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@u7: "for no reason" translates almost always to defective ram, shitty agp connectors, broken fans and/or having the right thermal glue on all of the coolers

oschatz, Thursday, Jun 8th 2006  

no definetely not...strange old AMD machines from another age...not a vvvv problem for sure

u7angel, Thursday, Jun 8th 2006  

that's not the quad royal machine, is it?

max, Thursday, Jun 8th 2006  

well...the pc's decide to crash sometimes for no reason...computers have a soul and a temper ;)

u7angel, Wednesday, Jun 7th 2006  

crash? what crash? me, crash? the v no crash, or?

max, Wednesday, Jun 7th 2006  

press premiere of ich² went alright yesterday..thank god no crash !

u7angel, Wednesday, Jun 7th 2006  

tätätät - new freeframe plugin - http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=839 he, lets detect some faces or other objects in our local videoin.

MrBenefit, Wednesday, Jun 7th 2006  

@Sanch amazing supa formula destrukt made my day

guest, Tuesday, Jun 6th 2006  

if you feel to smart for this world, just try this and come back to ground. http://www.gravitation3d.com/magiccube5d/

milo, Tuesday, Jun 6th 2006  

hey, an unknown vvvv workshop docu from s''münd: http://www.korbinianpolk.com/projekte/traces_video.mov neat.

max, Tuesday, Jun 6th 2006  

on its way. i'm working on it right now. other projects needed my attention, that is why we are late... coming soooon though. be patient!

david, Tuesday, Jun 6th 2006  

i like being annoying...where is the promised new webdesign ? or did i just dream about that ..

u7angel, Monday, Jun 5th 2006  

@gregsn oh it's japanese kids TVprograpitagoraswitch It is made in the lab of the  university.

sohya, Saturday, Jun 3rd 2006  


guest, Saturday, Jun 3rd 2006  

Finally got round to uploading some file utilities, useful for servers and networked things...http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=UserPagecatweasel

catweasel, Friday, Jun 2nd 2006  

another "the way things go": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBio6l-o1HA&search=cleaning%20the%20garage YouTube - My grandpa cleaning the garage

gregsn, Friday, Jun 2nd 2006  

superformula is online http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=User+Shaders

sanch, Friday, Jun 2nd 2006  

vvvv on you tube: http://www.youtube.com/results?search=vvvv

tonfilm, Friday, Jun 2nd 2006  

and i'll bring footage of course

u7angel, Thursday, Jun 1st 2006  

shame..but oschatz invited me to frankfurt...so once the stress is over i'll come down and we meet in person

u7angel, Thursday, Jun 1st 2006  

u7 glad to hear the dome runs smooth. i would really love to see the show but i had a look at the map for keel..its kinda out of my radius. hope we get a good documentation on the thing.

joreg, Thursday, Jun 1st 2006  

u7angel: can you mail me the patch ? I'm gonna check it out and try to tweak it a bit then... > nfms.optech@gmail.com

nfms, Wednesday, May 31st 2006  

hehe...btw. the dome stuff run's like charm now...one nicety of vvvv...if it works, it simply works

u7angel, Wednesday, May 31st 2006  

sorry ankel. jaggy..ja i guess we'll never get that smoother..with directshow..

joreg, Wednesday, May 31st 2006  

my name is angel ;) ...yeah pci-e card but the 4 fps are not true....i jsut remember it being very jaggy

u7angel, Wednesday, May 31st 2006  

angle, did you try with a pci-e card? at what resolution?

joreg, Wednesday, May 31st 2006  

it's not useable really...i've tried it myself...4 fps ;)

u7angel, Wednesday, May 31st 2006  

thanks, gonna try it, is it like 4 fps ? or 20 then ? :)

nfms, Wednesday, May 31st 2006  

nfms: in theory yes. via the AsVideo node. in practice you'll not achieve high framerates

joreg, Wednesday, May 31st 2006  

Is it possible to use Freeframe effects on a DX9 renderer? if so? how? I've only seen patches where FF is being used on video....

nfms, Wednesday, May 31st 2006  

gesture-tracking platform written in Macromedia Flash 8 http://www.nastypixel.com/prototype/?page_id=86

ampop, Wednesday, May 31st 2006  

how to recive a video web stream? i have got a qt spd file. please help!

