» Harmonic Portal
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Harmonic Portal

credits Chris Plant (catweasel) , Tonfilm for VAudio.


Harmonic Portal is a new work commissioned for Lumiere Festival Durham, 2017 http://www.lumiere-festival.com/durham-2017/
There are 5 pieces arranged around the walls of St Godrics Church, Castle Chare, Durham, each is a portal into the surface of the wall, the light amplifies surface details due to the angle of incidence and feels like a magnifying glass (or even an electron microscope at times.).
They question how we perceive colour, the inside and outside contrast and harmonise as time progresses, while this is mirrored by the sound track which reflects the colours, the frequencies of red, green and blue light have been dropped by 42 octaves and vary in proportion to those colours of light.
It is partially contemplating how our brains create colour from 3 frequencies, but also how limited a bandwidth that actually is, the fundamental notes are a flattened Ab, A and B.

catweasel, Wednesday, Nov 22nd 2017 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 1 comments  
metrowave 24/11/2017 - 17:44

Very cool and architecturally enlightening!

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