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@tobyk: i'd suspect that a SVM should give you similar results as the NN and you would not have to leave VVVV

motzi, Tuesday, Sep 12th 2017  

@tobyk: very interesting, thanks for sharing. just out of curiosity - did you try the vvvv ML-pack as well?

motzi, Tuesday, Sep 12th 2017  

@evvvvil let's try)

bo27, Tuesday, Sep 12th 2017  

@tobyk nice ProjectDocumentation thx for sharing @sebl cooohol ImagePackUpdate great :)

CeeYaa, Tuesday, Sep 12th 2017  

@joreg I've used wekinator a couple of times. Write up here http://buildlog.tobyk.com.au/ccl/

tobyk, Tuesday, Sep 12th 2017  

@bo27 REMOVE EVERY FUCKING IOBOX YOU CAN. Ioboxes left out just as debug are still caning it.

evvvvil, Tuesday, Sep 12th 2017  

@joreg. no, wekinator is a totally different codebase. the ML methods are the same though for some of the examples.

motzi, Monday, Sep 11th 2017  

@motzi is there a demo using wekinator in your pack?

joreg, Monday, Sep 11th 2017  

and then go using the VVVV ML pack ;)

motzi, Monday, Sep 11th 2017  

regarding wekinator: this mooc by rebecca fiebring (who developes wekinator) is really good to start of with ML

motzi, Monday, Sep 11th 2017  

@joreg Gene Kogan showed at retune16 https://ml4a.github.io - Wekinator is easy to use: very nice for the first steps in ML-world

CeeYaa, Monday, Sep 11th 2017  

just learned about wekinator. anybody using it? http://www.wekinator.org

joreg, Monday, Sep 11th 2017  

hi guys. if there is any instructions of how to clean patches to increase fps? mean not guesses, not prefers, but proved and approved?

bo27, Monday, Sep 11th 2017  

iaa anybody?

david, Monday, Sep 11th 2017  

@mediadog Writing About Music is Like Dancing About Architecture ;)

u7angel, Saturday, Sep 9th 2017  

@u7angel @evvvvil So in Germany you can drive cars now by dancing? Cool. https://www.iaa.de/iaa/film

mediadog, Saturday, Sep 9th 2017  

so as I was saying: https://goo.gl/hGu7mS

microdee, Saturday, Sep 9th 2017  


microdee, Saturday, Sep 9th 2017  

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/mt733232(v=vs.85).aspx new tech for every week!

microdee, Saturday, Sep 9th 2017  

@u7angel: sounds shit bro, who cares about "das auto" when you can fly a magic fucking carpet?step away from the middle class, esé.

evvvvil, Thursday, Sep 7th 2017  

@evvvvil, i guess some are assimilated by this https://www.iaa.de/

u7angel, Thursday, Sep 7th 2017  

Pretty quiet in here broski. Anyone wants to pull this finger? Pretentious essays are go: work your magic, digital world.

evvvvil, Thursday, Sep 7th 2017  

Released! https://cables.gl/home

vasilis, Thursday, Aug 31st 2017  

maintenance reboot at 0:15. safe your work. should be back in a few minutes

drupal_admin, Wednesday, Aug 30th 2017  

still not using beta35.8? here is a little video teaser: vvvv50beta35.8 #vvvv

joreg, Tuesday, Aug 29th 2017  

Interesting read: https://eng.uber.com/atg-dataviz/

timpernagel, Tuesday, Aug 29th 2017  

Anyone in NY or Toronto? Let's meet up

maarja, Sunday, Aug 27th 2017  

im at IAA on 14.sept

hrovac, Friday, Aug 25th 2017  

@everyoneishappy NoiseDerivs2D (3D Buffer) module contains Noise2D_Value_CS.fx (instead of NoiseDeriv2D_CS.fx)

h99, Friday, Aug 25th 2017  

@readme, i guess the usual suspects

u7angel, Thursday, Aug 24th 2017  

Who's in Frankfurt for the dreaded car show? Or will be at some point ...

readme, Thursday, Aug 24th 2017  

...code for 4k intro posted below has been released on shadertoy with some pretty assertive comments,you fuckers https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MllcRH

evvvvil, Thursday, Aug 24th 2017  

designed in v4, then converted to c++. "Pointless erections and broken sausages" my 4kb intro ranked 8th @ EVOKE https://vimeo.com/230590803

evvvvil, Wednesday, Aug 23rd 2017  

Did anyone here used one of those already: https://www.artec3d.com/3d-scanner

timpernagel, Monday, Aug 21st 2017  

@synth : wuz there like two days ago, too bad!

