Bullet Node DX9) |
plugin |
Applies a force on a... |
vux |
ApplyForce (Bullet Node) |
plugin |
Applies a force on a... |
vux |
ApplyForce (Bullet SoftBody DX9) |
plugin |
Applies a force on a... |
vux |
ApplyForce (Bullet SoftBody) |
plugin |
Applies a force on a... |
vux |
ApplyForce (Bullet) |
plugin |
Applies a force on a... |
vux |
ApplyImpulse (Box2d) |
plugin |
Apply force on a body |
vux |
ApplyImpulse (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
Applies an impulse on a... |
vux |
ApplyImpulse (Bullet) |
plugin |
Applies an impulse on a... |
vux |
ApplyModifiers (String Legacy) |
plugin |
Returns the currently... |
ApplyModifiers (String) |
plugin |
Returns the actual... |
ApplyNearAndFar (Transform) |
module |
Applies a near and far... |
elliot woods |
ApplyTorque (Box2d) |
plugin |
Apply force on a body |
vux |
ApplyTorque (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
Applies a torque on a... |
vux |
ApplyTorque (Bullet) |
plugin |
Applies a torque on a... |
vux |
ApplyTransform (Mouse) |
module |
ApplyTransform (Transform Direction) |
module |
apply transformation on... |
vvvv group |
ApplyTransform (Transform Vector) |
native |
Applies the given... |
vvvv group |
ApplyTransform (Transform) |
native |
Applies the given... |
vvvv group |
ArbitraryPoint (Transform Vector) |
native |
spits out a spread of... |
vvvv group |
ArbitraryPoint (Transform) |
native |
spits out a spread of... |
vvvv group |
Architecture (VVVV) |
plugin |
Returns the CPU... |
ArcLength (2d BezierSpline) |
vl |
ArcLength (2d) |
vl |
Evenly samples a curve. |
ArcLength (3d BezierSpline) |
vl |
ArcLength (3d) |
vl |
Arduino (Devices StandardFirmata 2.x Legacy) |
module |
Arduino (Devices StandardFirmata 2.x) |
module |
ArduinoFirmata (Devices Legacy) |
plugin |
use Plugin with Arduino... |
wirmachenbunt |
ArduinoFirmata (Devices) |
plugin |
use Plugin with Arduino... |
wirmachenbunt |
Area (2d) |
module |
Returns the area of a... |
vvvv group |
AreEqual (Test String) |
module |
Tests if two spreads are... |
vvvv group |
AreEqual (Test Value) |
module |
Tests if two spreads are... |
vvvv group |
Arg (Complex) |
native |
Returns the Argument of... |
vvvv group |
Args (VVVV) |
native |
Gives access to the... |
vvvv group |
Arm (Leap) |
vl |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
Arrow (EX9) |
module |
draw an arrow in 3d space |
vvvv group |
ArtDMXDecode (Network Internal) |
vl |
vvvv group |
ArtDMXEncode (Network Internal) |
vl |
vvvv group |
ArtNet (Network Receiver Internal) |
vl |
vvvv group |
ArtNet (Network Receiver Legacy) |
module |
Receives DMX universes... |
vvvv group |
ArtNet (Network Receiver) |
module |
Receives DMX universes... |
vvvv group |
ArtNet (Network Sender Internal) |
vl |
vvvv group |
ArtNet (Network Sender Legacy) |
module |
Sends a DMX universe to... |
vvvv group |
ArtNet (Network Sender) |
module |
Sends a DMX universe to... |
vvvv group |
ArtNetDecoder (Network Internal) |
vl |
vvvv group |
AsASCII (EX9.Texture) |
module |
Returns a spread of... |
Ascii (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Ascii art? |
unc |
AsColor (Raw) |
module |
Interprets a sequence of... |
AsColor (String Hex) |
native |
Converts a hexadecimal... |
vvvv group |
AsColor (String) |
module |
Returns the Color to a... |
vvvv group |
AsDocument (SVG) |
plugin |
Creates a SVG document... |
AsElement (XML) |
plugin |
AsKeyCode (String) |
plugin |
Converts a key name to a... |
AsKeyName (Value) |
plugin |
Converts a key code to a... |
AspectRatio (Transform) |
native |
squeeses the incoming... |
vvvv group |
AspectRatioGridSplit (2d) |
native |
Creates the coordinates... |
vvvv group |
AsPolygonEditor (XElement) |
module |
AsRaw (Color) |
module |
Returns a color as a... |
AsRaw (EX9.Texture Photoshop) |
module |
Prepares a texture for... |
vvvv group |
AsRaw (EX9.Texture) |
native |
Returns the connected... |
vvvv group |
AsRaw (Firmata Value 7bit) |
vl |
AsRaw (Leap) |
vl |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
AsRaw (Photoshop) |
module |
Prepares a command for... |
vvvv group |
AsRaw (String Hex) |
module |
Encodes a string of HEX... |
vvvv group |
AsRaw (String) |
native |
Encodes a string into a... |
vvvv group |
AsRaw (Transform) |
module |
Returns a transformation... |
AsRaw (Value) |
plugin |
Returns a value as a... |
Assert (Test) |
module |
Assets (EX9.Texture Source) |
module |
Read texture files from... |
unc |
AssignController (Box2d) |
plugin |
Assign a controller to a... |
vux |
AsString (Color Hex) |
native |
Converts a color into... |
vvvv group |
AsString (Color) |
module |
Returns a String that... |
vvvv group |
AsString (EX9.Texture Legacy) |
native |
Converts the connected... |
vvvv group |
AsString (EX9.Texture) |
native |
Converts the connected... |
vvvv group |
AsString (Object) |
plugin |
AsString (Photoshop) |
module |
Returns a string from... |
vvvv group |
AsString (Raw) |
native |
Decodes a sequence of... |
vvvv group |
AsString (SVG) |
plugin |
Writes an SVG document... |
AsString (Value) |
native |
Converts a value with a... |
vvvv group |
AsSVG (String) |
plugin |
Reads an XML string and... |
AsTexture (Photoshop Pixmap) |
module |
Returns a texture from... |
vvvv group |
AsTexture (Photoshop) |
module |
Returns a texture from... |
vvvv group |
AsTexture (Raw) |
plugin |
Interprets a sequence of... |
AsTransform (Raw) |
module |
Interprets a sequence of... |
AsValue (Raw) |
plugin |
Interprets a sequence of... |
AsValue (String) |
native |
Converts a string to a... |
vvvv group |
AsVideo (EX9.Texture) |
native |
Create DirectShow video... |
vvvv group |
AsXElement (JSON) |
plugin |
Reads a JSON string as... |
herbst |
AsXElement (PolygonEditor) |
module |
AsXElement (XML) |
plugin |
Attractor (2d) |
native |
shifts the x and y... |
vvvv group |
Attractor (Value Self) |
native |
each value influences... |
vvvv group |
Attractor (Value) |
native |
distorts the input at... |
vvvv group |
Attractor3d (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
example shader using... |
fibo |
AttractorSpread (Spreads) |
native |
Strange Attractor. |
vvvv group |
Attribute (XElement Join) |
plugin |
Attribute (XElement Split) |
plugin |
Attribute (XML Join) |
plugin |
Attribute (XML Split) |
plugin |
Attributes (File) |
plugin |
gets and sets file... |
woei |
AudioAnalysis (DShow9) |
module |
module to analyze the... |
tonfilm |
AudioIn (Bass Asio) |
plugin |
Input node for bass asio |
vux |
AudioIn (DShow9) |
native |
Gets an audio signal... |
vvvv group |
AudioMixer (System Legacy) |
native |
Controls the line out... |
vvvv group |
AudioMixer (System) |
native |
Controls the line out... |
vvvv group |
AudioOut (Bass Asio) |
plugin |
Output node for bass asio |
vux |
AudioOut (Bass) |
plugin |
Audio out only for WDM... |
vux |
AudioOut (DShow9) |
native |
Renders an audio stream... |
vvvv group |
AudioRecordSelector (System Legacy) |
native |
Controls the recording... |
vvvv group |
AudioRecordSelector (System) |
native |
Controls the recording... |
vvvv group |
AutoColor (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Automatic brightness... |
unc |
Automata (Animation Legacy) |
native |
vvvv group |
Automata (Animation) |
native |
Write a program in a... |
vvvv group |
AutoSkinWeights (Skeleton) |
plugin |
AutoSkinWeights |
Matthias Zauner |
AutoWah (Bass) |
plugin |
Auto Wah DSP for a stream |
vux |
Average (EX9.Texture Analysis) |
module |
track by color |
unc |
AviParser (EX9.Texture) |
native |
Reads some info... |
vvvv group |
AvoidEmpty (String) |
module |
AvoidNIL (Color) |
module |
Replaces an empty color... |
kalle |
AvoidNIL (Node) |
module |
Replaces an empty node-... |
AvoidNIL (Spreads) |
module |
Replaces an empty value... |
kalle |
AvoidNIL (String) |
module |
Replaces an empty string... |
kalle |
AvoidSpecialNumbers (Value) |
plugin |
Outputs the last &... |
Axis (DX9) |
module |
draw three axis and... |
vvvv group |
AxisAndGrid (DX9 2d) |
module |
Draws the XY-plane and... |
AxisAndGrid (DX9 Legacy) |
module |
Draws the XZ-plane and... |
vvvv group |
AxisAndGrid (DX9) |
module |
Draws the XZ-plane and... |
vvvv group |
AxisAngle (Quaternion Get Vector) |
native |
quaternion ->... |
vvvv group |
AxisAngle (Quaternion Get) |
native |
quaternion ->... |
vvvv group |
AxisAngle (Quaternion Set Vector) |
native |
rotation around an axis... |
vvvv group |
AxisAngle (Quaternion Set) |
native |
rotation around an axis... |
vvvv group |
B-Spline (2d) |
module |
Samples a 2D B-Spline... |
B-Spline (3D Surface Normals) |
module |
Outputs a B-Spline... |
vvvv group |
B-Spline (3D Surface) |
module |
Returns the Points for a... |
vvvv group |
B-Spline (3D Wryly OldSchool) |
module |
vvvv group |
B-Spline (3D Wryly) |
module |
Sample a special B-... |
vvvv group |
B-Spline (3D) |
module |
Samples a 3D B-Spline... |
vvvv group |
B-Spline (Value) |
native |
retrieves a point on a B... |
vvvv group |
Background (EX9) |
module |
Simple background layer... |
unc |
Background (EX9.Layer) |
module |
Simple background layer... |
unc |
BackgroundSubtraction (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Alpha based on... |
unc |
BandedSwirl (EX9.Texture Mixer) |
module |
lecloneur |
Barcode1d (Spreads) |
native |
Creates geometry... |
vvvv group |
BarcodeReader (String) |
vl |
Reads various 1d and 2d... |
vvvv group |
BarSpread (Spreads Legacy) |
module |
BarSpread (Spreads) |
native |
returns 1 for all slices... |
vvvv group |
BeatDetector (Bass) |
plugin |
Outputs a boang on each... |
vux |
BeatDetector (Value) |
module |
Detects beats in a... |
tonfilm |
BeatScanner (Bass) |
plugin |
Scans file(s) for Beats... |
vux |
Beep (Windows) |
native |
Calls the windows-api... |
vvvv group |
Bell (Devices TAPI) |
native |
Rings the bell on any... |
vvvv group |
BezierEditor (2d) |
module |
Editor for 2D bézier... |
vvvv group |
BezierEditor (3d) |
module |
Editor for 3D bézier... |
vvvv group |
