The TextureUtils type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberCopy32BitTexToArray
Copy texture pixels to an array.
Public methodStatic memberCopyBitmapToTexture
Copies all pixels of the bitmap into the texture. no checks are done, make sure the pixel count of the bitmap and texture matches
Public methodStatic memberCreateColoredTexture
Create a texture of width and height on device and fill it with argbColor.
Public methodStatic memberCreateTexture
Create a texture of width and height on device.
Public methodStatic memberCreateTextureNoAlpha
Create a texture without an alpha channel of width and height on device.
Public methodStatic memberFill32BitTex(Texture, array<UInt32>[]()[][], TextureFillFunction)
Fill a 32 bit texture with values retrieved from the function fillFunc.
Public methodStatic memberFill32BitTex<(Of <<'(TMetadata>)>>)(Texture, array<UInt32>[]()[][], TMetadata, TextureFillFunction<(Of <<'(TMetadata>)>>))
Fill a 32 bit texture with values retrieved from the function fillFunc.
Public methodStatic memberFill32BitTexInPlace(Texture, TextureFillFunctionInPlace)
Fill a 32 bit texture in place with values retrieved from the function fillFunc.
Public methodStatic memberFill32BitTexInPlace<(Of <<'(TMetadata>)>>)(Texture, TMetadata, TextureFillFunctionInPlace<(Of <<'(TMetadata>)>>))
Fill a 32 bit texture in place with values retrieved from the function fillFunc.
Public methodStatic memberFill32BitTexInPlaceParallel(Texture, TextureFillFunctionInPlace)
Fill a 32 bit texture parallel in place with values retrieved from the function fillFunc.
Public methodStatic memberFill32BitTexInPlaceParallel<(Of <<'(TMetadata>)>>)(Texture, TMetadata, TextureFillFunctionInPlace<(Of <<'(TMetadata>)>>))
Fill a 32 bit texture parallel in place with values retrieved from the function fillFunc.
Public methodStatic memberFill32BitTexParallel(Texture, array<UInt32>[]()[][], TextureFillFunction)
Fill a 32 bit texture in parallel with values retrieved from the function fillFunc.
Public methodStatic memberFill32BitTexParallel<(Of <<'(TMetadata>)>>)(Texture, array<UInt32>[]()[][], TMetadata, TextureFillFunction<(Of <<'(TMetadata>)>>))
Fill a 32 bit texture in parallel with values retrieved from the function fillFunc.
Public methodStatic memberGetArrayVal2D
Retrievies the value at position row, col from a data array of width width.
Public methodStatic memberGetPtrVal2D
Retrievies the value at position row, col from a data buffer of width width.
Public methodStatic memberSetArrayVal2D
Sets the value at position row, col in a data array of width width.
Public methodStatic memberSetPtrVal2D
Sets the value at position row, col in a data buffer of width width.

See Also