sebescudie, Monday, Aug 21st 2017  

Anyone in Nice? I will be here for next 3 weeks. Shout out for a drink :)

synth, Monday, Aug 21st 2017  

"Looking for a tiny PC that still has space for a gaming-quality video card?" http://boingboing.net/2017/08/20/compare-tiny-pc-cases-with-thi.html

joreg, Monday, Aug 21st 2017  

Broken link in vvvv sdk for Microsoft Build Tools 2015

dominikKoller, Sunday, Aug 20th 2017  


guest, Sunday, Aug 20th 2017  


metrowave, Saturday, Aug 19th 2017  

thanks @sunep!

tonfilm, Friday, Aug 18th 2017  

We've just added two more clips of the "Programming DMX and visualizing with grandMA2"-Workshop to the workshop-blog post.

timpernagel, Friday, Aug 18th 2017  

I plan to release all the patches involves as soon as they're cleaned. Greeting from Strasbourg

svdk, Friday, Aug 18th 2017  

hi!saw you had a lot of fun @node 17.Disappointed I couldn't make it!. Some video I made using vvvv 4some parts. https://goo.gl/1UM8Bp

svdk, Friday, Aug 18th 2017  

@joreg Thanks!

okvrdz, Thursday, Aug 17th 2017  

happy Birthday @tonfilm

sunep, Thursday, Aug 17th 2017  

@synth: care to make an issue on github with console output?

microdee, Thursday, Aug 17th 2017  

@microdee cant install DX11 with it, cant choose not to install it either. Cant install anything without disregarding dependensies

synth, Thursday, Aug 17th 2017  

@okvrdz i recommend starting here: topics it should give you a good overview of what's all there

joreg, Thursday, Aug 17th 2017  

vpm is updated and DO update as it fixes an issue with new latest DX11 script https://github.com/vvvvpm/vpm/releases/latest

microdee, Thursday, Aug 17th 2017  

to those experienced v4 users... What in your opinion is the best/easiest way to learn nodes and what they do/usage/capabilities?

okvrdz, Thursday, Aug 17th 2017  

@jzzxh its on the todo list :)

bildwerk, Wednesday, Aug 16th 2017  

Does anyone play with RaspbeeryPi + VVVV.JS??

jzzxh, Wednesday, Aug 16th 2017  

@catweasel am afraid not. turned out the experimental udp nodes we have in vl so far are not useable. fix is in progress though...

joreg, Tuesday, Aug 15th 2017  

Is there an Artnet sender with the UDP in the VL document rather than vvvv udp

catweasel, Tuesday, Aug 15th 2017  

We have one of the handy, little capture devices used for the NODE-Workshop videos for sale!if you're interested,let me know!

anonymous, Tuesday, Aug 15th 2017  

@readme Identity this or that, I'm just offering help ;)

dominikKoller, Monday, Aug 14th 2017  

@h99 sorry I didn't get the joke

dominikKoller, Monday, Aug 14th 2017  

@dominikKoller: I don't think guest is going to disclose his identity, or he's as dedicated to create a vlguest github account.

readme, Monday, Aug 14th 2017  

@dominikKoller YYis5 aND tHeYY w00rc joOSt F1nne (sorry I really tried hard to resist; couldn't make it)

h99, Monday, Aug 14th 2017  

Is there some spreadable Stroke in DX9?

dominikKoller, Sunday, Aug 13th 2017  

@guest really cool! Github repo would be nice if you want contributors :)

dominikKoller, Sunday, Aug 13th 2017  

@dominikKoller i'll taek a look at importing models this weekend. Maybe wait for making models https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/12118#issuecomment-321110776

guest, Saturday, Aug 12th 2017  

Never mind, found it in xtra\raymarch

guest, Saturday, Aug 12th 2017  

Anyone know where I can find eps' Noise shader Headers for the procedural noise workshop?

guest, Saturday, Aug 12th 2017  

@timpernagel great! thanks guys

lasal, Friday, Aug 11th 2017  

@u7angel: japp, working on it. waiting on reply of the admin, the post is "in moderation"

timpernagel, Friday, Aug 11th 2017  

@timpernagel . access denied

u7angel, Friday, Aug 11th 2017  

NODE17 Workshop Video Captures are online! Have fun. -> http://bit.ly/2uMBZjj

timpernagel, Friday, Aug 11th 2017  

Open-source Radeon ProRender

skyliner, Thursday, Aug 10th 2017  

You could literraly download the nuget, drag the libtensoflow.dll onto vl and patch that node network and it will work

guest, Wednesday, Aug 9th 2017  

Hi @dominikKoller, I haven't had any time to add anything to it yet so not particularly far since that little snippet

guest, Wednesday, Aug 9th 2017  

Hi, can someone help here : htmltexture-(dx11) ? Thanks

keftaparty, Wednesday, Aug 9th 2017  

Someone posted a screenshot of TensorFlow in VL - can you give me a shout? I'd love to see how that's going

dominikKoller, Wednesday, Aug 9th 2017  

hello. maintenance reboot at 01:40. should be back after a few minutes.

