French | Italian
Translating wiki pages is easy:
- Go to the english original page you want to translate and under the pages title click: Translate
- You are now in edit-mode of your new page
- Translate the page title to your language. Add the prefix of your language to the title of the page: it.Documentazione, fr.subpatches, cn.帮助文档, etc.
- Note that you cannot change the wiki hierachy since the translated page is supposed to be in the same place
- Choose your language from the pull down
- Note that the Translation parent points to the original english page! like this the pages are automatically linked together and you don't have to insert a link to the original page on top of your page and your page will automatically be listed as a translation on top of the original page.
- In the body field you can initially see the original english content (including the images) which should make it easy for you to start the translation process.
Thanks a lot for your efforts!
Here is a listing of all foreign language pages?.