» FindCorners Plugin
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FindCorners Plugin

Credits: wirmachenbunt / gnox / u7angel


somehow you have a linear path from somewhere, consisting of just too much coordinates ? you want to find the corners of the path ?

then this plugin is for you

  • finds corners in a two-dimensional path
  • helps to reduce spreadcounts of paths
  • set of parametes : KernelSize, Standard Deviation, Threshold
  • Debug Output can show angle detection, smoothed angle etc.
  • additional relative position allows to move object on path
  • released as dynamic plugin, feel free to modify and contribute
  • download

    24.07.11 [16:21 UTC] by u7angel | 1227 downloads
    plugin corner detection

lasal 24/07/2011 - 19:04

Thanks for sharing it.

antokhio 24/07/2011 - 23:27


u7angel 25/07/2011 - 14:51

well maybe its of use for someone, its kind of special. we used it to optimize the result from A* path finding algorithm. i will publish this one, in a few days...just cleaning up.

graphicuserinterface 07/08/2011 - 07:01

great! thank you!

hrovac 25/08/2011 - 20:36

very good _ thank you. i wonder if you already cleaned up your path finding patch...
i would have look at this. (even if its chaotic)

everyoneishappy 26/08/2011 - 02:58


and +1 for A* was just looking at wikipedia entry- sounds neat

u7angel 26/08/2011 - 18:04

i didnt put any work into A* because if i'm not mistaken, tonfilm has the mother of network/path search plugins in the pipeline...with all algorithms you want to mess with

mediadog 11/09/2011 - 22:48

Exactly what I was looking for - thanks a pantload!

colorsound 15/09/2011 - 11:19

very good thanks ¡¡

Westbam 19/09/2012 - 05:43

Awesome work, just patched something like this :)

Is it possible to ad a threshold pin, so it skips the very small corners? And perhaps some an extra output that say what angle is coming out at of that corner, so I can put something there pointing in the right direction :)

This is nice!!

u7angel 19/09/2012 - 23:17

threshold is built in. check inspektor for settings. some angles are coming out the debug pin. the plugin is coming as a dynamic node, so you are welcome to add some stuff yourself.

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