MORE POWER to the node Reference

found in HowTo Find Help:

vvvv brings up a page from the node reference, when pressing Alt-F1. Maintaining the node reference and putting interesting information there is an old wish.

i really forgot this ALT-F1 feature.

Dear experienced users:
if you stumble upon interesting findings to share with the community:
*select node
and share your knowlegde.

Regarding the recent effort organizing node reference:

Would it make sense to include an area in each node reference page where users could see or copy (into clipboard) the wiki node name of that page ?

kalle made some great modules to handle it into vvvv.
But i’m somehow stuck sometimes while @work and no access to vvvv.

Just a little suggestion.
What do you think about that ?

hey Olivier,

are you alive?
i hope that you only somehow went into hiding…
…or that you even have something better to do than vvvvasting time with vvvv…

would really like to see/meet/talk/chat to you again somedays…

you wrote:

Would it make sense to include an area in each node reference page where users could see or copy (into clipboard) the wiki node name of that page ?

well, i don’t think this being necessary.

referencing a node’s vvvvikipage is quite easy:
using e.g.:
IOBox (Value Advanced)
creates this link: IOBox (Value Advanced) .

the rule is nodename and a following space inbetween double round brackets. quite easy, isn’t it?