It's finally here! New GUI plugin for vvvv is introduced.
AntTweakBar is a simple and easy-to-use GUI library for 3D graphic applications.
You can add/remove variables and create group few steps.
This plugin is under development. any requests and bug reports welcome.
- no more limitation of the number of variables
- variables saves until delete TweakBar node
- can use only for one renderer
Known Issues
- keyboard input with long press is not support yet
Future Deployment
- support more parameters for tweakbar and variables
Change Log
2012.2.14 (v0.91)
- support full-screen mode
- fixed renderer re-size bug
- no more output NIL if disconnect and connect layer out again
2012.12.25 (v0.92)
- fixed fixed error when using with >beta28
2014.6.9 (v1.0)
- re-write plugin with 100% C#
- support save & load tweakbar
- new variable Types
- Button: like a Bang
- Enumerations: like an Enum
- new nodes
- Event: control Mouse, Keyboard, Window Size change (remove these pins from TweakBar node)
- GetEnum: get Enum index and string from TweakBar
- Writer: save tweakbar status & variables as text file
- SetVariable: set variables & update GUI from patch
- support across multi-monitor when /dx9
- no more limitation of number of variables
- TweakBar node outputs Transform Out. it is useful for custom background with Quad
- improve keyboard input
source code available on github. (ver1.0 will coming soon!)
Show 3 older revisionsOlder Revisions
AntTweakBar_0.91.zip14.02.12 [11:27 UTC] by
mino | 841 downloads
renderer re-size bug fixed and support full-screen mode
great job, but unfortunately it doesn´t work for me.
red node even if i throw it on the patch window.
same here, red nodes
Thanks! mmm... Looked red node.
strange. everyone with beta27? ver0.9 will only work with b27.
what TTY reports?
This looks like it will be very very handy.
Red atm on b27 for me too,
tty reads:
00:00:16 ERR : System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'AntTweakBarNodes.dll' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found.
File name: 'AntTweakBarNodes.dll'
sorry for the slaughter house formatting :P
same here
that message means couldn't load native AntTweakBar.dll. please check security settings.
at christmas-pack-2011 contribution comment,
Security: This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer
Just click the button next to the message that says "Unblock" and you are good to go. You have to do it for all the files in nodes/plugins and the sanford .dlls individually, but after that the nodes shouldn't be red.
this looks very nice. thanks for contributing!
unfortunately i have the same problem as the others. my security settings are doublechecked so that should not be the problem..
not helping here either :/
just works for me. crazyshit...
what i did:
great work mino!
Hi Joreg,
following your steps it doesn´t work for me.
i´m on xp so the security issue is not related to this problem, as i know...
Sorry for the confusion:-( I should try with another win pc.
please wait until next info.
OK! I found problem.
my VS2010 compile mode was Debug. change Release mode and re-build, it works with xp.
if failed with win7, it will dll security block.
please try again;-)
compliments! but still doesn't work for me too
on win7 it was the same problem, not the security lock. it does work now. thank you very much for your work.
i bet, if you release a dynamic plugin instead of binaries, people can help each other, finding errors and bugs.
cheers :)
oh, not solved yet...
true. this time writting plugin with c++/cli not c#.
first of all, please give me few days for upload VS project to github. (not vvvv-sdk)
also I'd like to try dynamic plugin version someday:-)
runs for me on 27.1
would be great for GUI's if we can get mouse events upstream in any Layer connected to the renderer
running here now! (beta 27, win7 x64) :)
edit: on changing the renderer to second monitor it poofs with logging this to the console:
yes, running fine on b27
can't wait to see renderer-size and fullscreen "bug" fixed. will give it a proper testing then. keep up the good work, mino.
uploaded v0.91.
support full-screen mode and fixed renderer re-size bug.
great! also I forgot commentout some log messages (I am from...). now hide them.
thanks, please try new version.
now, prepare for share code;-)
perhaps it is me, but I can not get GetVariable to work not when I add GetVariable to the TweakBar helppatch and not in the GetVariable help patch.
the resize works fine now, I did however get some funky behavior with both help patches open
new version works well here.
i noticed that if i work windowed on 1st screen and drag to 2nd screen, the GUI disappears, leaving only the cursor (on b27), anyone else?
@mino: really nice. thanks a bunch!
@androsyn: yeah, reported that in my 2nd post. you could always just reset the node by alt-rightclicking it, but it would ofcourse be better to fix this in the long run..
It works now for me,
Version 0.91
Thanks mino, great contribution ;)
yes, using with multiple renderer will not stable. i think it is library limitation.
@androsyn & @m4d
i didn't test with multi-screen yet. thanks report!
ya great
really helpful and easy to work with!
Is it possible to have a bang button?
Is it possible to get the current size and position of the tweakbar?
buttons and get status of bar not supported yet.
original tweakbar lib support buttons, so it's possible. toggle button should first, then i will try bang one.
get size and position is also available. for this i should create new node something like Info.
please wait till the next release!
cool, looking forward..thanks
hope you can look into radio buttons too :)
doesn't work with vvvv_45alpha28.5.
Throws the following error when opening one of the help-patches and the nodes are red.
doesn't work also on beta 28.1 for me...
Could not load type 'VVVV.PluginInterfaces.V2.ISpread' from assembly 'VVVV.PluginInterfaces, Version=2.0.4622.33795, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
I cannot attach the .log, but i don't want to post it here and mess up the formatting of this page so...
thanks report. I'll check it.
feel free to ask if you have any questions how to get your work into the addonpack and therefor automatically being built by our build server.
the error people report here comes from an interface renaming. the non generic ISpread interface was moved to VVVV.PluginInterfaces.V2.NonGeneric.ISpread as it conflicted with the generic ISpread in c++ if i remember right.
sorry for late update, now v0.92 works with beta28 or 29. (under 27 not working:(
thanks. I'm not familiar with git, but I will try...
Hoy smoke, missed this one, but this is a gamechanger for quick patching some GUI elements.
Thank you a million!!
In full screen mode the keyboard shortcuts dont seem to work. (beta29).
It seems like the Alpha value of the color is add at the end of the process, it 'jumps on'. but since I use coloralpha=false for my lights, I don't mind.
Minor Wishlist:
Use a texture (alpha enabled) as background.
Add a parameter to hide the colormode picker.
A way to scale the menu from within vvvv.
When disabled we still see the help and shortcuts menu.
This great, but how to set variables!
hi cat,
just bang Add pin after set type and name.
please check help patch!
I get that, but need to set what the variables values are when they get set too, otherwise your always starting from scratch and not tweaking!
that's not support yet. I recognize that I should re-write this plugin and support more useful features.
Hi Mino, this is a brilliant plugin, thanks for your effort, did you find any time to develop a way to save values?
coding new AntTweakBar plugin right now.
it has SetVariables, Writer, Reader node and written in C#!
but I need more time to release, so please waiting ;)
@mino: sounding very nice!
Thanks mino, very useful and attractive plugin!
hi all,
please test & enjoy with plugin ver 1.0!
it has so many new features ;)
of course please submit additional requests.
mino - are you still developing this? I tried getting it to work with 35.2, but keep getting this error:
Any idea why that might be? Have done all the unblocking and files are in the location it is looking for.
Try it with a x86 version of vvvv
@seltzdesign not update recently. i'll check it