TomPeak, Wednesday, May 31st 2006  

note, that a hdr texture is prerendered in terragen. atm v4 does only a hdr exposure fading. look @ my userpage for a small video. more to come

milo, Tuesday, May 30th 2006  

yeah cool shit...are u gonna publish the shader ?

u7angel, Tuesday, May 30th 2006  

@ingolf. that hdr shit is amazing.

david, Tuesday, May 30th 2006  

anyone knows http://cps.bonneville.nl

oschatz, Tuesday, May 30th 2006  

@dns: its also used in 87 & 88 and sometimes it looks like a real motion blur.

milo, Monday, May 29th 2006  

it´s only a radial blur, look in the user shader page for radialblur

sanch, Monday, May 29th 2006  

like to know how the motionblur, like in 2185, is achieved

dns, Monday, May 29th 2006  

ha we wish...

rand526, Sunday, May 28th 2006  

sorry, uploaded "heliodisplay.jpg" to the wrong directory ... it of course is NOT a screenshot !

MSBERGER, Saturday, May 27th 2006  

a little ich² teaser ... the stage we developedhttp://www.muthesius-dmi.de/ich2/media/stage/pictures/picture-14.jpg this planetarium is really small as u can see

u7angel, Saturday, May 27th 2006  

screenshots! @2169, 2180, 2181 - more amazing images - its been a good month for screenshots...

rand526, Saturday, May 27th 2006  

@Kalle, nice work on your vvvviki updates!! Miam miam = yam yam

Westbam, Friday, May 26th 2006  

miam miam WOW

catweasel, Friday, May 26th 2006  

ahhh.. i see... advanced logics

kalle, Friday, May 26th 2006  

kalle...no we never met. but i'm from bundenachrichtendienst :) ...picture in screenshots of the day and ur website !

u7angel, Friday, May 26th 2006  

@tonfilm: not only funky dress, also funky person inside. @u7angel: how can you know what i look like? did we ever meet somewhere?!?

kalle, Friday, May 26th 2006  

@u7 thats a vertex shader implementation of http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/surfaces/supershape3d/ if sanch an i have an easy to use version, you will find it in the shader gallery... ;)

tonfilm, Wednesday, May 24th 2006  

how is supershape done ? dynamic mesh generation i guess but how exactly

u7angel, Wednesday, May 24th 2006  

they come from a technical background i think. from eth zurich :)

elektromeier, Wednesday, May 24th 2006  

yeah theyre thinking more like classical vjs

elektromeier, Wednesday, May 24th 2006  

"Since most live visual performances include video footage, the video clip is the most important media type a visual artist is working with" sounds very disappointing. But the dynamic history branching in the design view is cool.

oschatz, Wednesday, May 24th 2006  

theres a paper on their homepage, and they write that tehy want to make their software public this summer: http://www.corebounce.org/wiki/

elektromeier, Wednesday, May 24th 2006  

anyone knows corebounce? they made their own software for their vjgigs. somehow similar to max/pd/vvvv.

elektromeier, Wednesday, May 24th 2006  

dj west on the right ; ) http://www.kroegenweb.nl/fotoboek/968079.jpg

sanch, Tuesday, May 23rd 2006  

http://www.kroegenweb.nl/fotoboek/966467.jpg :))

u7angel, Tuesday, May 23rd 2006  

he kalle, funky dress ;)

tonfilm, Tuesday, May 23rd 2006  

cool , http://www.ricos.nl

sanch, Tuesday, May 23rd 2006  

Still recovering and completing Rico's, (filling her up with more LEDwall presets) there are some pictures online www.ricos.nl - will make a wikipage soon!!

Westbam, Tuesday, May 23rd 2006  

@cat, this would be cool, meeting u in rl :)

u7angel, Monday, May 22nd 2006  

@u7 I might just have to pop over for this, it looks great!

catweasel, Monday, May 22nd 2006  

oh je ... 8-x

kiilo, Monday, May 22nd 2006  

click on the picture, kiilo

u7angel, Monday, May 22nd 2006  

did anybody found the webpage for 'ich²'?

kiilo, Monday, May 22nd 2006  

jeeha. tanks. wiegesagt...würd ich auch gern. erstmal gibts aber nur den prototypen.

joreg, Sunday, May 21st 2006  

joreg: herzlichen glückwunsch! ich will dat auch mal ´spuin!

fleg, Saturday, May 20th 2006  

yeah i want picture to

sanch, Saturday, May 20th 2006  

@ West, We want pictures! (When you recover!)

catweasel, Saturday, May 20th 2006  

elektromeier: thumbs up for ornaments patch!

