SendMessage (Windows) Problem

Trying to get a Website onto a texture pretty similar to what WebDX in girlpower-folder does but not with the html-renderer, because I do not want the html-renderer to slow down my patch, if i’m using screenshot the IE/Firefox may run on another CPU core.

But, the controls over SendMessage (windows) wont work on Internet Explorer or Firefox.
I’m reading the handle with WindowList and HWND, and I’m sending the mouse down and up just like in the WebDX-patch.
I’m on a Win7 64bit (using IE64 bit, IE32bit and Mozilla Firefox)

I know that the Handle is right because when I use 256 at MessageCode and put 114 at Pin W then a searchbar is popping up.

I know, there is the list, and Mouse Hover,Down&Up is 512,513 and 514 but nothing happens there…

so if anybody knows the right configuration if this is possible, please tell me.

thanks, avaos


you see how the Renderer (HTML URL) has its own Browser Handle output as in its case this is different from the one you get via WindowList (VVVV). this maybe the reason it doesn’t work for you either as the main browser-windows handle may not be the actual handle of the html-rendering control.

i guess there are tools which let you find out the actual handle…maybe you can do that programmatically like: get controls handle from mouse-position via a windows api (if you’re a bit into coding). else i don’t see a way to access the right handle.

so that is simulating ctrl+f? could still be that this is intercepted on the main window handle while clicking in the html-rendering-control requires a different handle.