Credits: Mark Heath for the NAudio library, the libpd project, tonfilm for the .net wrapper of libpd
This is an example from the Working with the vvvv-sdk workshop at node13.
The example was chosen to demonstrate the steps necessary to include a thirdparty native dependency in a plugin, ie:
The plugin simply takes a .wav file and a .pd file. While the file is played back using the NAudio the processing is routed through the given pd-patch via the libpd library which can even be sent values to from the vvvv-patch.
Note: This example requires an ASIO driver for your sound card. In case you don't have one, get it from:
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needs an ASIO Driver like Asio4all.
great.. im curious how complicated you can get with pd within vvvv..
@u7: danks, info added
@tekcor: vvvv should not be relevant in that question. it is just libpd. and libpd is just pd. sou..