» BALANCED live a/v (teaser)
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BALANCED live a/v (teaser)

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During an undefinied lapse of time, several events happen in the outside environment.
These phenomena are read and developed by the nervous system through a large number of synapse.
This complex mass of electrochemical signals is received and read in different ways by the two cerbral hemispheres. Sometimes the interpretation differences are slight, other times they are more drammatical. The more these perceptive contrasts accentuated, the more the personal contradictions increase.

The contradictions are the whole of the feelings that cause malaise and emotional unbalancing inside the human soul. The arising of these negative sensations generates the wish to come back to an utopic balanced asset that, given the human imperfection, will never be possible to achieve.

The performance is based on the musicians improvised action.
Like the neurons of a nervous system, they produce dynamic signals and send them variable toward a computer/brain.
The computer, programmed to simulate the two cerebral hemispheres, tries to build up an univocal and
specular representation of the perception but, because of its innate ambiguity, the image will never be balanced.


BALANCED live a/v.

live audio video performance,
duration: 45 min approx.

Several Reasons Recordings Live Project

concept by Alfeo Pier and Davide Di Franco

Audio/ Dubit: BALANCE / Concrete Records Album CD

Daniele Guidazzi
Federica Maglioni
Stefano Fariselli
feat. by M.O.T.U. Proprio ac


Artists websites

DIDIF, Thursday, Oct 30th 2014 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  
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~2d ago

joreg: vvvv gamma 6.5 is out, see changelog: https://thegraybook.vvvv.org/changelog/6.x.html

~6d ago

joreg: Workshop on 13 06: All about signed distance fields in FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-all-about-signed-distance-fields-with-fuse/

~13d ago

joreg: Workshop on 06 06: All about noise Functions with FUSE, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-all-about-noise-functions-with-fuse/

~20d ago

joreg: Workshop on 29 05: Introduction to the core FUSE principles, signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-introduction-to-core-fuse-principles/

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joreg: Workshop on 23 05: Integrating Rhino 3D with vvvv, Signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-integrating-rhino-3d-with-vvvv/

~1mth ago

joreg: Workshop on 16 05: Introduction to Shaders. Signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-introduction-to-shaders-in-vvvv/

~1mth ago

bjoern: hello, I am looking for a job / project starting june. get in touch via vvvv specialists available for hire

~1mth ago

joreg: Workshop on 09 05: Deepdive into the Stride 3D Engine. Signup here: https://thenodeinstitute.org/courses/ss24-vvvv-advanced-3d-rendering-in-vvvv-with-stride/

~1mth ago

tekcor: Dear vvvv community, I am leaving my personal fundraiser here because I know many of you personally, sending love https://t.ly/iV9l_