The Vector2D type exposes the following members.


Public operatorStatic memberAddition(Double, Vector2D)
value + vector, adds a value to all vector components
Public operatorStatic memberAddition(Vector2D, Double)
vector + value, adds a value to all vector components
Public operatorStatic memberAddition(Vector2D, Vector2D)
vector + vector, adds the values of two vectors component wise
Public operatorStatic memberBitwiseAnd
2d-vector & 2d-vector, performs a 2d-cross product, this is the signed size of the parallelogram spanned by v1 and v2.
Public operatorStatic memberBitwiseOr
vector | vector, dot product for vectors, that is the sum of all component wise products
Public operatorStatic memberDivision(Double, Vector2D)
value / vector, divides a value by all vector components
Public operatorStatic memberDivision(Vector2D, Double)
vector / value, divides all vector components by a value
Public operatorStatic memberDivision(Vector2D, Vector2D)
vector / vector, divides the values of two vectors component wise
Public operatorStatic memberEquality
vector == vector, checks if the two vectors are equal
Public operatorStatic memberGreaterThan
vector > value, compares all vector components to a value
Public operatorStatic memberGreaterThanOrEqual
vector >= value, compares all vector components to a value
Public operatorStatic memberInequality
vector != vector, checks if the two vectors are not equal
Public operatorStatic memberLessThan
vector < value, compares all vector components to a value
Public operatorStatic memberLessThanOrEqual
vector <= value, compares all vector components to a value
Public operatorStatic memberLogicalNot
! vector, calculates the length of the vector
Public operatorStatic memberModulus(Double, Vector2D)
value % vector, a value modulo all vector components
Public operatorStatic memberModulus(Vector2D, Double)
vector % value, all vector components modulo a value
Public operatorStatic memberModulus(Vector2D, Vector2D)
vector % vector, component wise modulo for vectors
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Double, Vector2D)
value * vector, multiplies a value by all vector components
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Vector2D, Double)
vector * value, multiplies a value by all vector components
Public operatorStatic memberMultiply(Vector2D, Vector2D)
vector * vector, multiplies the values of two vectors component wise
Public operatorStatic memberOnesComplement
~ vector, normalizes a vector
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction(Double, Vector2D)
value - vector, subtracts all vector components from a value
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction(Vector2D, Double)
vector - value, subtracts a value from all vector components
Public operatorStatic memberSubtraction(Vector2D, Vector2D)
vector - vector, subtracts the components of v2 from the components of v1
Public operatorStatic memberUnaryNegation
- vector, flips the sign off all vector components
Public operatorStatic memberUnaryPlus
+ vector, makes no changes to a vector

See Also