i saw ventuz and was a bit impressed. but vvvv´s GUI is unbeatable IMHO.
timeline nodes are a long wished missing feature. anyway some users wrote their own gui. any chance for ventuz getting interactive?
...another thought, could Ventuz be vvvv with a face afterall?
Just been going thru Ventuz, it's impressive looks like or similar to vvvv, fantastic app. Any chance for vvvv to have aGUI?
COCOON CLUB is hiring / spread the word
hura. we´ll try that on the rudlplatzian wall asap! postworkshopperige grüsse, flow
anyone outa there, just guessing answer will do by(e) _tomorrow, tried: chanel didnt insert sws (was afraid) nor builded a nw file, couldnt find host or port, looking forward 2 tomorrow. nic
hi` trying to restart orad cyberset again but cant define the parameters on myself..can antone help before midnigt? nic
finally, you can download a module to sync videos in a boygroup: http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=tonfilm-VideoSync (sorry for being so late with that ...)
jes you can!
hey everybody- before i go shopping - is it possible to connect 2 webcams (usb) and use them in v4? performance/jitter doesn´t matter...
"Access to brainwave interpretation algorithms, developed over 20 years at leading Russian neural science research institutions" cool, that reminds me of a movie where they hijack a russian mindcontrolled jet...
http://www.neurosky.com/ wouldn't this be a nice device for controlling vvvv?
man - das hättet ihr auch früher ankündigen können. --> vvvvorkshop -Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln. -- jetzt hab ichs verpasst ;(
Just got myself a pc fast enough to run this shizzle. Its adult visual lego! Love it...
spam in the forum! mmmh?
Thats a hell of a view you've got there!
Nice, welcome aboard
ni hau, from hongkong, everybody!
in tikiwiki 1.9 there is a funny keyword table to block some hot words ...
Thanks for having a look guys. I will work on it over time. its a great experiment. Thanks tonfilm , Sanch and Catweasle for the great shader work.
new shader, Lumakey: http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=User+Shaders
tried to do it with the dynamic texture node and pipette but pipette is to slow for higher resolutions...
i've done this once with a spreaded pixelshader and 15 textureinputs. but it is ugly and slow. a volumetexture queue is a very ql idea..
you can use pixel shader for create the same effect , with 7 different texture input and a input with a mask and maybe two shader for more texture input
this would have the advantage that the individual textureslices would be blended automatic with the hardwarefilter...
i just wondered if its possible to use a videotexture over time as a volumetexture to do timeslicing effects like in visuality's chronosprojector link...
thx joreg, i allready made a volumentric dds texture...it worked fine.
now you can download my MeshDistortion patch as shown in th little video on my patches page: http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=tonfilmsPatches
i think you could also generate a volumetexture with this plugin for photoshop: http://developer.nvidia.com/object/photoshop_dds_plugins.html
no, a spread of textures into the effect node will be spreaded over the subsets of the mesh. to have a volume texture you have to generate one using the dynamic texture node(s). but be aware of the finite memory of your gpu (dimensions of the 3d-texture
... dont think so ...
is it possible to use a spread of textures as one volumetric texture on a mesh?
I think this project could be built with slices in vvvv Just a thought
fleg: the foldout is essential part of that tiddliwiki thing, and i like it. but thx anyway!
tonfilm! thx for the hint: bugfix HEX (String Value).v4p here: http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=kalle%20-%20Modules\String
yes. background images are evil. and: the way the projects "fold out" is a bit confusing. i would go with individual pages? anyway, looks much nicer!
cool kale maybe the star in the background would be better only with one color
i reworked my website http://www.karlen.de critics & opinions very welcome!
Hi mang, please check your private msg. i got a question concerning the spaceball thing.
(zomtec voice) yes i am. Me Bifibot. bifibifi. bifibifi.
55 online users? they are bots arent they?
hi slish, wthts going on carc_ti
hi carc_ti ! greetings to the hochebene :D
7_6 on my userpage now
I'll check it out again, thought I'd got all the boogers, got a new version actually...
when i tryout some examples from vvvv.meso.net, than i´n able to play arround with it, because some nodes are missing and their connection as well, for example mixer 7.5, what can i do ??? regarding carc_ti from berlin
welcome !
(-: Syzygy has arrived!
but it s more difficult than pixelshader
yes, sometimes, one can create funny mesh deformations ...
Does someone work on Vertex Shaders?
too bad it doesn't work under GNU/linux...
and a other one halftone >> http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=User+Shaders
new shader online: http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=User+Shaders
ah ok, i see the reply (-:
@joreg: just posted at the forum, about the vvvvariables shown (syzygy's, intrinsic's, vvarp's and iua's don't show all).
:stalker see forum
....or PatchBox?
Hey ho, anyone using FreeFrame here?
ive got ja that bodensee right before the haustüre. I can see at the lake while working...
lets have a jump ...
up + running
thats understandable. me too but i have to work...
hi kiilo, und läuft sie schon?
yo radeon 9600XT is up + running // but i want to jump into the lake now ... sun sun sun
Anyone ever tried to use two graphic adapters AGP/PCI Express in one machine?
Hey In spanmode dualheaderndendering works perfect. trotz scheisscontrollcenter.!! Cool
no nvidea GeForce MX(MX 400 :o/ ... but tomorow i will buy a saphire Radeon 9600XT
Schöner Gruss aus Kavvel
ja, i definitely want to. i just don't find the time to clean them up and make them readable at at the moment;-)
... or some of them ...
michel, please share your shaders too !!!
hey kiilo: i have a 9800 i don't use any more. you could have that for cheap;-)
wie teuer ist die noch?
no nvidea GeForce MX(MX 400 :o/ ... but tomorow i will buy a saphire Radeon 9600XT
still got you matrox g400?
time to get a dx9 grafik card :o ) ...
i have update my shader with an help file >> http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=User+Shaders
yeah shade on you ! ; )
yeah. concerning the shaders just be aware that they may not work as expected in a future version. shade on me.
wish i have a compatible grafic card :(
anyone remember the post that explained how to configure windows to open meso at startup?
Go shader page!! Yay
I've added a Shader download section. It's a copy of the modules download page and needs to be filled with content. User Shaders?
gregsn is the best!!
nobody needs no ok. this is a wiki!
@ elem: for an official shader download section we need joregs 'ok'. he isnt satisfied by the current state of developement ...
dams those shaders rock! i wish i had the programmingskills bymyself too...
Mh a new shadersection under vvvviki - Downloads i a good idea?
here are the shaders: http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=15
and i learn , a lot of new shader coming soon
yeah but somethime inspired from other code or joreg sebastian , and tonfilm give me some help
cool sanch! you programm all this shaders by yourself?
6 New fx file in the shader gallery Radial blur ,wipe, depth of field... ; )
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