BezierEditor (EditingFramework 2d Internal) |
vl |
BezierEditor (EditingFramework 3d Internal) |
vl |
BezierEditorControls (EditingFramework Internal) |
vl |
BezierEditorState (EditingFramework 2d Boygroup) |
module |
BezierEditorState (EditingFramework 3d Boygroup) |
module |
BezierEditorState (EditingFramework Join 2d Internal) |
vl |
BezierEditorState (EditingFramework Join 3d Internal) |
vl |
BezierEditorState (EditingFramework Split 2d) |
vl |
BezierEditorState (EditingFramework Split 3d) |
vl |
BezierEditorView (DX11 2d) |
module |
BezierEditorView (DX11 3d) |
module |
BezierEditorView (DX11 Internal) |
module |
BezierEditorView (DX9 2d) |
module |
BezierEditorView (DX9 3d) |
module |
BezierEditorView (DX9 Internal) |
module |
BezierKnot (2d Join Controls) |
vl |
BezierKnot (2d Join) |
vl |
BezierKnot (2d Split) |
vl |
BezierKnot (3d Join Controls) |
vl |
BezierKnot (3d Join) |
vl |
BezierKnot (3d Split) |
vl |
BézierLine (GDI) |
native |
draws bézier curves in... |
vvvv group |
BézierLoop (GDI) |
native |
draws closed bézier... |
vvvv group |
BezierPatch (BezierPatch Join) |
vl |
BezierPatch (BezierPatch Split) |
vl |
BezierPatch (EX9.Geometry 2d) |
module |
Lets you generate a grid... |
vvvv group |
BezierPatch (EX9.Geometry 3d) |
module |
Lets you generate a grid... |
vvvv group |
BezierPatchEditor (2d) |
module |
Editor for modifying a... |
vvvv group |
BezierPatchEditor (3d) |
module |
Editor for modifying a... |
vvvv group |
BezierPatchSpread (BezierPatch) |
vl |
BezierSegment (BezierSegment 2d Join) |
vl |
BezierSegment (BezierSegment 2d Split) |
vl |
BezierSegment (BezierSegment 3d Join) |
vl |
BezierSegment (BezierSegment 3d Split) |
vl |
BezierSegmentSpread (BezierSegment 2d) |
vl |
BezierSegmentSpread (BezierSegment 3d) |
vl |
BezierSpline (2d Join) |
vl |
BezierSpline (2d Split) |
vl |
BezierSpline (3d Join) |
vl |
BezierSpline (3d Split) |
vl |
BézierSpline (Value) |
plugin |
woei |
BezierSplineView (DX11 2d) |
module |
BezierSplineView (DX11 3d) |
module |
BezierSplineView (DX9 2d) |
module |
BezierSplineView (DX9 3d) |
module |
BezierSpread (2d BezierSpline) |
vl |
BezierSpread (3d BezierSpline) |
vl |
BézierSpread (Spreads Advanced) |
plugin |
woei |
BézierSpread (Spreads) |
native |
resamples the incoming... |
vvvv group |
Bicubic (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
high quality texture... |
tonfilm |
Bilerp (2d) |
plugin |
2D linear interpolation |
tonfilm |
Bilerp (Transform) |
plugin |
builds a 4x4 matrix to... |
tonfilm |
Billboard (Transform) |
native |
Rotates towards camera.... |
vvvv group |
Bit (Value) |
module |
extract the individual... |
vvvv group |
Bjorklund (Collections) |
vl |
vvvv group |
Blackbox (VVVV) |
native |
State of vvvv in... |
vvvv group |
Blend (Color) |
native |
Blends from one input to... |
vvvv group |
Blend (EX9.RenderState Advanced) |
native |
Set the blending mode of... |
vvvv group |
Blend (EX9.RenderState) |
native |
Set the blending mode of... |
vvvv group |
Blend (EX9.Texture Mixer) |
module |
Blend two textures |
unc |
Blinds (EX9.Texture Mixer) |
module |
lecloneur |
Blinker (Animation) |
native |
generates various... |
vvvv group |
Blobs (EX9.Texture Source) |
module |
Metaballs generator |
unc |
Blood (EX9.Texture Mixer) |
module |
lecloneur |
Blur (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Fast texture blur |
unc |
BlurDirectional (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Directional blur |
unc |
BlurFlow (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Flow blur |
unc |
BlurGlow (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Blur used in Glow effect |
unc |
BlurPerfector (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Smart blur |
unc |
BlurRadial (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Radial blur |
unc |
BlurRadial3D (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
RadialBlur with center... |
unc |
BlurWarp (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Warp blur |
unc |
BoardConfig (Firmata) |
module |
Defines a configuration... |
Body (ODE) |
native |
a movable body in the... |
vvvv group |
Bone (Leap) |
vl |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
Bone (Transform LookAt Vector) |
module |
Helps you to build... |
vvvv group |
Bone (Transform Vector Legacy) |
module |
Bone (Transform Vector) |
module |
Helps you to build... |
vvvv group |
Boost (VVVV) |
native |
Sets vvvv´s priority in... |
vvvv group |
BoundingBox (EX9.Geometry Mesh) |
native |
Outputs bounding box of... |
vvvv group |
BoundingBox (PolygonEditor DX9) |
module |
draws a Bounding Box... |
dominikKoller |
Bounds (Spectral Advanced) |
plugin |
Bounds (Spectral) with... |
woei |
Bounds (Spectral Vector) |
plugin |
Bounds (Spectral) with... |
woei |
Bounds (Spectral) |
native |
Returns minimum, maximum... |
vvvv group |
BoundsResize (PolygonEditor Internal) |
module |
dominikKoller |
BoundsResize (PolygonEditor) |
module |
dominikKoller |
Box (Box2d) |
plugin |
Box2d Box Shape... |
vux |
Box (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
vux |
Box (Bullet) |
plugin |
vux |
Box (EX9.Geometry) |
native |
vvvv group |
Box (ODE) |
native |
a geom in the ODE space |
vvvv group |
BoxDynamic (ODE) |
module |
dynamic ode box |
tonfilm |
BoxStatic (ODE) |
module |
static ode box |
tonfilm |
Boygroup (VVVV Client) |
native |
information for the... |
vvvv group |
Boygroup (VVVV Server) |
native |
defines the render... |
vvvv group |
Brake (Bullet Vehicle DX9) |
plugin |
Drives Bullet Vehicle |
vux |
Brake (Bullet Vehicle) |
plugin |
Drives Bullet Vehicle |
vux |
Browser (Devices TobiiEyetracker) |
plugin |
TobiiEyetracker Browser... |
niggos, phlegma |
Brush (EX9.Texture Source) |
module |
Simple brush |
unc |
BubbleNoise (EX9.Texture Source) |
module |
Bubble noise generator |
Stefan Gustavson |
Buffer (Color) |
plugin |
Inserts the input at the... |
Buffer (Enumerations) |
plugin |
Inserts the input at the... |
Buffer (EX9.Texture) |
native |
Inserts new texture at... |
vvvv group |
Buffer (Raw) |
plugin |
Inserts the input at the... |
Buffer (Spreads) |
plugin |
Inserts the input at the... |
Buffer (String) |
plugin |
Inserts the input at the... |
Buffer (Transform) |
plugin |
Inserts the input at the... |
Buffer (XElement Attribute) |
plugin |
Inserts the input at the... |
Buffer (XElement Document) |
plugin |
Inserts the input at the... |
Buffer (XElement) |
plugin |
Inserts the input at the... |
Bump (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Simulate bumpmapping on... |
unc |
Buoyancy (Box2d Controller) |
plugin |
Box2d Constant Force... |
vux |
Button (3d Mesh Legacy) |
module |
Checks if the cursor if... |
vvvv group |
Button (3d Mesh Multitouch) |
module |
Checks if one or more... |
motzi |
Button (3d Mesh) |
module |
Checks if the cursor if... |
vvvv group |
Button (3d Quad Legacy) |
module |
Checks if the cursor if... |
vvvv group |
Button (3d Quad Multitouch) |
module |
Checks if one or more... |
motzi |
Button (3d Quad) |
module |
Checks if the cursor if... |
vvvv group |
Bvh (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
vux |
Bvh (Bullet) |
plugin |
vux |
Byte (String) |
native |
Returns the given string... |
vvvv group |
Calibration (Devices TobiiEyetracker) |
plugin |
Calibration for Tobii... |
niggos, phlegma |
Calibration (TheEyeTribe) |
vl |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
Camera (Assimp Transform DX9) |
plugin |
vux, flateric |
Camera (Assimp Transform) |
plugin |
vux,flateric |
Camera (EditingFramework 2d Internal) |
vl |
vvvv group |
Camera (EditingFramework 3d Internal) |
vl |
vvvv group |
Camera (EX9.Geometry Collada) |
plugin |
Returns view and... |
vvvv group |
Camera (SVG Join) |
plugin |
Sets the visible... |
Camera (SVG Split) |
plugin |
Returns the values of... |
Camera (Transform 2d Legacy) |
module |
Easy to use virtual... |
vvvv group |
Camera (Transform 2d) |
module |
Interactive camera for... |
vvvv group |
Camera (Transform Collada) |
plugin |
Returns view and... |
vvvv group |
Camera (Transform Orbit Legacy) |
module |
orbit camera transform... |
dottore |
Camera (Transform Orbit) |
module |
Interactive camera for... |
vvvv group |
Camera (Transform Softimage Legacy) |
module |
move your camera with... |
vvvv group |
Camera (Transform Softimage) |
module |
Interactive camera for... |
vvvv group |
CameraCone (EX9) |
module |
Visualizes the cone of a... |
vvvv group |
CameraMotionBlur (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Camera-only motionblur,... |
unc |
CameraPreview (EX9) |
module |
Visualizes the cone of a... |
vvvv group |
CameraPreview (Transform DX9) |
module |
draws a camera'... |
elliot woods |
CameraState (EditingFramework Join 2d Internal) |
vl |
vvvv group |
CameraState (EditingFramework Join 3d Internal) |
vl |
vvvv group |
CameraState (EditingFramework Split 2d) |
vl |
vvvv group |
CameraState (EditingFramework Split 3d) |
vl |
vvvv group |
CameraState (Transform Collada) |
plugin |
Returns view and... |
vvvv group |
CamShiftTracker (FreeFrame DShow9) |
freeframe |
CapabilityDecoder (Firmata Internal) |
vl |
CapabilityQuery (Firmata) |
vl |
Encodes Capability Query. |
CapabilityResponse (Firmata) |
module |
Decodes Capability... |
Caps (String) |
native |
Changes the... |
vvvv group |
CAR (Color Bin) |
plugin |
CAR (Color) with bin size |
woei |
CAR (Color) |
native |
Splits the spread into... |
vvvv group |
CAR (Enumerations Bin) |
plugin |
Splits the spread into... |
woei |
CAR (Raw Bin) |
plugin |
Splits the spread into... |
woei |
CAR (Spreads Advanced) |
plugin |
CAR (Spreads) with bin... |
woei |
CAR (Spreads Vector) |
plugin |
CAR (Spreads) with bin... |
woei |
CAR (Spreads) |
native |
Splits the spread into... |
vvvv group |
CAR (String Bin) |
plugin |
CAR (String) with bin... |
woei |
CAR (String) |
native |
Splits the spread into... |
vvvv group |
CAR (Transform Bin) |
plugin |
Splits the spread into... |
woei |
CAR (XElement Attribute Bin) |
