» cn.TimelinerSA
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TimelinerSA 一个多用途的时间线

这是一个早期的独立的跨平台的beta版 opensource 时间线应用程序。它使你能在时间序列上定义关于值、字符串和颜色的关键帧,或者在特定的时间点上通过 UDP/OSC 来取得值。


http://vvvv.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=2021TimelinerSA_beta9.zip (139.56 Kb)</a>




双击 TimelinerSA.exe。如果程序崩溃或者啥事也没发生,可能要先装一下 .Net Framework >= 2.0 。通过Windows更新(在可选项中) 或者选.net 2.0独立安装版.。

Linux, OSX and Solaris

在其它平台上运行TimelinerSA需要.net的等价物 Mono >=1.91。 安装后从命令行运行mono TimelinerSA.exe 就好了。


  • 在linux和osx上能跑,不过有点瘸。

Please report all troubles/findings in the Timeliner Forum



  • +R: 标尺引脚
  • +V: 数值引脚
  • +S: 字符串引脚
  • +C: 颜色引脚
  • +M: MIDI引脚(仅在WINDOWS平台上有效)




When hovering a slice with the mouse some buttons appear on the left. They allow you to delete a slice add a slice (above or below the current slice) and move them up or down.


Doubleclick within a pin to create a new keyframe. Right-Doubleclick a keyframe to delete it.

Select a keyframe by clicking on it or select multiple keyframes by click-drag spanning a selection rectangle.

Move keyframes by dragging them. Drag with the right mousebutton constrains to Y the middle button constrains to X. Pressing SHIFT while dragging allows for finer changes. Pressing CTRL while dragging makes keyframes snap to automatas states.

Doubleclick a keyframe to open an editor and change its values. This also works when multiple keyframes are selected. Note that only values changed in the editor will be written to the keyframes. Therefore as long as you don't change the time all keyframes will stay at their time-position but only will be set to the same value.

RightClick-drag in an empty area of a pin:

  • left-right to move the timeline
  • up-down to zoom


  • SPACE: toggle play/pause
  • BACKSPACE: stop and rewind
  • HOME: jump to first state (or 0 if automata not in use)
  • END: jump to last state
  • PageUp: jump to next state
  • PageDown: jump to last state
  • DELETE (ENTF): delete selected keyframes
  • CTRL
    • while dragging a keyframe: snap to automata states
    • L: time align selected keyframes
    • A: select all keyframes
    • A & SHIFT: select all keyframes of hoverin pin
    • while dragging a keyframe: make smaller steps
    • A: select all keyframes of hovering slice


The Midi Pin is still quite experimental and will only work on windows. By clicking on the *.mid in the PinHeader you can select a midi-file to be loaded. The individual midi-tracks as specified in the file will appear as Slices. Note that only tracks that have notes will show up.

You can edit notes in time and pitch and delete them. Adding notes or changing velocity is not yet implemented.

Pressing the [S] button next to the filename will save the file. Note: Simply loading and saving a file will alter your original midi-file! Not all information present in your original file may be saved in the new file.


Timerliner中包括一个简单的有限状态自动机,你可以在其中指定一些逻辑来影响时间进程。通过勾选代表 AutomataA 来激活自动机。



  • -INF
  • loop
  • +INF

that make up a simple loop. While you can get rid of or change the first two, the last one will always be there, as it sits at infinity and you'll hardly reach it.

Doubleclick in an empty area to create a new state/keyframe or doubleclick an existing state/keyframe to modify it. DoubleRightClick a state to delete it.

Note, that each state spans from the previous one to its own visual representation. The keyframes in the Automata area therefore always only specify the end of a state.

Move states in time using the left mousebutton. Use the right mousebutton to scale all keyframes of this state and move all following keyframes further in time. Use the middle mousebutton to scale the keyframes of the next state and move all previous keyframes in time accordingly. Hard to explain, still indispensable.


每个状态都可以有任意数目的 事件 ,事件可以在任何时刻导致状态转换。每个状态肯定有一个事件 OnEnd 事件, 它是在状态结束时执行的动作。


 OnBang next
 OnSupa pause
 OnBad play

为提高可读性,建议都以 On... 来开始一个事件。



 next      >>
 previous  <<
 loop      ><
 play      >
 pause     ||

If you write any other string next to an event it will be treated as a state and on execution of the event the automata will jump to the beginning of that event or pause if an event with such a name is not present.





All of Timeliners current values are being sent via UDP using the OSC protocoll. Specify a target IP address ( is the localhost) and a port (default: 4444).

All values are sent in one OSC-Bundle. The individual messages addresses comprise of the base-address set in the edit-field + the pinname. e.g.:



TimelinerSA can be controlled via OSC commands. It listenes to commands sent to the port set via the rightmost numberbox in the interface (which defaults to 5555).

