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@mrboni try enable Managed Compatibility Mode

woei, Friday, Jan 5th 2018  

@everyoneishappy thx

guest, Friday, Jan 5th 2018  

@joreg - Should be, I just installed it. Version 15.5.2

mrboni, Thursday, Jan 4th 2018  

@mrboni is this still with latest vs studio updates?

joreg, Thursday, Jan 4th 2018  

anyone have trouble attaching to process with b35.8x64 and VS comm 17? VS times out waiting for v4 when debugging a breakpoint

mrboni, Thursday, Jan 4th 2018  

@everyoneishappy: thankyou!!!!!

sinus, Thursday, Jan 4th 2018  

@everyoneishappy: thank you, you are making me happy with your contribs :)

hrovac, Thursday, Jan 4th 2018  

@everyoneishappy Thanks so much!

mburk, Wednesday, Jan 3rd 2018  

for your next automotive project ;) 34c3 - How to drift with any car

skyliner, Wednesday, Jan 3rd 2018  

@everyoneishappy Thank you boss, have a creative 2018!

matka, Wednesday, Jan 3rd 2018  

Enjoy! fieldtrip

everyoneishappy, Wednesday, Jan 3rd 2018  

happy new year! OT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxmWdZNXtZs

skyliner, Tuesday, Jan 2nd 2018  

Happy New Year to all!

vasilis, Tuesday, Jan 2nd 2018  

happy new patching evvvveryone!

joreg, Monday, Jan 1st 2018  


anonymous, Monday, Jan 1st 2018  

Happy exiting new year fellows ¡¡

colorsound, Monday, Jan 1st 2018  

happy new year! https://vimeo.com/249241029

Patxi7, Sunday, Dec 31st 2017  

aaand part 3 of the "vl for vvvv users" video tutorials is out now: https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/vl-for-vvvv-users-spreads-vs-spreading-pt-1-3-5/15956 #vvvv

joreg, Wednesday, Dec 27th 2017  

@u7angel great! read my thoughts)

bo27, Monday, Dec 25th 2017  

@u7angel that looks awesome

sunep, Saturday, Dec 23rd 2017  

in case someone desperately needs a gift for xmas, there is a new Store addition. ;)

u7angel, Saturday, Dec 23rd 2017  

@gregsn ,thank you , vl rocks ¡¡ , I did in the vimeo description thouhg ;D

colorsound, Friday, Dec 22nd 2017  

@colorsound: you forgot to admit that you used VL for that :D good job by the way!

gregsn, Friday, Dec 22nd 2017  

3 days left to apply for the 6 days #vvvv beginners course in January in #berlin 2018 http://vvvv.academy/winter-course.html

joreg, Thursday, Dec 21st 2017  

second part of a series of "vl for vvvv users" tutorial is out: https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/vl-for-vvvv-users-how-to-patch-2-5/15948 #vvvv

joreg, Wednesday, Dec 20th 2017  


skyliner, Wednesday, Dec 20th 2017  

vvvv freelancer with projection experience / softedge in DX11 available for january in berlin ? holla back work@waltzbinaire.com

princemio, Tuesday, Dec 19th 2017  

@mediadog, YOU lucky dog!

metrowave, Monday, Dec 18th 2017  

interesting: http://www.adriancourreges.com/blog/2017/12/15/mgs-v-graphics-study/ @colorsound - nice dancemoves ;)

CeeYaa, Sunday, Dec 17th 2017  

Hi guys some poc of laser and projection ;D https://vimeo.com/colorsound/laser-projection-interaction

colorsound, Sunday, Dec 17th 2017  

@metrowave I just saw the Wilfred Lumia exhibit in DC - I wept. Pics/videos do it no justice, analog = infinite resolution!

mediadog, Sunday, Dec 17th 2017  


skyliner, Friday, Dec 15th 2017  

BeatDetector(bass)not working.ErrorCode from red node:"PLUGINS \BassSound dll BassSound Data BeatDetectorNode" is missing.WhatToDo?

udo2013, Friday, Dec 15th 2017  

Great AV sync: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01BcrPfX0MM

Meierhans, Tuesday, Dec 12th 2017  

the vcard page is assembled by personal settings + user page

skyliner, Monday, Dec 11th 2017  

thank you guys but this is to edit the user data, i don't find how to edit the vcard

lasal, Monday, Dec 11th 2017  

@lasal - haha nice - I think it's funny - you should keep it ;) to change - HOME-SETTINGS - PERSONAL SETTINGS