plugin |
Splits a given spread... |
woei |
CAR (XElement Bin) |
plugin |
Splits a given spread... |
woei |
CAR (XElement Document Bin) |
plugin |
Splits a given spread... |
woei |
Cartesian (2d Vector) |
native |
Returns cartesian... |
vvvv group |
Cartesian (2d) |
native |
Returns cartesian... |
vvvv group |
Cartesian (3d Vector) |
native |
Returns cartesian... |
vvvv group |
Cartesian (3d) |
native |
Returns cartesian... |
vvvv group |
Cartoon (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Simple cartoon-like... |
unc |
Case (Value) |
plugin |
Routes different inputs... |
woei |
Cast (XElement Attribute) |
plugin |
Casts any type to a type... |
Cast (XElement Document) |
plugin |
Casts any type to a type... |
Cast (XElement) |
plugin |
Casts any type to a type... |
CCylinder (ODE) |
native |
a geom in the ODE space |
vvvv group |
CDR (Color Bin) |
plugin |
CDR (Color) with bin size |
woei |
CDR (Color) |
native |
Splits the spread into... |
vvvv group |
CDR (Enumerations Bin) |
plugin |
Splits the spread into... |
woei |
CDR (Raw Bin) |
plugin |
Splits the spread into... |
woei |
CDR (Spreads Advanced) |
plugin |
CDR (Spreads) with bin... |
woei |
CDR (Spreads Vector) |
plugin |
CDR (Spreads) with bin... |
woei |
CDR (Spreads) |
native |
Splits the spread into... |
vvvv group |
CDR (String Bin) |
plugin |
CDR (String) with bin... |
woei |
CDR (String) |
native |
Splits the spread into... |
vvvv group |
CDR (Transform Bin) |
plugin |
Splits the spread into... |
woei |
CDR (XElement Attribute Bin) |
plugin |
Splits a given spread... |
woei |
CDR (XElement Bin) |
plugin |
Splits a given spread... |
woei |
CDR (XElement Document Bin) |
plugin |
Splits a given spread... |
woei |
Centroid (2d) |
module |
Returns the center of... |
vvvv group |
Change (Animation Spectral) |
module |
Change (Animation) |
native |
outputs 1 when the input... |
vvvv group |
Change (Color) |
module |
Returns 1 when the input... |
vvvv group |
Change (EX9.Geometry Mesh) |
native |
Outputs 1 when the input... |
vvvv group |
Change (Raw) |
plugin |
Outputs 1 when the input... |
Change (String) |
native |
Returns 1 if the input... |
vvvv group |
ChangeFormat (EX9.Texture) |
module |
Re-render texture with... |
unc |
ChannelData (Bass) |
plugin |
Get Float data samples... |
vux |
CharacterBrightness (String) |
module |
Returns brightness of... |
vvvv group |
Charcoal (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Charcoal effect |
DigitalSlaves |
Cheater (DShow9) |
native |
Converts the... |
vvvv group |
Checksum (String) |
native |
Generates CRC checksums... |
vvvv group |
CheckTangents (DX11.Geometry) |
module |
Chess (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
creates a checkerboard... |
vvvv group |
ChooseBoundsResize (PolygonEditor Internal) |
module |
dominikKoller |
ChooseBoundsResize (PolygonEditor) |
module |
dominikKoller |
Chorus (Bass) |
plugin |
Chorus DSP for a stream |
vux |
ChromaKey (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Chromakey |
catweasel |
Circle (Box2d) |
plugin |
Box2d Circle Shape... |
vux |
Circle (GDI) |
native |
Draws a circle in the... |
vvvv group |
Circle (SVG) |
plugin |
Renders an ellipse into... |
CircleGesture (Leap Legacy) |
plugin |
Returns the tracking... |
CircleGesture (Leap) |
vl |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
CircleReveal (EX9.Texture Mixer) |
module |
lecloneur |
CircleSpread (Spreads 2d) |
vl |
Generates a circle in 2d... |
CircleStretch (EX9.Texture Mixer) |
module |
lecloneur |
CircularSpread (Spreads) |
native |
creates a spread of... |
vvvv group |
Circumference (2d) |
module |
Returns the... |
vvvv group |
Clamp (3d) |
native |
Clamps points into a box. |
vvvv group |
Clean (String Advanced) |
plugin |
Removes given characters... |
Clean (String) |
native |
Removes blank characters... |
vvvv group |
ClientSocket (Network Legacy) |
module |
CliffordAttractor (Animation) |
plugin |
CliffordAttractor |
fibo |
Clip (EX9.RenderState) |
native |
Use this node to control... |
vvvv group |
Clipboard (Windows String Get) |
native |
Outputs the current... |
vvvv group |
Clipboard (Windows String Set) |
native |
Copies a given string to... |
vvvv group |
ClippingEar (2d) |
plugin |
Simple Polygon... |
Clock (Network Boygroup) |
plugin |
Basic template with one... |
Clock (VVVV) |
native |
Configure the clock |
vvvv group |
Clone (Bass) |
plugin |
Clones a channel, so we... |
vux |
ColladaFile (EX9.Geometry) |
plugin |
Loads a COLLADA *.dae... |
vvvv group |
ColorChannel (EX9.RenderState) |
native |
Enables inidividual... |
vvvv group |
Colorize (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Manipulate color channel |
lecloneur |
ColorKey (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Color keying |
unc |
ColorRamp (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Color ramp from control... |
unc |
ColorTracker (FreeFrame DShow9) |
freeframe |
ColorWaveShaper (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
per-pixel WaveShaper |
unc |
Combinations (Color) |
plugin |
Calculates combinations... |
bjo:rn |
Combinations (Enumerations) |
plugin |
Calculates combinations... |
bjo:rn |
Combinations (Raw) |
plugin |
Calculates combinations... |
bjo:rn |
Combinations (Spreads) |
plugin |
Calculates combinations... |
bjo:rn |
Combinations (String) |
plugin |
Calculates combinations... |
bjo:rn |
Combinations (Transform) |
plugin |
Calculates combinations... |
bjo:rn |
Combine (File Path) |
plugin |
combines strings to a... |
woei |
Compare (String) |
native |
Implements a case-... |
vvvv group |
Comparer (2d Angle) |
plugin |
Comparer (2d Length) |
plugin |
Complement (Color) |
native |
Returns the... |
vvvv group |
CompoundShape (Bullet Group DX9) |
plugin |
vux |
CompoundShape (Bullet Group) |
plugin |
vux |
CompoundShape (Bullet Spread DX9) |
plugin |
vux |
CompoundShape (Bullet Spread) |
plugin |
vux |
Compress (DShow9) |
native |
Compresses a DirectShow... |
vvvv group |
Compressor (Bass) |
plugin |
Compressor DSP for a... |
vux |
ConfigSwitcher (Firmata Internal) |
vl |
Conjugate (Complex) |
native |
Returns the Conjugate of... |
vvvv group |
Conjugate (Quaternion) |
plugin |
vux |
Connect (2d) |
native |
connect the points in... |
vvvv group |
Connect (Spreads) |
plugin |
Connect n-dimensional... |
woei |
Connect2d (Facebook) |
plugin |
Connects List of friends... |
ConnectAll (2d) |
native |
connect all points with... |
vvvv group |
ConnectAll (3d Vector) |
plugin |
Connect all points |
fibo |
Cons (2d) |
plugin |
Concatenates all input... |
Cons (3d) |
plugin |
Concatenates all input... |
Cons (4d) |
plugin |
Concatenates all input... |
Cons (Color Legacy) |
native |
Concatenates all... |
vvvv group |
Cons (Color) |
plugin |
Concatenates all Input... |
Cons (Enumerations) |
plugin |
Concatenates all Input... |
Cons (EX9.Texture) |
native |
Concatenates all Input... |
vvvv group |
Cons (Firmata) |
vl |
Concatenates AnalogWrite... |
Cons (Raw) |
plugin |
Concatenates all Input... |
Cons (Spreads Legacy) |
native |
Concatenates all... |
vvvv group |
Cons (Spreads) |
plugin |
Concatenates all input... |
Cons (String Legacy) |
native |
Concatenates all... |
vvvv group |
Cons (String) |
plugin |
Concatenates all Input... |
Cons (Transform) |
plugin |
Concatenates all Input... |
Cons (XElement Attribute) |
plugin |
Concatenates all Input... |
Cons (XElement Document) |
plugin |
Concatenates all Input... |
Cons (XElement) |
plugin |
Concatenates all Input... |
Constant (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
Draws a mesh with a... |
vvvv group |
ConstantAcceleration (Box2d Controller) |
plugin |
Box2d Constant... |
vux |
ConstantForce (Box2d Controller) |
plugin |
Box2d Constant Force... |
vux |
ConstantOnScreen (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
Draws an object in... |
vvvv group |
ConstantVC (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
Draws a mesh with a... |
vvvv group |
ConstantVCWrapU (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
Draws a mesh with a... |
vvvv group |
ConstantVP (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
Draws a mesh with a... |
vvvv group |
ConstantWrap (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
Draws a mesh with a... |
vvvv group |
ConstantWrapped (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
draws a mesh with a... |
vvvv group |
Constant_2.0 (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
draws a mesh with a... |
vvvv group |
Contour (FreeFrame DShow9) |
freeframe |
Convert (String Legacy) |
native |
Convert strings between... |
vvvv group |
Convert (String) |
native |
Convert strings between... |
vvvv group |
ConvexHull (2d) |
native |
find the hull... |
vvvv group |
ConvexHull (3d) |
plugin |
Convex Hull 3d (... |
vux |
ConvexHull (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
vux |
ConvexHull (Bullet SoftShape DX9) |
plugin |
vux |
ConvexHull (Bullet SoftShape) |
plugin |
vux |
ConvexHull (Bullet) |
plugin |
vux |
Convolution (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Convolution kernel filter |
unc |
Copier (File Async Legacy) |
native |
Copies a spread of files... |
vvvv group |
Copier (File Async) |
plugin |
Copies a spread of files... |
Copier (File) |
native |
Copies a file or a... |
vvvv group |
Copy (String) |
native |
Returns substrings... |
vvvv group |
Count (2d) |
module |
Returns the number of... |
vvvv group |
Count (3d) |
module |
Returns the number of... |
vvvv group |
Count (Color) |
native |
Returns the number of... |
vvvv group |
Count (Enumerations) |
native |
Returns the number of... |
vvvv group |
Count (EX9.Geometry Mesh) |
native |
Outputs number of... |
vvvv group |
Count (Node) |
native |
Returns the number of... |
vvvv group |
Count (String) |
native |
Returns the number of... |
vvvv group |
Count (Value) |
native |
Returns the number of... |
vvvv group |
Counter (Animation Legacy) |
native |
counts upwards and... |
