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i want one , http://www.tgdaily.com/content/view/37770/135/

guest, Friday, Jun 27th 2008  

Is anything cool happening in Tokyo during the next two weeks?

dujoducom, Thursday, Jun 26th 2008  

.... I was impressed that even heise.de took up a newsline about his work :)

m9dfukc, Thursday, Jun 26th 2008  

@rrrr - simple but genius artwork. julius has done some other nice works over the last years.

m9dfukc, Thursday, Jun 26th 2008  

http://www.juliusvonbismarck.com/fulgurator/index.html winner of the golden nica for interactive art

rrrr, Thursday, Jun 26th 2008  

Boid Simulation in Cinema4D - preview: http://www.file-upload.net/download-939038/boids_1.mov.html

skyliner, Thursday, Jun 26th 2008  

@vlad have you seen the solar patch in girlpower. could probably extend the patch to include entire system without much effort....

rand526, Thursday, Jun 26th 2008  

i need a solar system patch!!!

vladimir, Thursday, Jun 26th 2008  

I can't stop feedbacking

DigitalSlaves, Thursday, Jun 26th 2008  


DigitalSlaves, Thursday, Jun 26th 2008  

yep .....nice screenshots.... bravo there's also a very nice linecubic series (http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-browse_image.php?imageId=5781)

circuitb, Wednesday, Jun 25th 2008  

@desax; slitscan: whos first to write the pixel shader to do this in realtime?

oschatz, Wednesday, Jun 25th 2008  

@desax: cool les screens de feedback

anachronik, Wednesday, Jun 25th 2008  

@Crustea : try this! http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_forum_attachment.php?attId=1309

Desaxismundi, Wednesday, Jun 25th 2008  

in case you didn't win the lifelike things prize at the help patch awards, you can still http://plus7.arte.tv/de/detailPage/1697660,CmC=2065402,scheduleId=2063666.html and understand why all those screenshots of the day seem so familiar so often...

max, Wednesday, Jun 25th 2008  

Arg, I'm struggling with the ARTK freeframe.. Anybody managed to get separate IDs ? I only get -1

crustea, Tuesday, Jun 24th 2008  

@lan, wouldnt like to be their nextdoor neighbour!

catweasel, Tuesday, Jun 24th 2008  


alg, Tuesday, Jun 24th 2008  


bjoern, Tuesday, Jun 24th 2008  

thoses feedback screenshot are really nice

anachronik, Tuesday, Jun 24th 2008  


oschatz, Tuesday, Jun 24th 2008  

@dantist: TogEdge expects boolean (1 or 0) at the input. you want Change instead.

diki, Tuesday, Jun 24th 2008  

ampop: Thanks for that link! VERY cool - jeez.. I feel like a newb again watching that!

wetterberg, Tuesday, Jun 24th 2008  

Little issue: LFO cycle ouput-pin counts up.. 1,2,3,4,5 ... but the input of TogEdge, where cycles is connected to, stays 1 *confused*

dantist, Tuesday, Jun 24th 2008  

everybody seen this? http://www.artsite.tv/0816node08.html

ampop, Monday, Jun 23rd 2008  

@laurenz: I found it! Its because my _root.v4p file was corrupt somehow - XML error. Could repair it though

frank, Monday, Jun 23rd 2008  

@karistouf : skype me ;)

Desaxismundi, Monday, Jun 23rd 2008  

@desaxis: hi, where are you located in france ? ;-P

karistouf, Monday, Jun 23rd 2008  

@m9dfukc Spanmode?!?

frank, Monday, Jun 23rd 2008  

Wow Cat, not my Music, but sure love how it looks!!

Westbam, Monday, Jun 23rd 2008  

good evening dr.s, i would be glad to help you, hmmm, no..

apnoe, Monday, Jun 23rd 2008  

HELP: detect object freezes onstatntly at the moment i move my renderer to second screen! anybody experienced that problem alredy?

m9dfukc, Monday, Jun 23rd 2008  

i did the VVVV AAAA thing. patch will be shared soon.

phl, Sunday, Jun 22nd 2008  

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sofOn-EGEVY A bit of what I got up to last week...

catweasel, Sunday, Jun 22nd 2008  

@frank: i only had service pack 2 installed, no other updates. I have no idea how it happened. I reinstalled xp as my previous version was somewhat corrupted anyway.

