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woei, i integrated the .mov in your page ...

tonfilm, Thursday, Sep 22nd 2005  

mesh distortion patch is updated for beta9: http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=TonfilmsPatches

tonfilm, Thursday, Sep 22nd 2005  

thanks mr bene, looks like a lot of work!

elektromeier, Thursday, Sep 22nd 2005  


onoxo, Thursday, Sep 22nd 2005  

done! check the pixelshader for newbies tutorial http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=pixelshader_for_newbies

MrBenefit, Thursday, Sep 22nd 2005  

great! free time is geting closer!

onoxo, Wednesday, Sep 21st 2005  

@onoxo be patient i'm writting the last chapter ... till the weekend it should be done

MrBenefit, Wednesday, Sep 21st 2005  

hi! does someone know where is a index page for "pixelshader for newbies"? i'm geting only particles from last changes

onoxo, Wednesday, Sep 21st 2005  

jup. help-files for shaders don't take the (EX9.Effect). e.g. GouraudDirectional help.v4p

joreg, Wednesday, Sep 21st 2005  

mhh where to place a helpfile for a shader? creating a folder effects in the help directory and place the helpfile inside doesnt work...

elektromeier, Wednesday, Sep 21st 2005  

as we say in france , merci !

sanch, Wednesday, Sep 21st 2005  

as we say in frankfort, dankeschön !

tonfilm, Wednesday, Sep 21st 2005  

To Tonfilm and Sanch, as we say in manhattan, nyce!

guest, Wednesday, Sep 21st 2005  

new patches to download: http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=TonfilmsPatches

tonfilm, Wednesday, Sep 21st 2005  

it´s perfect

sanch, Monday, Sep 19th 2005  

sanch: i recorded my soundbug as a possible soundtrack for your movie... see attachment

guest, Sunday, Sep 18th 2005  

uh. sh.. it was just a bug in my headphone. sorry, i thought it was the sound of your video... :-O no joke

guest, Sunday, Sep 18th 2005  

yeah, the sound coming with the next video

sanch, Sunday, Sep 18th 2005  

sancho: the sound seems to be verrry inspired by the 180dB performance at the ARS ;) i still dont hear propperly

zepi, Sunday, Sep 18th 2005  

nice video sasnch!

onoxo, Sunday, Sep 18th 2005  

and a video http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=DmeshExp_video

sanch, Sunday, Sep 18th 2005  

7 modules : math surface http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=UserPagesanch

sanch, Sunday, Sep 18th 2005  

merci !!

guest, Sunday, Sep 18th 2005  

sanch, ta video est geniale

gregsn, Sunday, Sep 18th 2005  

hardware reset fixed the o2 so i'm getting notes and controllers, the usb1x1+kaoss still don't. i'll post to forum later. thkx all

r.meyer, Sunday, Sep 18th 2005  

video introducing nintendos new game controller on this site: http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/09/15/news_6133335.html

joreg, Sunday, Sep 18th 2005  

r.meyer please make a forum post and explain a bit more, maybe send your patch ?

guest, Sunday, Sep 18th 2005  

r.meyer: maybe more than one midi-objects enabled in your subpatches...

guest, Saturday, Sep 17th 2005  

i have only one device connected at any time, and patching only for midicontroller. i don´t get it, the same thing works in max in the same pc

r.meyer, Saturday, Sep 17th 2005  

r.meyer: make sure to have only ONE mididevice enabled in vvvv.

guest, Saturday, Sep 17th 2005  

I'm in LOVVVVE! vvvv is almost too good to be true!

guest, Saturday, Sep 17th 2005  

need some help, can't get midi to work i have tried maudio o2 and maudio usb1x1, midiox sees it, but vvvv cant, even with the spreads 1-16 and 1-100 in respentive channel and controller pins, what can i be doing wrong?

r.meyer, Saturday, Sep 17th 2005  

jeah. rubber johnny definitely inspired me..

joreg, Saturday, Sep 17th 2005  

Sorry, about this mispell Joreg.

visuality77, Saturday, Sep 17th 2005  

Nice work koreg on the video that alot surface deformation. You should check out "rubber Johnny' by Chris Cunningham

visuality77, Saturday, Sep 17th 2005  

ah. this one is in german. sorry. a more in depth documentation is still in the making

joreg, Saturday, Sep 17th 2005  

ai thanks. lars, one of the modellers has a bit more documentation online: http://larsoeschler.keydown.de/larsoeschler.de/imago/imago.html

joreg, Saturday, Sep 17th 2005  

hi joreg! this video is amaizing! how was it done?

