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literature list

  • citation index (paper ressource)


  • schneider


  • Flexible Timeline User Interface using Constraints (Kazutaka Kurihara David Vronay Takeo Igarashi )
  • Wolber, D. A Multiple Timeline Editor for Developing
  • Multi-Threaded Animated Interfaces. UIST 1998,

ACM Press


  • Josef Stoer, Numerische Mathematik 1, 8. Auflage, Springer 1999
  • Borning, A., Marriott, K., Stuckey, P., and Xiao,

Y.:Solving Linear Arithmetic Constraints for User In-
terface Applications, Proc. ACM UIST, 1997

  • Thomas Rauber: Algorithmen in der Computergraphik; Teubner-Verlag; Stuttgart, 1993; ISBN 3-519-02127-7
  • Bart u.a.: Anschauliche Analytische Geometrie; Ehrenwirth-Verlag; München, 1993; ISBN 3-431-03021-1
  • Bartels,R.H.,Beatty,J.C.,andBarsky,B.A. AnIntroductiontoSplinesforUseinComputer

GraphicsandGeometricModeling. Morgan Kaufmann, 1987.

  • Micchelli,C.A. Interpolationofscattereddata:Distancematricesandconditionallypositivedefinite

functions. ConstructiveApproximation2 (1986).

  • Wiley,D.J.,andHahn,J.K. Interpolationsynthesisforarticulatedfiguremotion.In Proceedings

oftheVirtualRealityAnnualInternationalSymposium (Mar.1997),IEEEComputerSocietyPress,

  • MultidimensionalMotionInterpolationUsingRadialBasis

Functions (CharlesRose, BobbyBodenheimer, MichaelF.Cohen)


  • Daniel Thalmann, Nadja Magnenat-Thalmann
  • Rose,C.F.,Guenter,B.,Bodenheimer,B.,andCohen,M. Efficientgenerationofmotiontransi-

tionsusingspacetimeconstraints.In ComputerGraphics (Aug.1996),pp.147–154.Proceedingsof

  • Perlin,K. Realtimeresponsiveanimationwithpersonality. IEEETransactionsonVisualizationand

ComputerGraphics1, 1 (Mar. 1995), 5–15

  • Amaya,K.,Bruderlin,A.,andCalvert,T. Emotionfrommotion.In GraphicsInterface’96 (May


  • J. Vince, „3D Computer Animation“, Addison-Wesley, 1992
  • A. Watt,. Watt, „Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques“, Addison-Wesley, 1993
  • Witkin,A.,andPopovic,Z. Motionwarping.In ComputerGraphics (Aug.1995),pp.105–108.



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