CeeYaa, Monday, Dec 11th 2017  

@lasal: here?

skyliner, Monday, Dec 11th 2017  

who knows how to edit the vcard?

lasal, Monday, Dec 11th 2017  

get started with #vl with this first part of a series of "vl for vvvv users" tutorial: https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/vl-for-vvvv-users-key-differences-1-5/15919 #vvvv

joreg, Monday, Dec 11th 2017  

speak japanese? this looks like a great resource for #vvvv tipsntricks: https://qiita.com/advent-calendar/2017/vvvv

joreg, Monday, Dec 11th 2017  

Neural Network Ambient Occlusion: http://theorangeduck.com/media/uploads/other_stuff/nnao.pdf

reaktant, Sunday, Dec 10th 2017  

@Patxi7 Awesome!!!

ARTEKLAB, Tuesday, Dec 5th 2017  

@boplbopl pretty nice screenshots!

hrovac, Tuesday, Dec 5th 2017  

vvvv for drinks (last year): https://vimeo.com/190064969

beyon, Monday, Dec 4th 2017  

vvvv for circus! https://vimeo.com/245610511

Patxi7, Sunday, Dec 3rd 2017  

vvvv for live techno A/V https://vimeo.com/245377927

matka, Sunday, Dec 3rd 2017  

@joreg thanks, actually I wanted to create patches with instance noodles for a vjing party in december, so the topic is reaated.

fibo, Saturday, Dec 2nd 2017  

@fibo great, could this be somthing for the https://discourse.vvvv.org/c/wip ?

joreg, Saturday, Dec 2nd 2017  

Hi all, I want to share this minimal deck boilerplate https://github.com/fibo/vvvv-deck

fibo, Saturday, Dec 2nd 2017  

https://blog.ndepend.com/c-8-0-features-glimpse-future/ devvvvs, if you want vvvv running with future .NET versions, prepare for changes with null and Ispread ;)

microdee, Saturday, Dec 2nd 2017  

Here you can patch around with deffered shadows in vvvv.js! https://tekcor.github.io/vvvv.js-examples/10_Shadow.html#edit/patches/root_shadow.v4p

tekcor, Friday, Dec 1st 2017  

Hey guys, anybody from/in Tel Aviv around here wanting to meet up? I will be visiting in January. Best, Flo

fleg, Friday, Dec 1st 2017  

@metrowave: no vvvv ;) but very cool project anyway!

skyliner, Thursday, Nov 30th 2017  

NDI testing https://twitter.com/vvvv_jp/status/936256745839587329

mino, Thursday, Nov 30th 2017  

@lena post a job description here: https://discourse.vvvv.org/c/jobs

joreg, Wednesday, Nov 29th 2017  

searching a vvvv freelancer - any help?

anonymous, Wednesday, Nov 29th 2017  

"Fuck the System" an auto-login bot for #vvvv which takes over your #keyboard and logs you in. Coming soon. https://i.imgur.com/SlOLBiH.png

evvvvil, Monday, Nov 27th 2017  

Avoid the link below if you are photo-sensitive

guest, Monday, Nov 27th 2017  


guest, Monday, Nov 27th 2017  

wanna learn #vvvv from scratch? here is a chance: vvvv-academy-winter-course-2018

joreg, Thursday, Nov 23rd 2017  

@catweasel: fantastic project!

skyliner, Thursday, Nov 23rd 2017  

@circuitb already tried, no luck with them... Thanks anyway.

keftaparty, Wednesday, Nov 22nd 2017  

Show tonight, thanks !

keftaparty, Wednesday, Nov 22nd 2017  

Urgent: does anyone know a wireless video transmission specialist in Paris. Having crazy problems here. Using Teradek hardware.

keftaparty, Wednesday, Nov 22nd 2017  

I found some workarounds to get some output, but I‘ll prepare a patch that shows the different issues

r.a.u.l., Tuesday, Nov 21st 2017  

@raul can you provide a patch that shows this in a new forum thread?

joreg, Tuesday, Nov 21st 2017  

FileStream (EX9) in Preview-Node works, but patching VideoTexture/FullscreenQuad/Renderer is black.. ideas? It works elsewhere :-(

r.a.u.l., Tuesday, Nov 21st 2017  

Would you be willing to choose some days to write an article in this calendar in English or Japanese? https://qiita.com/advent-calendar/2017/vvvv

aoi, Tuesday, Nov 21st 2017  

Does somebody know where to find an DX11 onscreen keyboard patch?