laurens, Sunday, Jun 22nd 2008  

@pedro, where was the photo shot? ... the new vimeo vid you´ve made, is very very nice!

skyliner, Sunday, Jun 22nd 2008  

wow: 2K (up to 120 fps) capture, and all this with wide dynamic range and color space in 12 bit native RAW

oschatz, Saturday, Jun 21st 2008  

4k video at 30fps www.red.com/cameras

aze, Friday, Jun 20th 2008  

yeah - VVVV AAAA looks cool. who made it?

m9dfukc, Friday, Jun 20th 2008  

@laurenz: Did you do this automatical Windows update, recently? And got this problem then? Im having same right now. Open a patch and no gui-field is showing up.

frank, Friday, Jun 20th 2008  

LS http://www.vimeo.com/1203213

defetto, Friday, Jun 20th 2008  

yum: "10 million pixels mounted in a seamless flat array - that’s 5 times the resolution of high-definition tv"

patrick, Friday, Jun 20th 2008  

@frank, thanks for your help, couldn't get it to work, needed to reinstall windows anyway.

laurens, Friday, Jun 20th 2008  

anyone tried this? http://www.outerspace-software.com/bixorama.html

oschatz, Thursday, Jun 19th 2008  

http://moma.org/exhibitions/2008/elasticmind/ sorry :)

haythemblue, Thursday, Jun 19th 2008  


haythemblue, Thursday, Jun 19th 2008  

what does everyone think of the particle engine vvvvorums>modules?

guest, Thursday, Jun 19th 2008  

what are you plannying on doing with beatracker?

guest, Thursday, Jun 19th 2008  

first report is from interactivos http://www.rtve.es/page?CA_HOME&tipoVideo=HOME_ULTIMO

colorsound, Wednesday, Jun 18th 2008  

Has anybody worked with the beattracker-node? Please tell me about your experience and wishes, because i am going to modify it soon. vvvvorums>Patching Questions

meanimal, Wednesday, Jun 18th 2008  

but we do not arrive in the vvvvorum only ... ( that could help because someone has asked before...)

karistouf, Wednesday, Jun 18th 2008  

havvvve a look at the top on the left side. this search funktion is for the whole side vvvvorums included

phlegma, Wednesday, Jun 18th 2008  

is there a searchfunction for the vvvvorum? i can`T find it Thanks

robi_h, Wednesday, Jun 18th 2008  

vvvv for ubuntu?

vladimir, Wednesday, Jun 18th 2008  

@laurenz: Either visible="1" or set new pos in first bounds-tag

frank, Wednesday, Jun 18th 2008  

@oschatz: "invisible nothing" comes from me. first steps of a patch I'm doing for a installation in Helsinki.

m9dfukc, Tuesday, Jun 17th 2008  

the render windows open but just not the patching window, it seems to have gone for a walk off the screen somewhere?

laurens, Tuesday, Jun 17th 2008  

@laurenz: open .v4p-file with editor and set renderer position by hand to 0. then open with V4

frank, Tuesday, Jun 17th 2008  

plz help, I have lost the patch window on an old screen I am using, I have tried a few shortcuts but I've had no luck. Is there some sort I preference file I can delete?

laurens, Tuesday, Jun 17th 2008  

As far as I know, Etienne De Crecy's show is powered by quartz composer...

Desaxismundi, Tuesday, Jun 17th 2008  

@invisible nothing: great works! who is doing these?

oschatz, Tuesday, Jun 17th 2008  

i don´t really know but as kalle already pointed out franzi http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=Userpagefranzi maybe knows

bjoern, Tuesday, Jun 17th 2008  

@bjoern: That Etienne De Crecy video is awsome! Was it vvvv powered?

anonymous, Tuesday, Jun 17th 2008  

i m really waiting for next node. it will cook my brain... sure !

karistouf, Monday, Jun 16th 2008  

comes time, comes nodeXX...

kalle, Monday, Jun 16th 2008  

neither can I... it will be a quick get down and go back... I will be then in grenoble, for less time. ;-( next time ?

karistouf, Monday, Jun 16th 2008  

@karistouf: thats a 200km ride one direction. i don't think that i can do this.. :( but thx anyway!!

kalle, Monday, Jun 16th 2008  

@kalle+bjoem: i'm still here...

