great news @lev!
@lev super! this is big! finally there for download! (same licensing as in beta, audio comes soon)
DX (websetup and offline installers) seem to be gone from MS site.
infos to join tonights meetup are now here: 7.-worldwide-meetup
meetup starting soon. infos coming
also there is this nuget which sounds like an option:
if basic format tyding is enough you can use the XML ToString in VL
Thanks @joreg. I really miss Tidy (XML), use it to clean up weather station data for realtime displays, any recommendations?
@mediadog thanks for the pointer. fixed.
Clicking on "Missing in 64 bit builds" goes to page with warning no longer maintained, but betadocs link has no such info.
VL.stride yet again ...this time nonphotorealistic ...wish evvvveryone to be well!
a brief VL.stride study ...and a massive 'thank you' to the devvvvs!
@overtones this would require 4D noise, which is possible but not implemented in Fieldtrip
Hi! SF2D has Time & DomainOffset inputs, but SF3D only DomainOffset. Is there a way to use Time in SF3D or it makes no sense? Thx
@SabrinaVerhage this could be useful for you next "hacking sex" workshop: they have a .NET nuget for use in vvvv!
Happy new year!
Happy new year everyone!
confirmed. thanks
@ggml fixed. please try again.
@ggml confirmed. we'll investigate..
node workshops on talque seem to be no longer available
Once again,the warmest thanks to all the supporters of FUSE dream.It's so touching to see your enthusiasm :) It's gonna be great!!!
Tnx sooo much to those that already contributed to Fuse!!!
Tonight at the Node Institute:
new vl.wekinator nuget for supervised machine learning in vvvv :
@synth see vvvv specialists available for hire
Any freelancer available for a chat ? If so, please PM me :)
@jib feel free to join us in the #vvvv chat for quick answers to such questions:
found SceneTexture. sorry for bothering ! Im finally using Gamma in a new project so i'm still a bit disoriented :)
Thanks @joreg ! another question : how can I have a texture out of SceneWindow (Stride) ?
PSA: vvvv gamma 2020.2.4 is out:
@jib watch this howto manage items in a spread for a start:
Hi guys ! in Gamma, what's the way to do things that Buffer node does in Beta ?
Reminder: vvvv meetup is starting in 10 mins.
Reminder: 6th worldwide #vvvv meetup tomorrow, Nov 24: 6.-worldwide-vvvv-meetup with presentations by u7angel and team, texone and baxtan
That's going to be interesting, let's hope Intel is doing something similar:
THX @joreg and sorry for late reply as I left vl for a while. I've responded to related (UI performance issues) thread, no worry
MLF is hiring!
I need some help and hints to realise Text-To-Speech within beta 40 x64!!! THX
need an mqtt broker? try the new shiftr:
@neuston sorry to hear that. that doesn't sound right though...can you elaborate a bit on what you're working. best in the forum.
I almost cannot complete a single action on VL, the UI just hangs ALL the time (I'm lost temper. plz ignore me)
The NODE20 Workshop recordings are online. node20-workshop-recordings-online-survey
@NoseBleedIndustries login to the talque account. its all there
Thnks Ton, but I allready paid the ticket during the festival. How can I access the recordings with my ticket?
@NoseBleedIndustries the #NODE20 workshop recordings are available here:
I just saw in the Node page, that are available the node20 vvvv workshop videos. Any idea when will be available?
@jzzxh not sure what you mean. please consider rephrasing and asking in the forum.
hi, guys it's any node (offsetscreen) for skiaRenderer??
future is five
FieldTrip Visuals
absolutely. if it is for a repo that is public, just submit a pullrequest. otherwise please start a forum thread.
@joreg I ended up figuring out BezierSegment yesterday, so nevermind! Tell me, could a user submit a help patch? :)
@benjawmino please elaborate on this question a bit in a new forum thread. otherwise it is hard to answer..
so are there no splines/curves in gamma yet??
wanna do drone shows or applications? then check this super cool project of our man e1n
Thanks Joreg! The few minutes I was able to see, very good workshops!
@NoseBleedIndustries please give us some days, we'll have an announcement soon...
I could not assist the Node20 (workshops ) Any Idea when we will have access to the links of the recordings?
unity has c# bindings for usd, under apache license: So this would be a good reason for the usd 3D file format support it seems.
Any solution for "Allow to choose location for vvvvgamma patches folder", @tonfilm?
@synth yes they are being recorded and will be available for future consumption
Another stupid question: Are all #NODE20 sessions recorded and accessible for later viewing in case someone missed something?
Get a fresh drink and some snacks: Live in 45 minutes: #NODE20 opening:
No biggy: VL.Stride, the new 3d-engine for vvvv gamma is now available as preview: vl.stride-for-evvvveryone
We are complete: #NODE20 will feature 30 #vvvv workshops, from intro to masterclass, from user to developer: node20-workshops
Please help yourself to the latest #vvvv gamma 2020.2: vvvv-gamma-2020.2-release
E-mail invitations for NODE20’s Festival Hub have been sent out yesterday. In case of trouble let us know via
@neuston: email is going out very soon!!!
@sunep Thx, but I have checked the spam folder but could not fine any
@neustron have you checked your spam folder? Mine went to spam.
I've not received any activation email for Talque, after purchased tickets of NODE20 last week. Is it normal? just want to confirm.
@tonfilm nice!
The first #vl #stride screenshots are here! vl.stride-earlyaccess-screenshots #visualprogramming #dotnet @stride3d #creativecoding #vvvv #gamedev
@systray27 thank you :)
@Udo2013> Wow that's beautiful!
"field trip" in action :)
@tonfilm Thanks! Need to kill a specific vvvv instance, so that enables "taskkill /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq (title)"
@mediadog you can use the VVVV (VVVV) node for that
Wasn't there a commandline switch to set the window title instead of the random characters? Can't find it
@tonfilm Awesome, thanks!
@synth yes, if you have a valid ticket for #node20 you will have access to all workshops and their recordings:
Is there a recording of the Procedural Graphics , and can one buy it somewhere?
And finally.... Realtime graphics with Stride 3D – The Fundamentals with the developers
@sebescudie teaches us: Machine Learning with RunwayML and vvvv.
node20 workshop series.. @baxtan_ will be teaching you everything about Generative Design Algorithms
had anyone positive result with VL.NewAudio in latest gamma? cant' get it running
Volumetric screamer... also me at any node festival / demoparty ;) miss you broskis.
Let's talk NODE20 in today at 17:30! What are you looking forward, bringing to the table, think about the format?
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