vvvv group |
Counter (Animation Raster) |
native |
counts upwards and... |
vvvv group |
Counter (Animation) |
native |
counts upwards and... |
vvvv group |
CountIndices (Spreads) |
native |
count the occurences of... |
vvvv group |
CPULoad (Debug) |
native |
outputs the current cpu... |
vvvv group |
CR (String) |
module |
CarriageReturn character |
vvvv group |
CreateBody (Box2d) |
plugin |
Creates box2d body |
vux |
CreateBody (Box2d.Persist) |
plugin |
Creates box2d body and... |
vux |
CreateDefault (DirectX.DynamicBufferDescription) |
vl |
vvvv group |
CreateDefault (DirectX.DynamicRawBufferDescription) |
vl |
vvvv group |
CreateDistanceJoint (Box2d) |
plugin |
Creates a distance joint... |
vux |
CreateEnum (Enumerations) |
native |
vvvv group |
CreateJoint (Skeleton) |
plugin |
CreateJoint |
Matthias Zauner |
CreateLineJoint (Box2d) |
plugin |
Creates a line joint... |
vux |
CreateMouseJoint (Box2d) |
plugin |
Creates a mouse joint... |
vux |
CreateNode (VVVV) |
native |
Creates and replaces... |
vvvv group |
CreatePrismaticJoint (Box2d) |
plugin |
Creates a revolute joint... |
vux |
CreatePulleyJoint (Box2d) |
plugin |
Creates a distance joint... |
vux |
CreateRevoluteJoint (Box2d) |
plugin |
Creates a revolute joint... |
vux |
CreateRigidBody (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
Creates a rigid body |
vux |
CreateRigidBody (Bullet Persist DX9) |
plugin |
Creates a rigid body,... |
vux |
CreateRigidBody (Bullet Persist) |
plugin |
Creates a rigid body,... |
vux |
CreateRigidBody (Bullet) |
plugin |
Creates a rigid body |
vux |
CreateShape (Box2d) |
plugin |
Creates box2d shape in... |
vux |
CreateSoftBody (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
Creates a soft body |
vux |
CreateSoftBody (Bullet) |
plugin |
Creates a soft body |
vux |
CreateVehicle (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
Creates a vehicle |
vux |
CreateVehicle (Bullet) |
plugin |
Creates a vehicle |
vux |
CRLF (String) |
module |
CarriageReturn+LineFeed... |
vvvv group |
Crop (DShow9 Meraka) |
native |
Crops RGB24 DirectShow... |
vvvv group |
Crop (EX9.Texture) |
module |
Texture canvas resizing... |
unc |
Cross (2d Bin) |
module |
Returns all combinations... |
vvvv group |
Cross (2d) |
native |
Returns all combinations... |
vvvv group |
Cross (3d) |
native |
Returns all combinations... |
vvvv group |
Cross (Spectral legacy) |
plugin |
Cross n-dimensional with... |
woei |
Cross (Spectral) |
plugin |
Cross n-dimensional with... |
woei |
CrossStitching (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Cross Stitching generator |
lecloneur |
CrossToCube (EX9.Texture) |
module |
Convert 2d texture with... |
unc |
Crumble (EX9.Texture Mixer) |
module |
lecloneur |
CubeMap (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
CubeTexture (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
draws a mesh with... |
vvvv group |
CubeToCross (EX9.Texture) |
module |
Unwrap CubeTexture faces... |
unc |
CubeToPano (EX9.Texture) |
module |
Convert CubeTexture to... |
unc |
Cull (EX9.RenderState) |
native |
enables back face culling |
vvvv group |
CurrentTime (Astronomy) |
native |
Outputs current... |
vvvv group |
Cursor (DX11 EditingFramework) |
module |
Draws a cursor into the... |
vvvv group |
Cursor (DX9 Boygrouped Legacy) |
module |
draws a cross-shaped... |
vvvv group |
Cursor (DX9 Boygrouped) |
module |
draws a cross-shaped... |
vvvv group |
Cursor (DX9 Legacy 2) |
module |
draws a cross-shaped... |
vvvv group |
Cursor (DX9 Legacy) |
module |
draws a cross-shaped... |
vvvv group |
Cursor (DX9) |
module |
Cursor (System Legacy) |
native |
Allows to switch off the... |
vvvv group |
Cursor (System) |
native |
Allows to switch off the... |
vvvv group |
CursorType (Enumerations Legacy) |
module |
CursorType (Enumerations) |
module |
CutSpheres (3d Three) |
plugin |
Ouputs the 2 points as... |
vvvv group |
Cycles (Value Degrees) |
module |
Converts degrees to... |
vvvv group |
Cycles (Value Radians) |
module |
Converts radians to... |
vvvv group |
Cylinder (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
vux |
Cylinder (Bullet) |
plugin |
vux |
Cylinder (DX9) |
module |
cylinder built out of... |
vvvv group |
Cylinder (EX9.Geometry) |
native |
vvvv group |
Cylinder (ODE) |
native |
a geom in the ODE space |
vvvv group |
CylinderDynamic (ODE) |
module |
dynamic ode cylinder |
tonfilm |
CylinderStatic (ODE) |
module |
static ode cylinder |
tonfilm |
Damper (Animation Jump) |
module |
Just like the lovely... |
vvvv group |
Damper (Animation) |
native |
Applies a force to the... |
vvvv group |
Database (MySQL Network) |
plugin |
MySQL connection |
vux |
Database (Odbc Network) |
plugin |
ODBC connection |
vux |
Database (OleDb Network) |
plugin |
OleDb connection |
vux |
Database (PostgreSQL Network) |
plugin |
PostgreSQL connection |
vux |
Database (SQL Server Network) |
plugin |
SQL Server connection |
vux |
Database (SQLite Network) |
plugin |
SQLite connection |
vux |
Database (SQLServer Network) |
plugin |
SQL Server connection |
vux |
Date (Astronomy) |
plugin |
Returns the current date... |
phlegma |
DebugReporter (Firmata Internal) |
vl |
Decay (Animation) |
native |
follows the input value... |
vvvv group |
Decode (Raw Base64) |
plugin |
Decode (String File) |
plugin |
Decodes a file URI... |
Decode (String HTML) |
plugin |
Converts a string that... |
Decode (String URL) |
plugin |
Converts a string that... |
DecodeODETransform (Value ODE) |
module |
helper module for the... |
tonfilm |
Decompose (Transform Quaternion) |
plugin |
Decompose a transform... |
vux |
Decompose (Transform Vector Legacy) |
module |
extracts translational,... |
vvvv group |
Decompose (Transform Vector) |
plugin |
Decomposes a matrix into... |
vvvv group |
DeCons (Color) |
plugin |
Reverse Function to the... |
woei |
DeCons (Enumerations) |
plugin |
Reverse Function to the... |
woei |
DeCons (Spreads) |
plugin |
Reverse Function to the... |
woei |
DeCons (String) |
plugin |
Reverse Function to the... |
woei |
DeCons (Transform) |
plugin |
Reverse Function to the... |
woei |
Decrypt (Raw 3DES) |
plugin |
Decrypts a raw stream... |
DeformByCurve (3D B-Spline) |
module |
Deforms a point cloud at... |
vvvv group |
Degrees (Value Cycles) |
module |
Converts cycles to... |
vvvv group |
Degrees (Value Radians) |
module |
Converts radians to... |
vvvv group |
Delaunay (2d Triangle) |
native |
Connects points using... |
vvvv group |
Delaunay (2d) |
native |
Connects points using... |
vvvv group |
Delaunay (3d) |
plugin |
Delaunay triangulation... |
vux |
Delay (Animation) |
native |
Delays incoming values... |
vvvv group |
DelayRGB (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Framedelay for r,g,b... |
unc |
Delete (MySQL Network) |
plugin |
Delete Data via an MySQL... |
vux |
Delete (MySQL) |
native |
vvvv group |
Delete (Odbc Network) |
plugin |
Delete Data via an ODBC... |
vux |
Delete (OleDb Network) |
plugin |
Delete Data via an... |
vux |
Delete (PostgreSQL Network) |
plugin |
Delete records on a... |
vux |
Delete (SQL Server Network) |
plugin |
SQL Server select object |
vux |
Delete (SQlite Network) |
plugin |
Delete records on a... |
vux |
Delete (SQLServer Network) |
plugin |
SQL Server select object |
vux |
DeleteNode (VVVV) |
native |
Deletes nodes by given... |
vvvv group |
DeleteSlice (Color) |
plugin |
Removes slices from the... |
woei |
DeleteSlice (Enumerations) |
plugin |
Removes slices from the... |
woei |
DeleteSlice (Raw) |
plugin |
Removes slices from the... |
woei |
DeleteSlice (Spreads) |
plugin |
Removes slices from the... |
woei |
DeleteSlice (String) |
plugin |
Removes slices from the... |
woei |
DeleteSlice (Transform) |
plugin |
Removes slices from the... |
woei |
DeleteSlice (XElement Attribute) |
plugin |
Removes slices from the... |
woei |
DeleteSlice (XElement Document) |
plugin |
Removes slices from the... |
woei |
DeleteSlice (XElement) |
plugin |
Removes slices from the... |
woei |
DeNiro (Animation) |
native |
acceleration based... |
vvvv group |
DensitySpread (Spreads) |
module |
creates a spread based... |
vvvv group |
Depth (Kinect Microsoft DX9) |
plugin |
Returns a 16bit depthmap... |
vux |
Depth (Kinect Microsoft) |
plugin |
Returns a 16bit depthmap... |
vux |
Depth (Kinect OpenNI) |
plugin |
Returns a 16bit depthmap... |
Phlegma, joreg |
DepthToWorld (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
INTZ depth to world... |
unc |
DeSerialize (PolygonEditor XElement) |
module |
DestroyBody (Box2d) |
plugin |
Destroys box2d body |
vux |
DestroyBody (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
Destroys an existing... |
vux |
DestroyBody (Bullet) |
plugin |
Destroys an existing... |
vux |
DestroyConstraint (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
vux |
DestroyConstraint (Bullet) |
plugin |
vux |
DestroyJoint (Box2d) |
plugin |
Destroys box2d joint |
vux |
DestroyShape (Box2d) |
plugin |
Box2d Polygon Shape |
vux |
DetectObject (FreeFrame DShow9) |
freeframe |
Device (EX9 Auto) |
native |
Provides a view on all... |
vvvv group |
Device (EX9 Manual) |
native |
Allows you to create... |
vvvv group |
DeviceInfo (Leap) |
vl |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
DFT (Value) |
native |
Compute the Discrete... |
vvvv group |
Dial (Devices Custom) |
native |
used for IAA 2003... |
vvvv group |
Dialog (File Open) |
plugin |
Opens a file dialog (... |
vux, vvvv group |
Dialog (File Save) |
plugin |
Opens a dialog (without... |
vux, vvvv group |
Diff (String) |
native |
Returns an empty string... |
vvvv group |
Differential (Spreads Advanced) |
plugin |
Differential (Spreads)... |
woei |
Differential (Spreads Legacy) |
native |
Calculates the... |
vvvv group |
Differential (Spreads Vector) |
plugin |
Differential (Spreads)... |
woei |
Differential (Spreads) |
plugin |
Calculates the... |
DigitalRead (Firmata) |
vl |
Reads the value from the... |
DigitalWrite (Firmata) |
vl |
Write a HIGH (true) or a... |