franzi, Monday, Jun 16th 2008  

@kalle: i will be in antibes a couple of days...

karistouf, Monday, Jun 16th 2008  


diki, Monday, Jun 16th 2008  

hello, can i combine search words with and in the search field on the side? i try to restrict my search results

mindthegap, Monday, Jun 16th 2008  

@bjoern: for what i know our fellow franzi http://vvvv.org/tiki-index.php?page=Userpagefranzi did this. haven't seen him here since node08...

kalle, Monday, Jun 16th 2008  


bjoern, Saturday, Jun 14th 2008  

@thiv: i am a bit off these days..next week should be better...

joreg, Saturday, Jun 14th 2008  

@joreg will you connect to IRC tonight?

thiv, Friday, Jun 13th 2008  

@mep: look into your msg box

kalle, Friday, Jun 13th 2008  

@all the french guys: somebody located near Gap? I'm at Lac de Serre-Ponçon from Juli 12 for 2 weeks http://maps.google.de/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=de&msa=0&msid=104421000402077954437.000434e8b4a74ec5810b1&ll=44.513155,6.218948&spn=0.422557,0.410614&t=h&z

kalle, Friday, Jun 13th 2008  

please if ppl can avoid starting vvvvorum threads in caps it'd be nice !

anachronik, Friday, Jun 13th 2008  

@fendi see forum

oschatz, Friday, Jun 13th 2008  

HI anyone can tell me how to do... i want to set the play and stop music. currently i am using FFT and microphone to get the right and left value. how to set if i want to get high value and start the music (ex: if i scream and the music sill start paly

fendi, Friday, Jun 13th 2008  

its just sanchs dof shader & patch :) made it work again with newer betas... but theres an update comming, better blur quality

elektromeier, Thursday, Jun 12th 2008  

u7angel: cool upload

frank, Thursday, Jun 12th 2008  

me too wanna DOF pleaseplease!!!

kalle, Thursday, Jun 12th 2008  

please share the DOF :)

defetto, Thursday, Jun 12th 2008  

what happend to my userpages ? did i miss something ?

u7angel, Thursday, Jun 12th 2008  

@ Kalle, I wanne know how you do it since I first met you ;)

Westbam, Wednesday, Jun 11th 2008  

@Kalle: Very, very impressive! Like the irregular Layout.

sven, Wednesday, Jun 11th 2008  

in fact its 2 crates because the previous ironing board which was my laptoptable was stolen few hours ago. the room is a corridor in the cellar, becuase the box is unbelievable heavy.

kalle, Wednesday, Jun 11th 2008  

i'm impressed by the workplace: tight white room, ccfl wall, two crates and a laptop. kalle is hard core ;)

diki, Wednesday, Jun 11th 2008  

that's what they all wanna know...

kalle, Wednesday, Jun 11th 2008  

I think I can't effort one of these :( but maybe you could sell the knowledge how to control the kathodes like you do ..... hehe (i know "firmengeheimniss")

m9dfukc, Wednesday, Jun 11th 2008  

anonymous user login


~3d ago

~12d ago

joreg: Webinar on October 2nd: Rhino meets Realtime with vvvv https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/webinar-rhino-meets-realtime-with-vvvv/

~12d ago

joreg: 12-session online vvvv beginner course starting October 7th: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ws24-5-vvvv-beginners-class/

~17d ago

joreg: Introducing: Support for latest Ultraleap hand-tracking devices: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/introducing-support-for-new-ultraleap-devices/

~20d ago

joreg: 2 day vvvv/fuse workshop in Vienna as part of NOISE festival on Sept. 13 and 14: https://www.noise.ist/vienna

~1mth ago

joreg: New beginner video tutorial: World Cities https://youtu.be/ymzrK7tZLBI

~1mth ago

catweasel: https://colour-burst.com/2023/01/26/macroscopic/ yeah, ' is there anyone who cares about slides anymore...' Well me for a start! :D

~1mth ago

ventolinmono: The ELMO TRV-35 slides into your video feed > https://youtu.be/pcIM9mh1c9k?si=iB4FOfI2D6y0iETy

~2mth ago

joreg: The summer season of vvvv workshops is now complete, but you can still get access to all the recordings: https://thenodeinstitute.org/ss24-vvvv-intermediates/

~2mth ago