For every one who wonders what an easy way could be to master the Arduino microprocessor board, and control it with vvvv, I introduce the Firmata firmware.
Just upload to the Firmata sketch to your Arduino and start playing with the input pins and the output pins.
I will show you Buttons, Potentio meters, Light resistors, Piezo speakers, Servo engines and an LED,
All the electronics used are the BASIC examples of Arduino.
I am just showing a modified Firmata patch from the Girlpower folder, so there is nothing to download.
Learn more about Arduino: http://www.arduino.cc/
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The beta version which I have doesn't include firmata for Arduino, can you please share the patch file
@Asir i'm afraid the vvvv parts of this tutorial are no longer compatible with latest versions. working with firmata/arduino was greatly simplified. in betas>38 please refer to the helppatch of the FirmataBoard (Devices) node to get started. if you have any specific questions about it, pleaes best ask them in the forum!