TidensBarn, Tuesday, Nov 21st 2017  

Does Intensity Pro 4K work with VideoIn(dx11)?

vnm, Monday, Nov 20th 2017  

for devvvvs/coders: https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Connect/2017/T125

beyon, Monday, Nov 20th 2017  


sebl, Friday, Nov 17th 2017  


bjoern, Thursday, Nov 16th 2017  

siggraph asia 2017 technical papers trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OGKh_9Rj_8

joreg, Thursday, Nov 16th 2017  

we're back

drupal_admin, Wednesday, Nov 15th 2017  

hello. maintenance reboot at 2:06am. save your work! should be back in a few minutes

drupal_admin, Wednesday, Nov 15th 2017  

Following the steps of the current vvvv chat, we put up a vvvv.js dev support. https://riot.im/app/#/room/#vvvv.js:matrix.org

tekcor, Sunday, Nov 12th 2017  


guest, Saturday, Nov 11th 2017  

more advanced stuff in vvvv.js can be seen here https://tekcor.github.io/vvvv.js-examples/

tekcor, Saturday, Nov 11th 2017  

Hi, I implemented depth texture and SSAO in vvvv.js https://tekcor.github.io/vvvv.js-examples/08.html#edit/patches/root_Depthbuffer.v4p

tekcor, Saturday, Nov 11th 2017  

excuse me! it works. not with my midi-interface but with LoopBe1. vvvv scould develop an audio-timeline. ;-) u

udo2013, Friday, Nov 10th 2017  

need midi-timecode in a patch.audition 3.0 sends.midiport registered.how to receive?no helppatches for"mtc node"+"sysexnode".

udo2013, Friday, Nov 10th 2017  


guest, Wednesday, Nov 8th 2017  

@ysap there isn't such a thing like time-out for vvvv. please start a forumthread with more details..

joreg, Monday, Nov 6th 2017  

sry for doublepost

ysap, Monday, Nov 6th 2017  

vvvv takes about 1 min to load 3d mesh file, win wants to shut it down before finished loading, how can i increase time-out for vvvv?

ysap, Monday, Nov 6th 2017  

vvvv needs some time to load a mesh file, how can i increase the windows time-out limit to not shuting down vvvv before loaded?

ysap, Monday, Nov 6th 2017  

wie stecke ich ne frau in ein wireframe und wie lasse ich netzstrümpfe aussehen als wären sie ein wireframe?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z9Y6BICpDY

udo2013, Monday, Nov 6th 2017  


tmp, Monday, Nov 6th 2017  


guest, Sunday, Nov 5th 2017  

anonymous user login


~18h ago

joreg: Here's what happened in June in our little univvvverse: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/vvvvhat-happened-in-june-2024/

~3d ago

joreg: We're starting a new beginner tutorial series. Here's Nr. 1: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/new-vvvv-tutorial-circle-pit/

~4d ago

joreg: Registration is open for LINK - the vvvv Summer Camp 24! Full details and signup are here: https://link-summercamp.de/

~4d ago

joreg: Workshop on 11 07: Compute Shader with FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-compute-shader-with-fuse/

~11d ago

joreg: Workshop on 27 06: Rendering Techniques with FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-rendering-techniques-with-fuse/

~18d ago

joreg: Workshop on 20 06: All about Raymarching with FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-all-about-raymarching-with-fuse/

~22d ago

joreg: vvvv gamma 6.5 is out, see changelog: https://thegraybook.vvvv.org/changelog/6.x.html

~26d ago

joreg: Workshop on 13 06: All about signed distance fields in FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-all-about-signed-distance-fields-with-fuse/

~1mth ago

joreg: Workshop on 06 06: All about noise Functions with FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-all-about-noise-functions-with-fuse/

~1mth ago

joreg: Workshop on 29 05: Introduction to the core FUSE principles, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-introduction-to-core-fuse-principles/