Reading a linear touchpad potentiometer

hi there everybody.

I need help reading out a sensofoil, wich is a linear touchpad potentiometer.

i have no problems getting the data into vvvv, but need a patch, wich divides the touchpad into 22 different areas, and shows me when i’m in a specific area, so i can generate midi notes (equivalent to a guitar string).
I’m not very experienced in using vvvv so it would be great if someone could give me some help with this situation.

thanks and good bye


hi benyamin. i’m not sure, if I understood you right but basically you get some values (depends on your interface. arduino, i guess?) as a string and all you have to do is to convert the string to a vlaue (the “AsValue (String)” node will do that) and then use the “Map (Value)” node to change the scaling of the input values (min and max values) to MIDI notes (which go from 0 to 1).

try GridPick (2d)

OK! i think gridpick (2d) could work but i still have the problem that i need to get out different notes (in musicmaker) when i put my finger over the touchpad.
right now i’m getting a constantly changing value (0 - 1024) from the touchpad (over arduino). when i put my finger on the pad there comes a determind value depending on where i am on the pad,
but how can i define wich value equals a specific note. i think i need a list with the different midinotes and another with the values that define a note.
for example: 0-5 (position value on the touchpad) = 40 (wich is E in midi), 6-10 = E#, etc.
I have no idea how to build this connection. so please help me


get those nodes and press F1 for the helpfiles:

Map (Value)
Frac (Value)

if you want nonlinear assigment you might have a look at
Map (Value) Interval