Dir (File Advanced) |
plugin |
phlegma |
Dir (File) |
native |
Returns the contents of... |
vvvv group |
Directory (File) |
plugin |
Checks if a directory... |
woei |
Disperse (Spreads) |
plugin |
sequentially increases... |
woei |
Displace (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Displace by map |
unc |
DisplaceEcho (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Displace by map |
unc |
DisplaceMB (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Displace by map with... |
unc |
DisplacementMap (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
DisplacementMap (EX9.Texture Source) |
module |
Displacement Map... |
unc |
Dissolve (EX9.Texture Mixer) |
module |
lecloneur |
Distance (2d) |
module |
Returns the distance... |
vvvv group |
Distance (3d) |
module |
Returns the distance... |
vvvv group |
Distinct (String) |
vl |
Returns a spread... |
Distorsion (Bass) |
plugin |
Distorsion DSP for a... |
vux |
Distort (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Distortion |
unc |
DistortFlow (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Flow distortion |
unc |
Distortion (DShow9) |
native |
Applies a distortion... |
vvvv group |
DistortWarp (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Warp distortion |
unc |
DMX (Devices ecue Butler) |
native |
Sends DMX values to ecue... |
vvvv group |
DMX (Devices ecue Texture) |
native |
Sends textures to ecue... |
vvvv group |
DMX (Devices Soundlight USBDMX) |
native |
Sends data to a DMX... |
vvvv group |
DMX (Devices Sunlite SLESA) |
native |
Sends data to a DMX... |
vvvv group |
DMX (Network Artnet Receiver) |
native |
Receives a DMX universe... |
vvvv group |
DMX (Network Artnet Sender) |
native |
Sends a DMX universe to... |
vvvv group |
Dongle (VVVV) |
native |
Returns whether vvvv is... |
vvvv group |
DoQuit (VVVV) |
native |
Banging this node is the... |
vvvv group |
DotPainter (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Paint with pointsprites |
unc |
Dots (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Dot generator |
unc |
Drag (2d) |
module |
Calculates dragging... |
vvvv group |
Drag (Value) |
module |
DragVertex (PolygonEditor Internal) |
module |
dominikKoller |
DragVertex (PolygonEditor) |
module |
dominikKoller |
DrawFixed (EX9.Effect) |
native |
fixed function pipeline... |
vvvv group |
DrawVertexID (EX9) |
module |
Draws vertex IDs. |
vvvv group |
DropDown (Color) |
plugin |
DropDown Menu for colors |
woei |
DropDown (String) |
plugin |
DropDown Menu for strings |
woei |
DropFade (EX9.Texture Mixer) |
module |
lecloneur |
DropShadow (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Drop shadow from alpha |
unc |
DScaler (DShow9) |
native |
Encapsulates the... |
vvvv group |
DualQuaternion (Quaternion Join) |
plugin |
Transforms a Translate/... |
vux |
DuffingOscillator (Animation) |
plugin |
Implements a... |
fibo |
Dummy (VVVV) |
native |
Represents a missing Node |
vvvv group |
Dump (DShow9) |
native |
Returns the current... |
vvvv group |
DVDPlayer (Devices Pioneer) |
native |
controls Pioneer V7400... |
vvvv group |
DX9Texture (EX9.Texture) |
native |
Allows to use an EX9... |
vvvv group |
DynamicMerge (Differential) |
native |
does a differential... |
vvvv group |
DynamicStream (Bass) |
plugin |
Dynamic Stream for Bass... |
vux |
DynamicTexture (EX9.Texture Color) |
native |
Creates a texture... |
vvvv group |
DynamicTexture (EX9.Texture Raw) |
native |
Creates a texture from a... |
vvvv group |
DynamicTexture (EX9.Texture String Legacy) |
module |
DynamicTexture (EX9.Texture String) |
native |
Creates a texture from a... |
vvvv group |
DynamicTexture (EX9.Texture Value) |
native |
Creates a texture... |
vvvv group |
Echo (Bass) |
plugin |
Echo DSP for a stream |
vux |
Echo (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Texture echo/feedback |
unc |
Edge (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Edgedetection / advanced... |
unc |
EdgeChain (Box2d) |
plugin |
Box2d Edge Chain... |
vux |
EdgeGlow (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Glowing outline/edge |
unc |
EditableBezierKnot (EditingFramework Join 2d Controls) |
vl |
EditableBezierKnot (EditingFramework Join 2d) |
vl |
EditableBezierKnot (EditingFramework Join 3d Controls) |
vl |
EditableBezierKnot (EditingFramework Join 3d) |
vl |
EditableBezierKnot (EditingFramework Split 2d) |
vl |
EditableBezierKnot (EditingFramework Split 3d) |
vl |
EditablePoint (EditingFramework 3dFrom2d Internal) |
vl |
EditablePoint (EditingFramework Join 2d) |
vl |
EditablePoint (EditingFramework Join 3d) |
vl |
EditablePoint (EditingFramework Split 2d) |
vl |
EditablePoint (EditingFramework Split 3d) |
vl |
EisensteinPrimes (Spreads) |
plugin |
Eisenstein's... |
fibo |
Eject (Windows) |
native |
Open and Close a CD/DVD... |
vvvv group |
Elektricity (EX9.Texture Source) |
module |
Electricity generator |
lecloneur |
Element (XElement Join) |
plugin |
Element (XElement Split) |
plugin |
Element (XML Join) |
plugin |
Element (XML Split) |
plugin |
Ellipsis (String) |
module |
Clips the string to the... |
vvvv group |
Ellipsoid (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
vux |
Ellipsoid (Bullet) |
plugin |
vux |
Emboss (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Bump map / Emboss |
unc |
Encode (String Base64) |
plugin |
Encode (String File) |
plugin |
Encodes a file path... |
Encode (String HTML Attribute) |
plugin |
Minimally converts a... |
Encode (String HTML) |
plugin |
Converts a string to an... |
Encode (String URL) |
plugin |
Encodes a URL string. |
EncodeODETransform (Value ODE) |
module |
helper module for the... |
tonfilm |
Encoder (Devices Phidget) |
plugin |
Sends the movement and... |
Phlegma |
Encrypt (Raw 3DES) |
plugin |
Encrypts a raw stream... |
eNet (Devices ecue Config) |
native |
Sets the Nic IP the ecue... |
vvvv group |
eNet (Devices ecue Info) |
native |
Shows ecue devices that... |
vvvv group |
EngineForce (Bullet Vehicle DX9) |
plugin |
Drives Bullet Vehicle |
vux |
EngineForce (Bullet Vehicle) |
plugin |
Drives Bullet Vehicle |
vux |
Enqueue (Raw) |
vl |
Entry2String (Enumerations) |
plugin |
Returns all entries of a... |
Enum2Ord (Enumerations Explicit) |
native |
Converts an enumerated... |
vvvv group |
Enum2Ord (Enumerations) |
native |
Converts an enumerated... |
vvvv group |
Enum2String (Enumerations Explicit) |
native |
Converts an enumerated... |
vvvv group |
Enum2String (Enumerations) |
native |
Converts an enumerated... |
vvvv group |
Epsilon (Value) |
module |
Outputs the smallest... |
vvvv group |
Equals (XElement Attribute) |
plugin |
returns true if the... |
Equals (XElement Document) |
plugin |
returns true if the... |
Equals (XElement) |
plugin |
returns true if the... |
Escape (String MySQL) |
module |
Creates a valid MySQL... |
vvvv group |
Euler (Quaternion Set Vector) |
native |
pitch yaw roll ->... |
vvvv group |
Euler (Quaternion Set) |
native |
pitch yaw roll ->... |
vvvv group |
Except (String) |
vl |
Returns a spread... |
ExecBatch (MySQL) |
native |
vvvv group |
Exists (File) |
native |
Checks if a certain file... |
vvvv group |
Exp (Complex) |
native |
Returns the Exp of the... |
vvvv group |
Exp (Quaternion) |
plugin |
The quaternion... |
fibo |
Expr (Value Advanced) |
plugin |
Auto compiled version of... |
vux |
Expr (Value Legacy) |
native |
Parses a mathematical... |
vvvv group |
Expr (Value) |
native |
Parses a mathematical... |
vvvv group |
EyeTracker (Devices TheEyeTribe) |
vl |
Provides access to the... |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
Eyetracker (Devices TobiiEyetracker) |
plugin |
Tobii Eyetracker Node |
niggos, phlegma |
Face (Kinect Microsoft DX9) |
plugin |
Returns detailed 2D and... |
vux |
Face (Kinect Microsoft) |
plugin |
Returns detailed 2D and... |
vux |
FaderBox (Devices CM MotorMix) |
native |
controller node for the... |
vvvv group |
FaderBox (Devices Peavey FaderMaster) |
native |
Set controller to... |
vvvv group |
FFT (Bass NRT) |
plugin |
Non real time FFT Data |
FFT (Bass) |
plugin |
Get FFT data from a... |
vux |
FFT (DShow9 4Channels Win7) |
module |
FFT outputting 4Channels... |
tonfilm |
FFT (DShow9 4Channels WinXP legacy) |
module |
FFT outputting 4Channels... |
tonfilm |
FFT (DShow9 4Channels WinXP) |
module |
FFT outputting 4Channels... |
tonfilm |
FFT (DShow9 4Channels) |
module |
FFT outputting 4Channels... |
tonfilm |
FFT (DShow9) |
native |
gets a spread with a FFT... |
vvvv group |
Fibo (Spreads) |
plugin |
Computes Fibonacci&... |
fibo |
FiducialTracker (FreeFrame DShow9) |
freeframe |
FileName (File Split) |
native |
Splits a filename into... |
vvvv group |
FileStream (Bass) |
plugin |
Bass API File Stream Node |
vux |
FileStream (DShow9 Boygroup) |
module |
FileStream (DShow9 Local Master) |
module |
Reads DirectShow stream... |
FileStream (DShow9 Local Slave) |
module |
Reads a DirectShow... |
FileStream (DShow9) |
native |
Reads a DirectShow... |
vvvv group |
FileStream (EX9.Texture VLC) |
plugin |
Fully spreadeble video/... |
ft |
FileStream (Irrklang) |
plugin |
Irrklang Gamesound Engine |
sanch, phlegma, readme |
FileStream2 (DShow9 Boygroup) |
module |
FileStream2 (DShow9) |
native |
Reads a DirectShow... |
vvvv group |
FileTexture (EX9.Texture) |
native |
allows image files to be... |
vvvv group |
Fill (EX9.RenderState) |
native |
Set fill mode to solid,... |
vvvv group |
Filter (EX9.SamplerState) |
native |
Setting texture filtering |
vvvv group |
Finally (VVVV) |
native |
Prevents the program... |
vvvv group |
Find (String) |
native |
Returns the number of... |
vvvv group |
Finder (HDE) |
plugin |
Finds Nodes, Comments... |
vvvv group |
Finder (VVVV) |
plugin |
Finds Nodes, Comments,... |
vvvv group |
Finger (Leap) |
vl |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
FirmataBoard (Devices) |
module |
Communicates with a... |
FirmataBoard (Firmata Internal) |
vl |
FirmataConfig (Firmata Internal) |
vl |
FirmataDecode (Devices 2.x Legacy) |