onoxo, Saturday, Sep 17th 2005  

reply button works again :-p some htaccess error.

morphopeleides, Friday, Sep 16th 2005  

hm. it does for me. can you detail via email?

max, Friday, Sep 16th 2005  

strange; the "new reply" - button in the forum-posts doesn't work any more!

michel, Friday, Sep 16th 2005  

I got my spaceball running fine in vvvv. but there are some things in the protocol and with rs232 i dont really understand. anybody else with a spaceball who want to join and make the driver better and delope some special cameras/navigation for it?

elektromeier, Friday, Sep 16th 2005  

preliminary documentatino of the imago project: http://joreg.ath.cx/imago_movie.html

joreg, Friday, Sep 16th 2005  

-> forum: patching questions

guest, Thursday, Sep 15th 2005  

if you want to rotate the quads that they alwas face the camera but not move with the camera you need a * (transform) as the last node in the transfrom chain where you connect the inverse rotation from the camera ...

tonfilm, Thursday, Sep 15th 2005  

inverse node camera on source pin

sanch, Thursday, Sep 15th 2005  

Simple question, I need the quads to alway face the camera, tia

guest, Thursday, Sep 15th 2005  

anonymous pls try to elaborate on that question in the forums. at least i don't get what you're asking for

joreg, Thursday, Sep 15th 2005  

is there a way to tell rs232 how many chars captured per frame?

guest, Thursday, Sep 15th 2005  

is there a way to tell rs232 how many chars captured per frame?

guest, Thursday, Sep 15th 2005  


peterle, Thursday, Sep 15th 2005  

user blog and community page are great job!

onoxo, Thursday, Sep 15th 2005  

after watching the video. seems like another ms-oneway. once again with XAML they are working against open standards. google for XUL to read about the opensource alternative

joreg, Thursday, Sep 15th 2005  

i thin you have to take a look on this video ....Manuel Clement and others - Introducing Sparklehttp://channel9.msdn.com/showpost.aspx?postid=115387 is this the future of 3D

guest, Wednesday, Sep 14th 2005  

hold your horses, gents. lets heave the discussion to the wishlists forum, ok?

max, Wednesday, Sep 14th 2005  


guest, Wednesday, Sep 14th 2005  

allready installed?

elektromeier, Wednesday, Sep 14th 2005  

i dont really understand a lot about this things, but if it works as exepted i think its really cool. much better oranising of fiiles, automatic list generation, better searchoptions... mhh but what about the security issues of the plugin???

guest, Wednesday, Sep 14th 2005  

just downloaded and will give it a try. however i'm also no web/db.. expetr

gregsn, Wednesday, Sep 14th 2005  

yes cool... is it difficult to integrate the plugin in tiki and setup the sql database?

elektromeier, Wednesday, Sep 14th 2005  

yes you are right. but maybe we first start with some modules and test it.

gregsn, Wednesday, Sep 14th 2005  

maybe build in nodes and user module could be in the same database, but tagged as node or module... as user i like to search for a certain function... its not so important if its build in or a module...

elektromeier, Wednesday, Sep 14th 2005  

could also be usefull for organising the node reference...

elektromeier, Wednesday, Sep 14th 2005  

i dont really understand a lot about this things, but if it works as exepted i think its really cool. much better oranising of fiiles, automatic list generation, better searchoptions... mhh but what about the security issues of the plugin???

elektromeier, Wednesday, Sep 14th 2005  

@elektromeier: i think the db-plugin is cool. we should have a try?

gregsn, Wednesday, Sep 14th 2005  

hi, i'm trying to get to work carnivore/vvvv but im new to regexp, help patch wont help cant get kiilo's module to work, is there an example?

r.meyer, Wednesday, Sep 14th 2005  

the forum could be used for stuff like "hey i found this device on the net. has anybody tried to connect it to v4? i thought it may be cool to do ... with it". "i want to do a ... " somebody who wants to help me with that project? i'm totally newbie...

gregsn, Wednesday, Sep 14th 2005  

but it overlaps with the project discussion forums...

guest, Wednesday, Sep 14th 2005  

mhh the blog can be seen as a extended shoutbox...where everyone can post what hes working on at the moment. i think it can be more spontanous than posting i a forum which needs more exact descriptions etc...

guest, Wednesday, Sep 14th 2005  

dont invent the tackers - and surveys :-)

guest, Tuesday, Sep 13th 2005  

tikiwiki is so flexible so it tends to get messy - it is up to ypu/us to prevent this :-) kiilo

guest, Tuesday, Sep 13th 2005  

hmm ..., I like the community site as it offers another "access point" to the whole page, but I do not see the need/reason/benefit for/of Users Blog !?

