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DetectObject is simply a wrapper around the openCV function cvHaarDetectObjects.
DetectObject finds rectangular regions in the given image that are likely to contain objects the cascade has been trained for and returns those regions as a sequence of rectangles. DetectObject scans the image several times at different scales (-> Scale Cascade). Each time it considers overlapping regions in the image and applies the classifiers to the regions. It may also apply some heuristics to reduce number of analyzed regions, such as Canny pruning. After it has proceeded and collected the candidate rectangles (regions that passed the classifier cascade), it groups them and returns a sequence of average rectangles for each large enough group. The default parameters:
are tuned for accurate yet slow face detection. For faster face detection on real video images the better settings are:
text adopted from:
Emgu CV Library Documentation
training files and an application to create those files are shipped with openCV
there is a wiki with some haarcascade training files for different purposes.
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