plugin |
Decodes the firmata... |
jens a. ewald |
FirmataDecode (Devices 2.x Legacy2) |
plugin |
Decodes the firmata... |
jens a. ewald |
FirmataDecode (Devices 2.x) |
plugin |
Decodes the firmata... |
jens a. ewald |
FirmataDecoder (Firmata) |
vl |
FirmataEncode (Devices 2.x Legacy) |
plugin |
Encodes pins, values and... |
jens a. ewald |
FirmataEncode (Devices 2.x Legacy2) |
plugin |
Encodes pins, values and... |
jens a. ewald |
FirmataEncode (Devices 2.x) |
plugin |
Encodes pins, values and... |
jens a. ewald |
FirmataEncoder (Firmata) |
vl |
FirmwareDecoder (Firmata Internal) |
vl |
Decodes Firmware Report... |
FirmwareQuery (Firmata) |
vl |
Encodes Firmware Query. |
FirmwareResponse (Firmata) |
module |
Decodes Firmware... |
FitCircle (2d) |
plugin |
Least Square fitting... |
vux |
FitEllipse (2d OpenCV) |
plugin |
Ellipse that fits best a... |
vux |
Flanger (Bass) |
plugin |
Flanger DSP for a stream |
vux |
Flash (EX9) |
plugin |
Renders the Surface of a... |
chrismo |
FlatCameraControls (EditingFramework) |
vl |
vvvv group |
FlatDirectional (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
Basic vertex based flat... |
vvvv group |
FlatPoint (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
Basic vertex based flat... |
vvvv group |
FlipFlop (Animation) |
native |
Sets the output to 1 if... |
vvvv group |
Fly (Sandbox) |
dynamic |
FMRadio (Devices GemtekSerial) |
native |
Gemtek FM Radio Reciever... |
vvvv group |
Fog (EX9.RenderState) |
native |
Set fog for the geometry |
vvvv group |
Format (String) |
plugin |
Replaces the placeholder... |
FormatValue (String) |
native |
converts a value to a... |
vvvv group |
FourRooms (Transform Viewport Legacy) |
module |
FourRooms (Transform Viewport) |
module |
FourRooms (VVVV Legacy) |
module |
Four different views on... |
vvvv group |
FourRooms (VVVV) |
module |
Four different views on... |
vvvv group |
Frac (Value) |
native |
Splits a value in an... |
vvvv group |
Frame (Leap) |
vl |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
FrameBytes (Raw) |
vl |
FrameCounter (Animation) |
native |
counts the frames if... |
vvvv group |
FrameDelay (Animation Legacy) |
native |
Delays the input value... |
vvvv group |
FrameDelay (Animation) |
native |
Delays the input value... |
vvvv group |
FrameDelay (Color Legacy) |
native |
Delays the input colors... |
vvvv group |
FrameDelay (Color) |
plugin |
Delays the input color... |
FrameDelay (EX9.Texture) |
native |
framedelay for textures |
vvvv group |
FrameDelay (Raw) |
plugin |
Delays the input value... |
FrameDelay (String Legacy) |
native |
Delays the input strings... |
vvvv group |
FrameDelay (String) |
plugin |
Delays the input string... |
FrameDelay (Transform Legacy) |
module |
Delays the input value... |
vvvv group |
FrameDelay (Transform) |
plugin |
Delays the input matrix... |
FrameDelay (Value) |
plugin |
Delays the input value... |
FrameDelay (XElement Attribute) |
plugin |
Delays the input value... |
FrameDelay (XElement Document) |
plugin |
Delays the input value... |
FrameDelay (XElement) |
plugin |
Delays the input value... |
FrameDifference (Animation) |
native |
Calculates the... |
vvvv group |
FrameDifference (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Color framedifference |
unc |
FrameVelocity (Animation) |
native |
Calculates the speed of... |
vvvv group |
FromRaw (Leap) |
vl |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
FrontFacing (3d) |
module |
Returns wether a given... |
Frost (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Frost effect |
lecloneur |
FullscreenQuad (DX9) |
module |
Function (Complex Inverse) |
native |
Returns the selected... |
vvvv group |
Function (Complex Special) |
native |
Returns the selected... |
vvvv group |
Function (Complex) |
native |
Returns the selected... |
vvvv group |
FXAA (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
FXAA (anti-aliasing),... |
smash |
GameController (Devices Analog) |
native |
Encapsulates for example... |
vvvv group |
GameController (Devices JoyWarrior) |
native |
Encapsulates a 3-axis 8-... |
vvvv group |
GameController (Devices MSFreeStylePro) |
native |
Encapsulates for example... |
vvvv group |
Gamma (Value) |
native |
applies a gamma wave... |
vvvv group |
Garbage (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Feedback "... |
unc |
GaussianSpread (Spreads) |
native |
creates a range of... |
vvvv group |
GaussJordan (Value) |
native |
Solve a system of linear... |
vvvv group |
GCD (Value) |
native |
calculates the greatest... |
vvvv group |
GDITexture (EX9.Texture) |
native |
Allows to use the... |
vvvv group |
GEL (Debug) |
native |
dumps the Graph... |
vvvv group |
GeometricMean (Spectral Vector) |
plugin |
GeometricMean (Spectral... |
woei |
GeometricMean (Spectral) |
native |
Returns the geometric... |
vvvv group |
Gesture (Devices Window) |
plugin |
Returns the gesture... |
Gesture (Kinect OpenNI) |
plugin |
Gesture recognition |
Phlegma, joreg |
Gestures (Leap Observable) |
vl |
Gets all gestures since... |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
Gestures (Leap) |
vl |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
GesturesView (Leap DX11) |
module |
GesturesView (Leap DX9) |
module |
GetAttributes (XElement ByName) |
plugin |
GetAttributes (XElement ByXPath) |
plugin |
GetAttributes (XML ByName) |
plugin |
GetAttributes (XML ByXPath) |
plugin |
GetBodyDetails (Box2d) |
plugin |
Get details about a... |
vux |
GetBytes (Raw) |
module |
Returns count bytes... |
vvvv group |
GetCircles (Box2d) |
plugin |
Box2d Circle Shape |
vux |
GetContactDetails (Box2d Spreaded) |
plugin |
Get details about a... |
vux |
GetContactDetails (Box2d) |
plugin |
Get details about a... |
vux |
GetContactDetails (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
vux |
GetContactDetails (Bullet) |
plugin |
vux |
GetContactPointDetails (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
vux |
GetContactPointDetails (Bullet) |
plugin |
vux |
GetEdgeChains (Box2d) |
plugin |
Box2d Edge Chains Shape |
vux |
GetElements (SVG) |
plugin |
Returns all elements in... |
GetElements (XElement ByName) |
plugin |
GetElements (XElement ByXPath) |
plugin |
GetElements (XML ByName) |
plugin |
GetElements (XML ByXPath) |
plugin |
GetEnvironmentVariable (Windows) |
plugin |
Retrieves windows... |
vux |
GetGammaRamp (Windows) |
native |
Get the displays gamma... |
vvvv group |
GetJoint (Skeleton) |
plugin |
GetJoint |
Matthias Zauner |
GetJointDetails (Box2d) |
plugin |
Get details about a... |
vux |
GetJointTransform (Skeleton) |
plugin |
GetJointTransform |
Matthias Zauner |
GetMatrix (Transform) |
native |
converts a matrix... |
vvvv group |
GetPatch (VVVV) |
native |
Returns the current XML... |
vvvv group |
GetPatchMode (VVVV) |
native |
Returns Component Mode (... |
vvvv group |
GetPath (SVG) |
plugin |
Returns the path data... |
GetPolygons (Box2d) |
plugin |
Box2d Polygon Shape |
vux |
GetRigidBodyDetails (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
Retrieves details for a... |
vux |
GetRigidBodyDetails (Bullet) |
plugin |
Retrieves details for a... |
vux |
GetRigidShapeDetails (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
vux |
GetRigidShapeDetails (Bullet) |
plugin |
vux |
GetShapeIndex (PolygonEditor Internal) |
module |
returns the Shape Index... |
dominikKoller |
GetShapeIndex (PolygonEditor) |
module |
returns the Shape Index... |
dominikKoller |
GetSlice (Color) |
native |
Returns slices of the... |
vvvv group |
GetSlice (Enumerations) |
plugin |
Returns slices of the... |
GetSlice (Node) |
native |
gets all slices... |
vvvv group |
GetSlice (Raw) |
plugin |
Returns slices of the... |
GetSlice (Spreads) |
native |
Returns slices of the... |
vvvv group |
GetSlice (String) |
native |
Returns slices of the... |
vvvv group |
GetSlice (Transform) |
plugin |
Returns slices of the... |
GetSoftBodyDetails (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
Gets some info about a... |
vux |
GetSoftBodyDetails (Bullet) |
plugin |
Gets some info about a... |
vux |
GetSpread (Color Advanced) |
plugin |
returns sub-spreads from... |
woei |
GetSpread (Color) |
native |
Returns a sub-spread of... |
vvvv group |
GetSpread (Enumerations) |
plugin |
returns sub-spreads from... |
woei |
GetSpread (Raw) |
plugin |
returns sub-spreads from... |
woei |
GetSpread (Spreads Advanced) |
plugin |
returns sub-spreads from... |
woei |
GetSpread (Spreads) |
native |
Returns a sub-spread of... |
vvvv group |
GetSpread (String Advanced) |
plugin |
returns sub-spreads from... |
woei |
GetSpread (String) |
native |
Returns a sub-spread of... |
vvvv group |
GetSpread (Transform) |
plugin |
returns sub-spreads from... |
woei |
GetSpread (XElement Attribute Bin) |
plugin |
Returns sub-spreads from... |
woei |
GetSpread (XElement Bin) |
plugin |
Returns sub-spreads from... |
woei |
GetSpread (XElement Document Bin) |
plugin |
Returns sub-spreads from... |
woei |
GetWindowBounds (Windows ClientArea) |
plugin |
Returns the size and... |
GetWindowBounds (Windows) |
plugin |
Returns the size and... |
girlpowercameracontrols (help) |
module |
Gizmo (EditingFramework 3d Internal) |
vl |
GizmoControls (EditingFramework Internal) |
vl |
GizmoModel (EditingFramework Split Internal) |
vl |
GizmoState (EditingFramework Split Internal) |
vl |
GizmoView (DX11 3d) |
module |
GizmoView (DX9 3d) |
module |
GlobalRenderState (EX9) |
native |
sets global default... |
vvvv group |
Glow (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Glow/Glare effect |
unc |
GlyphInfo (String) |
native |
Provides information... |
vvvv group |
GouraudDirectional (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
Basic vertex based... |
vvvv group |
GouraudPoint (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
Basic vertex based... |
vvvv group |
GrabView (Leap DX11) |
module |
GrabView (Leap DX9) |
module |
Gradient (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