Send the commands to the base-address as set in the edit field + the command you like to controll. e.g.:

  • Play: takes 0 (pause) or 1 (play) as argument

/timeliner/Play 1

  • Set Time: takes 0 (don't set time) or 1 (set time) as argument

/timeliner/Set Time 1

  • Time In: takes a single floating point value to specify the current time

/timeliner/Time In 0.234


beta9 08 12 09

  • fixed: dragging a state with middle/right mousebutton now also saves changes
  • now running in cleaner hoster

beta8.1 17 10 09

  • fixed a bug that would pop when Automata was not enabled

beta8 10 10 09

  • dragging a state with middle/right mousebutton scales below keyframes accordingly.
  • keyframes and timebar now snap to automata states when pressing CTRL while dragging
  • improved drawing of automata states
  • keyframe editors now also available in collapsed pins
  • fixed bugs reported here and here

beta7.1 19 09 09

  • u7 found something was odd with the accompanying .dlls

beta7 19 09 09

  • collapsed view is finally useful
  • time input can now take a spread of times that is distributed to the pins
  • pressing ALT while moving multiple selected keyframes moves each keyframe proportionally
  • keyframe editors now also available in collapsed view

beta6 - 09 01 09

  • midi: now uses the first tempo change specified in a file, not the last.
  • translation is now saved/loaded correctly
  • viewer crashes on zoom/translate

beta5.2 - 30 11 08

  • fixed loading of broken savegame.xml as reported here
  • collapsed value-pins now load correctly
  • no more toggling of PLAY/PAUSE when in text-edit field

beta5.1 - 05 11 08

  • no more crashes on linux and OSX (using mono >=1.91)
  • now loads midi-files that have no tempo specified
  • no more error when changing tempo/rhythm with no midi-file loaded

beta5 - 28 09 08

  • added Midi Pin (+M) (windows only)
  • current slice value is now being displayed again
  • renaming pins now holds its keyframes as reported here

beta4.3 - 17 09 08

  • adding removing AutomataPin now adapts upper pinarea
  • values left/right of keyframes are now clamped (not falling back to 0)
  • pinorder now correctly shown in debugmode
  • mouse is now cyclic for zooming and panning
  • value keyframes are now clipped to min/max during dragging
  • keyframe info is no longer clipped to keyframes slice
  • color-keyframes now can be dragged with correct speed
  • color-keyframe hue adjustment is now cyclic

beta4.2 - 16 09 08

beta4.1 - 05 05 08

  • no more crash on scrolling with wheel
  • no more crash with colorpins scrolled out of sight
  • no more wrong clipping with spreaded pins half scrolled out of sight
  • collapsed pins now clip correctly on splitpane
  • changing a keyframe now has priority to moving the timebar

beta4 - 02 05 08

  • now saving all pinsettings in one pin (needs manual conversion of old savegame.xml)
  • now saving pincollapsed and allinone states
  • added PageUP, PageDOWN shortcuts
  • new output for Automata: spread of state-times
  • added splitpane: have static pins on top and scrolling pins below
  • use dragdrop on pinheaders to change their order

beta3.2 - 22 02 08

  • right-click-drag-up/down to zoom
  • Home/End buttons to jump to first/last state
  • pins/slices better to distinguish visually
  • no more crash on deleting pins
  • keyframes can be selected more precisely

beta3.1 - 19 02 08

  • fixed: Min/Max of ValuePin not initializing correctly

beta3 - 16 02 08

  • added Automata for looping and more
  • improved ruler drawing

beta2 - 29 12 07

  • should now open without crash on all pcs with .net installed
  • can now be triggered via OSC

beta1 - 24 12 07 - initial release


OSC Timeline an OSC sequencer.
SEQ24 a minimal loop based midi sequencer.
OTL OpenTimeLine - a sequencer dedicated to graphical score.
IanniX an OSC poly-temporal meta-sequencer.
KluppeTimeLine ("ktl") - graphical score, OSC]

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~3d ago

joreg: Workshop on 01 08: Augmented Reality using OpenCV, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-augmented-reality-using-opencv-in-vvvv/

~12d ago

joreg: Workshop on 18 07: Fluid simulations in FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-fluid-simulations-in-fuse/

~12d ago

joreg: Workshop on 17 07: Working with particles in FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-working-with-particles-in-fuse/

~22d ago

joreg: Here's what happened in June in our little univvvverse: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/vvvvhat-happened-in-june-2024/

~24d ago

joreg: We're starting a new beginner tutorial series. Here's Nr. 1: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/new-vvvv-tutorial-circle-pit/

~25d ago

joreg: Registration is open for LINK - the vvvv Summer Camp 24! Full details and signup are here: https://link-summercamp.de/

~25d ago

joreg: Workshop on 11 07: Compute Shader with FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-compute-shader-with-fuse/

~1mth ago

joreg: Workshop on 27 06: Rendering Techniques with FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-rendering-techniques-with-fuse/

~1mth ago

joreg: Workshop on 20 06: All about Raymarching with FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-all-about-raymarching-with-fuse/

~1mth ago

joreg: vvvv gamma 6.5 is out, see changelog: https://thegraybook.vvvv.org/changelog/6.x.html