drupal_admin, Wednesday, Aug 9th 2017  

when I install CV.Image pack via vpm, are the cascade files installed as well? where to? thx!

lari.fari, Tuesday, Aug 8th 2017  

PointEditor is so useful! Found: Gizmo is drawn even if PointEditorView is disabled.

dominikKoller, Tuesday, Aug 8th 2017  

@Fele make a forum post and post a screenshot of your vvvv/packs/ folder

sunep, Monday, Aug 7th 2017  

installed dx11 nodes, nothing there. y? :(

anonymous, Monday, Aug 7th 2017  

Two hours of live mixed vvvvisuals : https://vimeo.com/228458897

lecloneur, Saturday, Aug 5th 2017  

@sunep yes, I guess, I´m going the obs-way. thx

cznickesz, Friday, Aug 4th 2017  

@cznickesz fraps or obs?

sunep, Friday, Aug 4th 2017  

@sunep thx question 2: best way to capture a webcam and save as mp4. Using ffmpeg right now via shell (sic!) but video is choppy

cznickesz, Friday, Aug 4th 2017  

@cznickesz ShellExecute

sunep, Friday, Aug 4th 2017  

Which node do I use to fire up a bat-file?

cznickesz, Friday, Aug 4th 2017  

@okvrdz: the video shows AudioIn -> RMS -> BeatDetector all of which we still have in current b35.8

joreg, Thursday, Aug 3rd 2017  

@joreg video tutorials Example: Tutorial #25. "BeatDetector" subpatch does not match the current one. No "AudioIn" node.

okvrdz, Wednesday, Aug 2nd 2017  

@okvrdz please be more specific. which videos?

joreg, Wednesday, Aug 2nd 2017  

Anybody know if the intro video tutorials will be updated? Some nodes , sample patches in the video aren't available in current v4.

okvrdz, Wednesday, Aug 2nd 2017  

@skyliner I was at SIGGRAPH monday and tuesday. I was expecting to see VVVV somewhere but I found nothing. :(

okvrdz, Wednesday, Aug 2nd 2017  

@Joreg - thanks for pointer pointer :)

mrboni, Wednesday, Aug 2nd 2017  

@chrisr: can't wait! also huuuuge props for sponsoring \o/

m4d, Wednesday, Aug 2nd 2017  

We at schnellebuntebilder are about to release the NODE17 workshop videos next week, stay tuned!

anonymous, Tuesday, Aug 1st 2017  

any vvvv @ siggraph?

skyliner, Sunday, Jul 30th 2017  

Many thanks for the link, joreg! And of course I meant 45beta34.2...it was a long day...^^'

anonymous, Friday, Jul 28th 2017  

The human fireball-"abduct" and me, we raymarched shapes near the champagne county for fun, just cos we could. https://vimeo.com/227243489

evvvvil, Thursday, Jul 27th 2017  

anonymous user login


~4d ago

~13d ago

joreg: Webinar on October 2nd: Rhino meets Realtime with vvvv https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/webinar-rhino-meets-realtime-with-vvvv/

~13d ago

joreg: 12-session online vvvv beginner course starting October 7th: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ws24-5-vvvv-beginners-class/

~18d ago

joreg: Introducing: Support for latest Ultraleap hand-tracking devices: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/introducing-support-for-new-ultraleap-devices/

~21d ago

joreg: 2 day vvvv/fuse workshop in Vienna as part of NOISE festival on Sept. 13 and 14: https://www.noise.ist/vienna

~1mth ago

joreg: New beginner video tutorial: World Cities https://youtu.be/ymzrK7tZLBI

~1mth ago

catweasel: https://colour-burst.com/2023/01/26/macroscopic/ yeah, ' is there anyone who cares about slides anymore...' Well me for a start! :D

~1mth ago

ventolinmono: The ELMO TRV-35 slides into your video feed > https://youtu.be/pcIM9mh1c9k?si=iB4FOfI2D6y0iETy

~2mth ago

joreg: The summer season of vvvv workshops is now complete, but you can still get access to all the recordings: https://thenodeinstitute.org/ss24-vvvv-intermediates/

~2mth ago