Draws a gradient with... |
vvvv group |
Gradient (EX9.Texture Source) |
module |
1D gradient generator |
unc |
Grain (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Simple noise generator |
unc |
Graph (Debug) |
native |
prints information about... |
vvvv group |
Gravity (Box2d Controller) |
plugin |
Box2d gravity controller |
vux |
Gregorian (Astronomy Join) |
native |
Encodes separate values... |
vvvv group |
Gregorian (Astronomy Split) |
native |
Splits a date value into... |
vvvv group |
Grid (DX9) |
native |
Renders a rectangle with... |
vvvv group |
Grid (EX9 Test legacy) |
module |
Draws Test Patterns:... |
vvvv group |
Grid (EX9 Test) |
module |
Draws Test Patterns:... |
vvvv group |
Grid (EX9.Geometry) |
native |
vvvv group |
GridEditor (EX9 Boygrouped Legacy) |
module |
Lets you generate a grid... |
vvvv group |
GridEditor (EX9 Boygrouped) |
module |
Lets you generate a grid... |
vvvv group |
GridEditor (EX9 Legacy) |
module |
Lets you generate a grid... |
vvvv group |
GridEditor (EX9 Sandwich Legacy) |
module |
Enables you to... |
vvvv group |
GridEditor (EX9 Sandwich) |
module |
Enables you to... |
vvvv group |
GridEditor (EX9) |
module |
Lets you generate a grid... |
vvvv group |
GridPick (2d) |
native |
returns the index of the... |
vvvv group |
GridSegment (DX9) |
native |
Renders a grid segment... |
vvvv group |
GridSplit (2d) |
native |
Creates the coordinates... |
vvvv group |
GridSpread (Spreads 2d) |
module |
Generates a grid in 2d... |
GridSpread (Spreads 3d) |
module |
Generates a grid in 3d... |
Group (EX9 Priority) |
native |
group layers to be... |
vvvv group |
Group (EX9) |
native |
group layers to be... |
vvvv group |
Group (GDI Priority) |
native |
group layers to be... |
vvvv group |
Group (GDI) |
native |
group layers to be... |
vvvv group |
Group (SVG) |
plugin |
Groups multiple SVG... |
Group (TTY Priority) |
native |
group layers to be... |
vvvv group |
Group (TTY) |
native |
group layers to be... |
vvvv group |
GroupInfo (Facebook) |
plugin |
Gets a group info on... |
vux |
Grow (2d NonUniform) |
module |
Extrudes a polygon by a... |
vvvv group |
Grow (2d) |
module |
Extrudes a polygon by a... |
vvvv group |
Growth (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Template shader texture... |
unc |
Halo (EX9.Effect) |
effect |
Creates a dot in the... |
vvvv group |
Hand (Kinect OpenNI) |
plugin |
Hand tracking |
Hand (Leap) |
vl |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
HandleFromCaption (Windows) |
native |
Returns the handle of... |
vvvv group |
HandleFromPoint (Windows) |
native |
Returns the handle from... |
vvvv group |
HandView (Leap DX11) |
module |
HandView (Leap DX9) |
module |
HarmonicMean (Spectral Vector) |
plugin |
HarmonicMean (Spectral)... |
woei |
HarmonicMean (Spectral) |
native |
Returns the harmonic... |
vvvv group |
HasContact (Box2d) |
plugin |
Box2d search if two... |
vux |
HatchCrossed (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Hatch crossed generator |
lecloneur |
HatchDot (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Hatch dot generator |
lecloneur |
HatchFromTexture (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Hatch based on texture |
DigitalSlaves |
HatchLine (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Hatch line filter |
lecloneur |
HatchSquare (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Hatch line filter |
lecloneur |
Headbox (Devices TobiiEyetracker) |
plugin |
Headbox of a Tobii... |
niggos, phlegma |
Heading (Animation) |
native |
calculates orientation... |
vvvv group |
HeightField (Bullet DX9) |
plugin |
vux |
HeightField (Bullet) |
plugin |
vux |
HeightField (EX9.Geometry 2d) |
plugin |
Creates a mesh from a 1d... |
vux |
Hexagonize (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Hexagonization |
unc |
HexGridSpread (Spreads 2d) |
vl |
Generates a hexagonal... |
HID (Devices) |
native |
Send and receive reports... |
vvvv group |
HIDDecode (Devices) |
native |
Generates pinout on... |
vvvv group |
HIDEncode (Devices) |
native |
Generates pinout on... |
vvvv group |
Hinge (Bullet Constraint.Single DX9) |
plugin |
vux |
Hinge (Bullet Constraint.Single) |
plugin |
vux |
Histogram (EX9.Texture Analysis) |
module |
Image histogram |
unc |
HitPoint (PolygonEditor Internal) |
module |
checks whether a Vertex... |
dominikKoller |
HitPoint (PolygonEditor) |
module |
checks whether a Vertex... |
dominikKoller |
HitPolygon (PolygonEditor Internal) |
module |
checks wheter a Polygon... |
dominikKoller |
HitPolygon (PolygonEditor) |
module |
checks wheter a Polygon... |
dominikKoller |
HitTest (2d Circle) |
plugin |
Performs a Hittest... |
vux |
HitTest (2d Polygon) |
plugin |
Performs a Hittest... |
vux |
HitTest (2d Quad) |
plugin |
Performs a Hittest... |
vux |
HitTest (2d Segment) |
plugin |
Performs a Hittest... |
vux |
HitTest (2d Superformula) |
plugin |
Performs a Hittest... |
vux |
HLine (GDI) |
native |
Draws a horizontal line... |
vvvv group |
Homography (Transform 2d Quad) |
native |
Very fast and direct 2D-... |
vvvv group |
Homography (Transform 2d) |
native |
calculates the 2D-... |
vvvv group |
HSCB (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Hue, Saturation,... |
unc |
HSL (Color Join) |
native |
Creates a colour out of... |
vvvv group |
HSL (Color Split) |
native |
Splits a colour into hue... |
vvvv group |
HSL (Transform) |
native |
create HSL matrix to... |
vvvv group |
HSLA (EX9.Texture Join) |
module |
HSLA join |
unc |
HSLA (EX9.Texture Split) |
module |
HSLA split |
unc |
HSLtoHSV (Color) |
native |
Translates colors in the... |
vvvv group |
HSV (Color Join Picker) |
module |
Creates a colour out of... |
vvvv group |
HSV (Color Join) |
native |
Creates a colour out of... |
vvvv group |
HSV (Color Split) |
native |
Splits a colour into hue... |
vvvv group |
HSVA (EX9.Texture Join) |
module |
HSVA join |
unc |
HSVA (EX9.Texture Split) |
module |
HSVA split |
unc |
HSVtoHSL (Color) |
native |
Translates colors in the... |
vvvv group |
HTMLTexture (DX11.Texture String CEF) |
module |
Renders an html string... |
vvvv group |
HTMLTexture (DX11.Texture URL CEF) |
module |
Renders a url to a DX11... |
vvvv group |
HTMLTexture (EX9.Texture String) |
module |
Renders an html string... |
vvvv group |
HTMLTexture (EX9.Texture URL) |
module |
Renders a url to an EX9... |
vvvv group |
HTMLView (Image String) |
plugin |
HTMLView (Image URL) |
plugin |
HTTP (Network Get Legacy) |
native |
gets data from given... |
vvvv group |
HTTP (Network Get String Legacy) |
module |
HTTP (Network Get String) |
module |
HTTP (Network Get) |
native |
gets data from given... |
vvvv group |
HTTP (Network Post Legacy) |
native |
posts data to given urls... |
vvvv group |
HTTP (Network Post String Legacy) |
module |
HTTP (Network Post String) |
module |
HTTP (Network Post) |
native |
posts data to given urls... |
vvvv group |
HTTP (Network Receiver) |
native |
Receives HTTP Requests |
vvvv group |
HTTP (Network Server) |
native |
Serves Ressources via... |
vvvv group |
HTTPGet (Network String) |
module |
Reads data from the web... |
vvvv group |
HTTPGet (Network) |
vl |
Reads data from the web... |
vvvv group |
HTTPPost (Network String) |
module |
Posts data to the web... |
vvvv group |
HTTPPost (Network) |
vl |
Posts data to the web... |
vvvv group |
Human (Skeleton) |
module |
A humanoid skeleton with... |
vvvv group |
HWND (Windows) |
native |
gets the Window Handle... |
vvvv group |
Hysteresis (Animation) |
native |
Switches to 1 as the... |
vvvv group |
I (Spreads Legacy) |
module |
I (Spreads) |
native |
Returns a spread of... |
vvvv group |
I2CDecode (Devices 2.x Legacy) |
plugin |
Decodes I2C data from... |
jens a. ewald |
I2CDecode (Devices 2.x) |
plugin |
Decodes I2C data from... |
jens a. ewald |
I2CDecode (Firmata 2.x Legacy2) |
plugin |
Decodes I2C data from... |
jens a. ewald |
I2CDecode (Firmata 2.x) |
plugin |
Decodes I2C data from... |
jens a. ewald |
I2CDecoder (Firmata) |
vl |
Decodes I2C Reply Sysex... |
I2CEncode (Firmata 2.x Legacy2) |
plugin |
Encodes I2C Firmata... |
jens a. ewald |
I2CEncode (Firmata 2.x) |
plugin |
Encodes I2C Firmata... |
jens a. ewald |
I2CRead (Firmata Continuous) |
module |
Encodes I2C Read request. |
I2CRead (Firmata) |
module |
Encodes I2C Read request. |
I2CReadEncoder (Firmata Internal) |
vl |
I2CWrite (Firmata) |
module |
Encodes I2C Write... |
I2CWriteEncoder (Firmata Internal) |
vl |
IceCast (Bass) |
plugin |
Broadcasts a channel to... |
vux |
Icon (Windows) |
native |
Mess around with desktop... |
vvvv group |
IconView (DX9) |
module |
Use to visualize... |
Identicon (Spreads) |
module |
Creates a spread of... |
Ikeda (Animation) |
plugin |
Discrete time dynamical... |
fibo |
IKSolver (Skeleton) |
plugin |
IKSolver |
Matthias Zauner |
Image (Leap DX11.Texture) |
module |
Image (Leap EX9.Texture) |
module |
Image (Leap) |
vl |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
Indices (Spectral) |
native |
returns the indices on... |
vvvv group |
Infinity (Value) |
plugin |
Outputs Infinity. See... |
Info (Enumerations) |
native |
vvvv group |
Info (EX9.Texture) |
native |
Get dimensions and... |
vvvv group |
Info (File) |
plugin |
Retrieves information of... |
woei |
Info (System Codec) |
plugin |
Retrieves information... |
woei |
Info (System ComPorts) |
plugin |
get active ComPortsNames... |
Info (System Device) |
plugin |
Retrieves hardware... |
woei |
Info (System Drive) |
plugin |
Retrieves info about... |
vux |
Info (VVVV Startables) |
plugin |
Returns info about any... |
vux |
Info (Windows Services) |
plugin |
Retrieves Windows... |
vux |
Initialize (PolygonEditor Internal) |
module |
dominikKoller |
Initialize (PolygonEditor) |
module |
dominikKoller |
InputMorph (Color) |
native |
Linearily interpolates... |
vvvv group |
InputMorph (Skeleton) |
plugin |
InputMorph |
Matthias Zauner |
InputMorph (Value Advanced) |
plugin |
Bin size version for... |
vux |
InputMorph (Value) |
