» Change Log - vvvv33beta9
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Change Log - vvvv33beta9

acl(admin devvvv vvvvgroup)

released on 01 09 05

for a list of the most important changes to this release have a look at the extra beta9 site.


  • saving patches is always fast
  • fixed bug with pin-inspektors not hiding when value was not changed
  • when entering a value you can now use both ',' and '.' as decimal seperators
  • arguments from Args.txt are now appended to commandline arguments
  • windows can now be toggled 'always on top' (Ctrl+T)
  • new mainloop mode, with defaults to a new mode where the time is filtered to get smoother animations.
  • depth buffer pins are in the Inspector now as enumerations to choose the precision.
  • feedback loops with renderer are much more easier now: create one renderer, write its output texture into the Queue texture (frame count of 1 is sufficient) and use the output of the Queue as a texture in the same renderer.

new nodes

  • Torus (EX9.Geometry) discrete Render Object, was a module in former versions of vvvv
  • DFT (Value) discrete fourier transform
  • Perlin (2d): smooth 2-dimensional noise function
  • Perlin (3d): smooth 3-dimensional noise function see Perlin Noise
  • Cross (3d): creates all combination triplets of the inputs
  • MAC (Network): Get the physical MAC address from a given network name or IP (all pins spreadable)
  • Normals (Ex9.Geometry Mesh): calculates normals, tangents, binormals for a mesh
  • Change (Ex9.Geometry Mesh): outputs 1 when the input-mesh changed in this frame, 0 if the input mesh was equal to the one in the last frame
  • Change (Ex9.Geometry VertexBuffer): outputs 1 when the input-vertexbuffer changed in this frame, 0 if the input-vertexbuffer was equal to the one in the last frame
  • Count (Node)
  • Count (Color)
  • Count (Enumerations)
  • IO (Devices IOWarrior40): connect IOWarrior40 by code mercenaries to vvvv
  • Buffer (EX9.Texture) creates a spread of textures where new images can be written at arbitrary positions (note that texture input and index input not spreadable yet)
  • Cons (EX9.Texture)
  • AsVideo (DShow9) added: Create DirectShow video stream from texture
  • Writer (DShow9): Write a DirectShow video stream to disk
  • Compress (DShow9): compress a DirectShow video stream with a chosen codec
  • Separate (String): Splits a given string at the selected separator into slices

new nodes for complex math

  • + (Complex) addition of complex numbers
  • - (Complex) subtraction of complex numbers
  • * (Complex) multiplication of complex numbers
  • / (Complex) division of complex numbers
  • Sqr (Complex) square of a complex number
  • Sqrt (Complex) the square root of a complex number
  • Power (Complex) raise a complex number to the power of a second
  • Cunjugate (Complex) negate the imaginary part of a complex number
  • Abs (Complex) the absolute value of a complex number, the length
  • Arg (Complex) the argument of a complex number, the angle to the real axis
  • Exp (Complex) returns e raised to the power of the input
  • Ln (Complex) complex natural logarithm, returns the exponent of e to reach the input
  • Function (Complex) all complex trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
  • Function (Complex Inverse) all complex inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
  • Function (Complex Special) special complex functions, Sinc, Gamma, Bessel I0 and Bessel J0, note: if you use only the real input of a complex node, the result is also real (ecxept for special cases of Sqrt, Ln and Power) go to Wikipedia Complex Number to learn more

changed nodes

  • MainLoop (VVVV) deleted IncrementMode pin, added TimeMode enumeration pin with: Raw (old mode), Filtered (default) and Increment
  • Gregorian (Astronomy) added Milliseconds output pin
  • CreateNode (VVVV), DeleteNode (VVVV): added 'Query Save' pin to only optionally ask for saving when deleting/removing a changed patch
  • Effect(Ex9.Effect): EnableSliceWise removed; Enable spreadable
  • Optimize(Ex9.Geometry Mesh) now works properly
  • Fog (EX9.Renderstate) now works properly
  • Switch (Value Output), Switch (String Output) fixed
  • Renderers: removed AutoSizeBackbufferPin: a value of 0 now causes autosizing of width and height individually
  • Renderers: added Outputs: ActualBackBufferWidth/Height, IsFullscreen
  • Renderers: changed Pin: FullscreenOnClient to ordinary fullscreen switch pin (finally)
  • TypoSpread: added Spacing pin (1=em). Fixed recalculation bugs. Fixed bug with FillSquare update pin.
  • DynamicTexture (EX9.Texture Color), DynamicTexture (EX9.Texture Value) now work with all texture formats and types
  • Info (EX9.Texture): is now spreadable and added Input: Level and Outputs: Depth, Type
  • Pipet (EX9.Texture) is now spreadable and deals with almost all texture formats, faster
  • Writer (EX9.Texture) is now spreadable
  • ScreenShot (VVVV) renamed to ScreenShot (EX9.Texture) and fixed some minor bugs

deleted nodes

  • 4x4to3x3 is not necessary anymore.

anonymous user login


~5d ago

joreg: The summer season of vvvv workshops at The NODE Institute is out: https://thenodeinstitute.org/ss24-vvvv-intermediates/

~5d ago

domj: If you happen to be in Prague, come join us at the Schema workshop on Thursday 25.4. :) https://www.facebook.com/events/395516526614988/?ti=ls

~17d ago

joreg: Postponed: Next vvvv beginner course starting April 29: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/vvvv-beginner-class-summer-2024/

~1mth ago

~2mth ago

joreg: The Winter Season of vvvv workshops is now over but all recordings are still available for purchase: https://thenodeinstitute.org/ws23-vvvv-intermediates/