
Is there a way to sort of “shortcircuit” the newton node, so that it reaches its destination within one frame on demand ?

take the deniro and set the pin called “constant drive” (or so) to 0.
then it should behave like the newton. all these advanced filter nodes have many pins and many possibilities to be synced to other filters or movements.

gambe with “Posiotion In” and “Velocity In” and the “Go” pin.

also have a look at the “my filter” patch in the girlpower.

I have to admit that the deniro is a bit too comprehensive for me to understand without any documentation (your instructions above didn’t really work, sorry…). Wouldn’t you think it might be possible to simply add a shortcircuit pin to the standard filtertypes as I consider this fuction to be quite useful.
Or maybe a little helppatch showing how to build up standard filters using the deniro node would encourage users to play around with those additional pins as well.
Thanks anyways for your fast reply.