» Struct
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Credits: readme and bjoern for years of using and feedbacking


keeping your patches structured, fast and tidy
taming the link-spaghetti and S+R chaos


bundle links/pins into named groups (think Cons with multiple types married with s/r) while not giving up visual dataflow, performance and vvvvs graph evaluation strategy (only evaluate what is requested from downstream.


vvvv got increasingly diverse, plugins, dynamic plugins, shaders, dx11, vl,... projects grew in complexity and size as well. while we all love vvvvs capabilities for quick prototyping by patching, bigger projects are acompanied by the struggle of well structured (speak heavily nested subpatches; splitting of logic, io, animation,...) which make it harde to quickly implement some extra since it ends up in creating loads of outputs and inputs everytime (and probably creating a nice git merge conflict when not working alone). or one starts to insert Send and Receives all over the place, to keep the changes local only, making it a mess to understand and debug for someone else later and reduces reusability of single components.

struct encourages patching in components/datatypes: e.g. a GUI element has the name 'Button' and needs a transformation, text, dx11 background image, and a vl delegate (action). the rendering part uses a split, the logic part somewhere else the join. inbetween just one link. when a new property is required while working on either end, just define a new pin, the other end (or any struct node using 'Button') gets it automatically.


  • bundle any types of pins together: native, c#, dx11, even from dynamic plugins or vl. system will update automatically when you change the vl or c# type. or drop in any plugin, the type will immediately be usable with struct.
  • system is evaluation aware. if no split is pulling data, the join will disable evaluation upstream. even better: this happens on a per pin basis.
  • Nil vs S+H: split nodes automatically hold the last valid output. useful for calculating initial config values (then just disabling the nodes doing that) or io data not arriving every frame. can be disabled on the node.
  • minimal data copying - optimal performance: no matter through how many subpatches and nodes struct is piped, actual moving of data is performed directly between the join input pin and the split output pin. (means this should perform better than a couple of zip and unzips in a row)
  • datatype safety is enforced via the name: no accidental splitting of the wrong data. but Getters and Setters provide a way to access and modify different structs together.

Performance and Stability

  • the only performance penalty is the one of copying between native and c# world which you also have on vl integration nodes or any plugins. as mentioned, copying is kept to an absolute minimum and performed on the faster stream interface where possible.
  • the rest of the system (gui windows, type checking, pin handling,...) only draws performance while you are actively patching and changing things.
  • the system just calls the usual plugininterface methods, no extra copying or allocation or creation of big datatypes, thus memoryfootprint is be minimal. (even the automatic s+h feature just relies on the backing buffer of the plugininterface)
  • has been in use successfully in various agencies in big projects already


free for non-commercial and educational use
commercial usage requires licensing - get in touch, play fair and support
(license ranges from a note of appreciation for indy use, to fair share for industrial scale)

have fun!


21.05.21 [12:05 UTC] by bjoern | 414 downloads
vl hot fix for beta_40+, removed support for vl types!
Show 1 older revisions

Older Revisions

22.03.19 [18:31 UTC] by woei | 499 downloads
v4 beta35.2+ intial public release

readme 28/03/2019 - 18:18

25 downloads? This is a hidden gem, you people should go check it out. Or else I hope I won't ever have to debug your patches ... :)

phlegma 28/03/2019 - 22:05

greate piece of software. I love it. Was always using to old github version. Nice improvments.

systray27 04/04/2019 - 10:45

Wow, this looks like a serious improvement to VVVV! Am just starting to check it out, curious to give more feedback once I dive deeper into it.

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~3d ago

joreg: Workshop on 01 08: Augmented Reality using OpenCV, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-augmented-reality-using-opencv-in-vvvv/

~12d ago

joreg: Workshop on 18 07: Fluid simulations in FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-fluid-simulations-in-fuse/

~12d ago

joreg: Workshop on 17 07: Working with particles in FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-working-with-particles-in-fuse/

~22d ago

joreg: Here's what happened in June in our little univvvverse: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/vvvvhat-happened-in-june-2024/

~24d ago

joreg: We're starting a new beginner tutorial series. Here's Nr. 1: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/new-vvvv-tutorial-circle-pit/

~25d ago

joreg: Registration is open for LINK - the vvvv Summer Camp 24! Full details and signup are here: https://link-summercamp.de/

~25d ago

joreg: Workshop on 11 07: Compute Shader with FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-compute-shader-with-fuse/

~1mth ago

joreg: Workshop on 27 06: Rendering Techniques with FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-rendering-techniques-with-fuse/

~1mth ago

joreg: Workshop on 20 06: All about Raymarching with FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-all-about-raymarching-with-fuse/

~1mth ago

joreg: vvvv gamma 6.5 is out, see changelog: https://thegraybook.vvvv.org/changelog/6.x.html