ErnstHot, Saturday, May 20th 2006  

congrats West! and congrats to Rene. and even more congats to Sanch and Kalle! -- send photos! and i have to admit: the first 98% vvvv based club is the cocoon in frankfurt..

oschatz, Saturday, May 20th 2006  

Woooooooot West and Kalle on the opening off Ricos... first club ever 100% vvvv based?? :) Thanx Sanch and rest of MESO crew, lurf you all!!

Westbam, Saturday, May 20th 2006  

@ 2151 and 2152 - stellar shots....

rand526, Friday, May 19th 2006  

nice screenshots

elektromeier, Friday, May 19th 2006  

hey mr supafast !

elektromeier, Friday, May 19th 2006  

@oschatzi: i already thought something like that ;>) but the described will only work for some purposes. see screenshot.

kalle, Friday, May 19th 2006  

wow this translearn things looks really funny

sanch, Friday, May 19th 2006  

.. didnt tell them on purpose :)

oschatz, Thursday, May 18th 2006  

hi translearners! did you already search mine an MSBERGER's Userpages? DMX4ALL patches are already there.

kalle, Thursday, May 18th 2006  

works instantly ! cheers

u7angel, Thursday, May 18th 2006  

thats too cool! spread it!

tonfilm, Thursday, May 18th 2006  

u7 see http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=OSCGlue

oschatz, Thursday, May 18th 2006  

just read the OSCGlue page...this is great news, guys....please release soonish :) ill even take some buggy alpha

u7angel, Thursday, May 18th 2006  

sorry. server was down for a few minutes.. fixed now.

david, Thursday, May 18th 2006  

ja, und harte newbie. atm im vvvv workshop.gruess

valium, Thursday, May 18th 2006  

@West and Kalle, your own lighting visualiser too!

catweasel, Thursday, May 18th 2006  

hey valium, au us de schwiz?

elektromeier, Thursday, May 18th 2006  

show me your results :)

elektromeier, Thursday, May 18th 2006  

My ornament generator is finally up: http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=elektromeier-Ornaments

elektromeier, Thursday, May 18th 2006  

about the pentricks: i remember a time where you earnt punishement for this by the teachers in school :/

elektromeier, Thursday, May 18th 2006  

for gregsn: http://www.pentrix.com/videos/videolist.php

bjoern, Thursday, May 18th 2006  

nice tricks: http://www.penspinning.com/

gregsn, Wednesday, May 17th 2006  

ive got skype skypename: elektromeier

elektromeier, Wednesday, May 17th 2006  

have you msn or skype

sanch, Wednesday, May 17th 2006  

hm then i take a look on your version with dynamic mesh. so you think its hard to make a spreadable version? im not that experienced with dynamic mesh. and what about the performace with lots of letters?

elektromeier, Wednesday, May 17th 2006  

if you align the font on the left , i think the spacing work ...

sanch, Wednesday, May 17th 2006  

anonymous user login


~4d ago

joreg: Introducing: Support for latest Ultraleap hand-tracking devices: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/introducing-support-for-new-ultraleap-devices/

~8d ago

joreg: 2 day vvvv/fuse workshop in Vienna as part of NOISE festival on Sept. 13 and 14: https://www.noise.ist/vienna

~18d ago

joreg: New beginner video tutorial: World Cities https://youtu.be/ymzrK7tZLBI

~18d ago

catweasel: https://colour-burst.com/2023/01/26/macroscopic/ yeah, ' is there anyone who cares about slides anymore...' Well me for a start! :D

~28d ago

ventolinmono: The ELMO TRV-35 slides into your video feed > https://youtu.be/pcIM9mh1c9k?si=iB4FOfI2D6y0iETy

~1mth ago

joreg: The summer season of vvvv workshops is now complete, but you can still get access to all the recordings: https://thenodeinstitute.org/ss24-vvvv-intermediates/

~2mth ago

~2mth ago

joreg: Workshop on 01 08: Augmented Reality using OpenCV, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-augmented-reality-using-opencv-in-vvvv/

~2mth ago

joreg: Workshop on 18 07: Fluid simulations in FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-fluid-simulations-in-fuse/

~2mth ago

joreg: Workshop on 17 07: Working with particles in FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-working-with-particles-in-fuse/