MSBERGER, Tuesday, Sep 13th 2005  

hui there is the blog! ... fine :o)

kiilo, Tuesday, Sep 13th 2005  

can you make a rrs feed for "user Blog" like in forums ?

guest, Tuesday, Sep 13th 2005  

there two new top level sites. Community and User Blog. what do you think? cool or not cool?

gregsn, Tuesday, Sep 13th 2005  

Today i received a Spaceball 4000 FLX bought from ebay. Start to patch a driver this evening. im wondering how difficult/easy it will be.

elektromeier, Tuesday, Sep 13th 2005  

thx , video coming soon

guest, Tuesday, Sep 13th 2005  

beautiful stuff sanch. some look like radiolaria or shells... i really look to see the mesh moving. you got some movies?

elektromeier, Tuesday, Sep 13th 2005  

Thank you kiilo for your quick response regarding Carnivore unfortunate the link is not working :(

visuality77, Tuesday, Sep 13th 2005  

Woops, tonfilm ;)

visuality77, Tuesday, Sep 13th 2005  

Thank tofilm for the lead

visuality77, Tuesday, Sep 13th 2005  

work looks great sanch :)

visuality77, Tuesday, Sep 13th 2005  

thx jojo some other shoot http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=DMeshExp2

sanch, Tuesday, Sep 13th 2005  

incroyable davidú

joreg, Tuesday, Sep 13th 2005  

thx cat

sanch, Tuesday, Sep 13th 2005  

Sanch, those are lovely! Havent got time to play at the moment:( Cant Wait!

catweasel, Monday, Sep 12th 2005  

some images http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=DMeshExp

sanch, Monday, Sep 12th 2005  

sorry, no time at the moment. since 3 weeks today for one day at home, leaving off tomorrow again

kalle, Monday, Sep 12th 2005  

kalle, if you take out the sonderzeichen of your module pages the tikilinks works better... elemeier

guest, Monday, Sep 12th 2005  

Sorry Kiilo mispelled your name not enough jolt cola ;)

visuality77, Monday, Sep 12th 2005  

Killo a question, Networkrecieve (string/data) do not seem to hear carnivore on port 6667 whats your experience? (Posted in forum as anonomous) Thanks.

visuality77, Monday, Sep 12th 2005  

S/R (Node) is the way to go

tonfilm, Monday, Sep 12th 2005  

little disadvantage of new layersystem: dynamically loaded subpatches cannot be shown without making some connection...or am i wrong? (maybe s (layer) & r (layer) would do it)

woei, Monday, Sep 12th 2005  

kalle has permission, he can do it

tonfilm, Monday, Sep 12th 2005  

yes now it works. now its just kalles pages that arent working...

elektromeier, Monday, Sep 12th 2005  


tonfilm, Monday, Sep 12th 2005  

yes its ok i hop now the linking works..

elektromeier, Monday, Sep 12th 2005  

renamed to elektromeier modules, ok ?

tonfilm, Monday, Sep 12th 2005  

no dont do this, you will have to change all links elsewhere, whats your desired name i'll try to rename, could be a permission problem

tonfilm, Monday, Sep 12th 2005  

but with renaming page function all links pointing to this page are updated automatically...

elektromeier, Monday, Sep 12th 2005  

anonymous user login


~3d ago

joreg: Introducing: Support for latest Ultraleap hand-tracking devices: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/introducing-support-for-new-ultraleap-devices/

~6d ago

joreg: 2 day vvvv/fuse workshop in Vienna as part of NOISE festival on Sept. 13 and 14: https://www.noise.ist/vienna

~17d ago

joreg: New beginner video tutorial: World Cities https://youtu.be/ymzrK7tZLBI

~17d ago

catweasel: https://colour-burst.com/2023/01/26/macroscopic/ yeah, ' is there anyone who cares about slides anymore...' Well me for a start! :D

~26d ago

ventolinmono: The ELMO TRV-35 slides into your video feed > https://youtu.be/pcIM9mh1c9k?si=iB4FOfI2D6y0iETy

~1mth ago

joreg: The summer season of vvvv workshops is now complete, but you can still get access to all the recordings: https://thenodeinstitute.org/ss24-vvvv-intermediates/

~2mth ago

~2mth ago

joreg: Workshop on 01 08: Augmented Reality using OpenCV, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-augmented-reality-using-opencv-in-vvvv/

~2mth ago

joreg: Workshop on 18 07: Fluid simulations in FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-fluid-simulations-in-fuse/

~2mth ago

joreg: Workshop on 17 07: Working with particles in FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-working-with-particles-in-fuse/