The INodeIn type exposes the following members.


Public methodGetUpsreamSlice
Used to retrieve the actual slice index this pin has to access on the upstream node. Note that the actual slice index maybe convoluted by an upstream node like GetSlice (node).
Public methodGetUpstreamInterface(Object%)
Used to retrieve a reference of an interface offered by the upstream connected node.
Public methodGetUpstreamInterface(INodeIOBase%) Obsolete.
Used to retrieve a reference of an interface offered by the upstream connected node.
Public methodSetConnectionHandler
Public methodSetSubType Obsolete.
Used to set the SubType of a node pin, which is a more detailed specification of the node type via a set of Guids that identifiy the interfaces accepted on this pin. The SubType is used by the GUI to guide the user to make only links between pins that understand the same interfaces. Should only be called once immediately after the pin has been created in IPlugin.SetPluginHost.
Public methodSetSubType2
Used to set the SubType of a node pin, which is a more detailed specification of the node type via a set of Guids that identifiy the interfaces accepted on this pin. The SubType is used by the GUI to guide the user to make only links between pins that understand the same interfaces. Should only be called once immediately after the pin has been created in IPlugin.SetPluginHost.
Public methodValidate (Inherited from IPluginIn.)

See Also