native |
Linearily interpolates... |
vvvv group |
Insert (MySQL Network) |
plugin |
Insert Data via an MySQL... |
vux |
Insert (MySQL) |
native |
vvvv group |
Insert (Odbc Network) |
plugin |
Insert Data via an ODBC... |
vux |
Insert (OleDb Network) |
plugin |
Insert Data via an... |
vux |
Insert (PolygonEditor Internal) |
module |
dominikKoller |
Insert (PolygonEditor) |
module |
dominikKoller |
Insert (PostgreSQL Network) |
plugin |
Insert records on a... |
vux |
Insert (SQL Server Network) |
plugin |
SQL Server INSERT object |
vux |
Insert (SQLite Network) |
plugin |
Insert records on a... |
vux |
Insert (SQLServer Network) |
plugin |
SQL Server INSERT object |
vux |
Insert (String) |
plugin |
Inserts a specified... |
InsertSlice (Color) |
native |
Inserts slices into the... |
vvvv group |
InsertSlice (Spreads Legacy) |
native |
Insert spreads of a... |
vvvv group |
InsertSlice (Spreads) |
native |
Inserts slices into the... |
vvvv group |
InsertSlice (String) |
native |
Inserts slices into the... |
vvvv group |
Inspektor (VVVV) |
native |
Herr Inspektor, wer... |
vvvv group |
Integer (Value Legacy) |
plugin |
Outputs integer values |
fibo |
Integer (Value) |
plugin |
Outputs integer values |
fibo |
Integral (Spreads Advanced) |
plugin |
Integral (Spreads) with... |
woei |
Integral (Spreads Legacy) |
native |
Sums up a spread of... |
vvvv group |
Integral (Spreads Vector) |
plugin |
Integral (Spreads) with... |
woei |
Integral (Spreads) |
plugin |
Sums up a spread of... |
Integrate (Differential) |
native |
does a differential... |
vvvv group |
Intersect (3d Mesh Ray Legacy) |
native |
Intersects a Mesh with a... |
vvvv group |
Intersect (3d Mesh Ray) |
native |
Intersects a Mesh with a... |
vvvv group |
Intersect (3d Mesh Subset Ray Legacy) |
native |
Intersects a Mesh Subset... |
vvvv group |
Intersect (3d Mesh Subset Ray) |
native |
Intersects a Mesh Subset... |
vvvv group |
Intersect (3d Quad Line Legacy) |
native |
Intersects a line with a... |
vvvv group |
Intersect (3d Quad Line) |
native |
Intersects a line with a... |
vvvv group |
Intersect (EX9.Geometry Mesh) |
native |
Intersects a Mesh with a... |
vvvv group |
Intersect (EX9.Geometry Quad) |
native |
Intersects a line with a... |
vvvv group |
Intersect (Spreads Sets) |
native |
all elements in output... |
vvvv group |
Intersect (String) |
vl |
Returns all distinct... |
Interval (Spreads) |
native |
returns the index of the... |
vvvv group |
Intro (VVVV) |
module |
Place in a patch and... |
vvvv group |
Inverse (Transform) |
native |
Returns the inverse of... |
vvvv group |
InverseKinematics (2D 2Bone) |
native |
vvvv group |
InverseKinematics (3D 2Bone) |
module |
Outputs the position of... |
vvvv group |
Inversion (2d) |
plugin |
Inversion transform by a... |
fibo |
Inversion (3d) |
plugin |
Inversion transform by a... |
fibo |
Invert (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Color inversion |
unc |
Invert (Quaternion) |
plugin |
vux |
IO (Devices BMC meM-PIO) |
native |
Encapsulates a BMC meM-... |
vvvv group |
IO (Devices Cinetix Sensorbox) |
native |
Encapsulates a Cinetix... |
vvvv group |
IO (Devices IOWarrior40) |
native |
connects io warrior 40... |
vvvv group |
IO (Devices Phidget Accelerometer Legacy) |
plugin |
Offers a connection to... |
phlegma |
IO (Devices Phidget Accelerometer) |
plugin |
Offers a connection to... |
phlegma |
IO (Devices Phidget CircularTouch Legacy) |
plugin |
Offers a connection to... |
phlegma |
IO (Devices Phidget CircularTouch) |
plugin |
Offers a connection to... |
phlegma |
IO (Devices Phidget Encoder HighSpeed Legacy) |
plugin |
Offers a connection to... |
phlegma |
IO (Devices Phidget Encoder HighSpeed) |
plugin |
Offers a connection to... |
phlegma |
IO (Devices Phidget InterfaceKit 888 Legacy) |
plugin |
Offers a connection to... |
phlegma |
IO (Devices Phidget InterfaceKit 888) |
plugin |
Offers a connection to... |
phlegma |
IO (Devices Phidget Manager Legacy) |
plugin |
Shows all Phidget... |
phlegma |
IO (Devices Phidget Manager) |
plugin |
Shows all Phidget... |
phlegma |
IO (Devices Phidget) |
plugin |
Controls the Phidget... |
Phlegma |
IO (Devices Wiesemann+Theis Digital-EA) |
native |
Encapsulates a 12port... |
vvvv group |
IOBox (Color) |
native |
Interface element to... |
vvvv group |
IOBox (Enumerations) |
native |
Interface element to... |
vvvv group |
IOBox (Node) |
native |
Interface element to... |
vvvv group |
IOBox (String) |
native |
Interface element to... |
vvvv group |
IOBox (Value Advanced) |
native |
Interface element to... |
vvvv group |
IP (Network v4 Join) |
plugin |
Inputs 4 values range 0... |
fibo |
IP (Network) |
native |
returns information... |
vvvv group |
IRC (Network Open) |
native |
Have a chat in an irc... |
vvvv group |
IRC (Network Private) |
native |
Send a private message... |
vvvv group |
Irrklang (Sound Legacy) |
plugin |
Irrklang Gamesound Engine |
sanch,phlegma |
Irrklang (Sound) |
plugin |
Irrklang Gamesound Engine |
sanch,phlegma |
IsActive (VVVV) |
module |
Retuns 1 if vvvv has the... |
vvvv group |
IsEmpty (Test String) |
module |
vvvv group |
IsFalse (Test) |
module |
vvvv group |
IsTrue (Test) |
module |
vvvv group |
IsValid (XML DTD) |
native |
Validates XML against a... |
vvvv group |
IsValid (XML RelaxNG) |
plugin |
IsValid (XML) |
native |
Validates XML against a... |
vvvv group |
IsWellFormed (XML) |
native |
Checks whether XML is... |
vvvv group |
Join (Quaternion) |
native |
join x,y,z,w to a... |
vvvv group |
Join (SVG) |
plugin |
Joins multiple SVG... |
Joint (Skeleton Join) |
plugin |
NewJoint |
Matthias Zauner |
Kaleidoscope (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Kaleidoscope deformation |
unc |
Kalle (VVVV) |
native |
Sets Background Kalle of... |
vvvv group |
Keep (Leap) |
vl |
Keeps Leap gestures in... |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
Keyboard (Devices Desktop) |
plugin |
Returns the systemwide... |
Keyboard (Devices Window) |
plugin |
Returns the keyboard of... |
Keyboard (System Global Legacy) |
module |
Keyboard (System Global Legacy2) |
plugin |
Keyboard (System Global) |
plugin |
Keyboard (System Window Legacy) |
module |
Keyboard (System Window Legacy2) |
plugin |
Keyboard (System Window) |
plugin |
KeyboardState (System Join Legacy) |
plugin |
KeyboardState (System Join) |
plugin |
KeyboardState (System Split Legacy) |
plugin |
KeyboardState (System Split) |
plugin |
KeyEvents (Keyboard Join) |
plugin |
Creates a virtual... |
KeyEvents (Keyboard Split) |
plugin |
Returns all the key... |
Keying (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
High and low pass keying |
unc |
KeyMatch (Keyboard) |
plugin |
Detects pressed keys... |
KeyMatch (String) |
plugin |
Detects pressed keys... |
KeySort (Spreads) |
native |
Sort incoming data... |
vvvv group |
KeyStates (Keyboard Split) |
plugin |
Returns the pressed keys... |
KeyTabGesture (Leap Legacy) |
plugin |
Returns the tracking... |
KeyTabGesture (Leap) |
plugin |
Returns the tracking... |
KeyTapGesture (Leap) |
vl |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
Kill (Windows) |
plugin |
Kills running processes... |
Kinect (Devices Microsoft DX9) |
plugin |
Provides access to a... |
vux |
Kinect (Devices Microsoft) |
plugin |
Provides access to a... |
vux |
Kinect (Devices OpenNI) |
plugin |
Provides access to a... |
Phlegma, joreg |
KMeans (2d) |
plugin |
Separate a set of points... |
vux |
Kommunikator (VVVV) |
plugin |
Communicator to vvvv.org |
vvvv group |
Kontrolleur (Network) |
plugin |
Communicates with the... |
LastFrame (Leap) |
vl |
Last frame of Leap... |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
LastFrame (TheEyeTribe) |
vl |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
Lava (EX9.Texture Source) |
module |
Lava effect |
lecloneur |
LCM (Value) |
native |
calculates the least... |
vvvv group |
LD2000 (Devices) |
plugin |
Controls the LD2000... |
vvvv group |
Leap (Devices Legacy) |
plugin |
Returns the tracking... |
Leap (Devices) |
vl |
Leap Handtracking |
dominikKoller, vvvv group |
LED (Devices Phidget) |
plugin |
Controls the Phidget LED... |
Phlegma |
Length (2d Vector Spectral) |
plugin |
Calculates the length of... |
motzi |
Length (2d) |
module |
Returns the length of a... |
vvvv group |
Length (3d Vector Spectral) |
plugin |
Calculates the length of... |
motzi |
Length (3d) |
module |
Returns the length of a... |
vvvv group |
Length (Raw) |
native |
returns the number of... |
vvvv group |
Length (String) |
native |
Returns the number of... |
vvvv group |
LensBlur (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Bokeh-like blur |
unc |
LensDistort (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Lens distortion (... |
unc |
Levels (EX9.Texture Filter) |
module |
Color levels filter |
unc |
Levin (Animation 2d) |
vl |
Records a motion and... |
vvvv group |
Levin (Animation 3d) |
vl |
Records a motion and... |
vvvv group |
Levin (Spreads Legacy) |
plugin |
phlegma |
Levin (Spreads Simple Legacy) |
native |
Tracks the changes in... |
vvvv group |
Levin (Spreads Simple) |
native |
Tracks the changes in... |
vvvv group |
Levin (Spreads) |
plugin |
phlegma |
LF (String) |
module |
LineFeed character |
vvvv group |
LFO (Animation) |
native |
saw tooth oscillator (... |
vvvv group |
LFO (Differential) |
native |
saw tooth oscillator (... |
vvvv group |
Light (EX9 Direction) |
module |
Helper to adjust a... |
vvvv group |
Light (EX9 Point) |
module |
Helper to adjust a point... |
vvvv group |
Lights (DX11.Layer PBR) |
module |
Limiter (Animation) |
module |
Limits throughput to a... |
vvvv group |
LinBus (Devices) |
plugin |
phlegma |
Lindenmayer (Spreads) |
plugin |
Returns spreads for 3... |
vvvv group |
Line (EX9 2d) |
module |
Line (EX9 FromTo) |
module |
A line drawing module.... |
Line (EX9 legacy) |
module |
Line (EX9) |
module |
A line drawing module.... |
Line (EX9.Geometry) |
native |
Draws a line of given... |
vvvv group |