The Matrix4x4 type exposes the following members.


Public propertycol1
Get/Set the 1. column as 4d-vector
Public propertycol2
Get/Set the 2. column as 4d-vector
Public propertycol3
Get/Set the 3. column as 4d-vector
Public propertycol4
Get/Set the 4. column as 4d-vector
Public propertyItem[([( Int32])])
Unsafe but very fast indexer for 4x4 matrix, [0..15]
Public propertyItem[([( Int32, Int32])])
Unsafe but very fast 2-d indexer for 4x4 matrix, [0..3, 0..3]
Public propertyrow1
Get/Set the 1. row as 4d-vector
Public propertyrow2
Get/Set the 2. row as 4d-vector
Public propertyrow3
Get/Set the 3. row as 4d-vector
Public propertyrow4
Get/Set the 4. row as 4d-vector

See Also