The Matrix4x4 type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Matrix4x4(Matrix4x4) |
Copy constructor for the 4x4 matrix struct
| |
Matrix4x4(Vector4D) |
Contructor for a 4x4 matrix from a Vector4D v, given by the matrix representation of Quaternions into a Matrix4x4
( see )
| |
Matrix4x4(Vector4D, Vector4D, Vector4D, Vector4D) |
Contructor for a 4x4 matrix from four 4d-vectors, the vectors are treated as rows
| |
Matrix4x4(Vector4D, Vector4D, Vector4D, Vector4D, Boolean) |
Contructor for a 4x4 matrix from four 4d-vectors, the vectors are treated as rows or columns depending on the boolean parameter
| |
Matrix4x4(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) |
Contructor for a 4x4 matrix from 16 float values, order is row major
Name | Description | |
Equals(Object) | (Overrides ValueType..::..Equals(Object).) | |
Equals(Matrix4x4) | ||
Finalize | Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHashCode | (Overrides ValueType..::..GetHashCode()()()().) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ToString | (Overrides ValueType..::..ToString()()()().) | |
Transpose |
Transpose thi 4x4 matrix
Name | Description | |
Addition(Double, Matrix4x4) |
value + matrix, adds a value to all matrix components
| |
Addition(Matrix4x4, Double) |
matrix + value, adds a value to all matrix components
| |
Addition(Matrix4x4, Matrix4x4) |
matrix + matrix, adds the values of two matrices component wise
| |
Division(Double, Matrix4x4) |
value / matrix, divides a value by all matrix components
| |
Division(Matrix4x4, Double) |
matrix / value, divides all matrix components with a value
| |
Equality | ||
Inequality | ||
LogicalNot |
! matrix, calculates the inverse of the matrix
optimized 4x4 matrix inversion using cramer's rule, found in the game engine
takes about 1,8ns to execute on intel core2 duo 2Ghz, the intel reference
implementation (not assembly optimized) was about 2,2ns.
| |
Multiply(Double, Matrix4x4) |
value * matrix, multiplies all matrix components with a value
| |
Multiply(Matrix4x4, Double) |
matrix * value, multiplies all matrix components with a value
| |
Multiply(Matrix4x4, Matrix4x4) |
matrix * matrix, performs a matrix multiplication
| |
Multiply(Matrix4x4, Vector2D) |
matrix * 2d vector, applies a matrix transform to a 2d-vector, (x, y, 0, 1)
| |
Multiply(Matrix4x4, Vector3D) |
matrix * 3d vector, applies a matrix transform to a 3d-vector, (x, y, z, 1) and divides by w
| |
Multiply(Matrix4x4, Vector4D) |
matrix * 4d vector, applies a matrix transform to a 4d-vector
| |
OnesComplement |
~ matrix, calculates the determinant of the matrix
| |
Subtraction(Double, Matrix4x4) |
value - matrix, subtracts all matrix components from a value
| |
Subtraction(Matrix4x4, Double) |
matrix - value, subtracts a value from all matrix components
| |
Subtraction(Matrix4x4, Matrix4x4) |
matrix - matrix, subtracts the components of B from the components of A
| |
UnaryNegation |
- matrix, flips the sign off all matrix components
| |
UnaryPlus |
+ matrix, makes no changes to a matrix
Extension Methods
Name | Description | |
Decompose(Vector3D%, Vector4D%, Vector3D%) | Overloaded.
Decomposes the matrix into its scalar, rotational, and translational elements.
(Defined by Matrix4x4Utils.) | |
Decompose(Vector3D%, Vector3D%, Vector3D%) | Overloaded.
Decomposes the matrix into its scalar, rotational, and translational elements.
(Defined by Matrix4x4Utils.) | |
ToSlimDXMatrix |
Converts a Matrix4x4 to a Matrix.
(Defined by Matrix4x4Extensions.) |
Name | Description | |
m11 |
The 1. data element of 1. row
| |
m12 |
The 2. data element of 1. row
| |
m13 |
The 3. data element of 1. row
| |
m14 |
The 4. data element of 1. row
| |
m21 |
The 1. data element of 2. row
| |
m22 |
The 2. data element of 2. row
| |
m23 |
The 3. data element of 2. row
| |
m24 |
The 4. data element of 2. row
| |
m31 |
The 1. data element of 3. row
| |
m32 |
The 2. data element of 3. row
| |
m33 |
The 3. data element of 3. row
| |
m34 |
The 4. data element of 3. row
| |
m41 |
The 1. data element of 4. row
| |
m42 |
The 2. data element of 4. row
| |
m43 |
The 3. data element of 4. row
| |
m44 |
The 4. data element of 4. row
Name | Description | |
col1 |
Get/Set the 1. column as 4d-vector
| |
col2 |
Get/Set the 2. column as 4d-vector
| |
col3 |
Get/Set the 3. column as 4d-vector
| |
col4 |
Get/Set the 4. column as 4d-vector
| |
Item[([( Int32])]) |
Unsafe but very fast indexer for 4x4 matrix, [0..15]
| |
Item[([( Int32, Int32])]) |
Unsafe but very fast 2-d indexer for 4x4 matrix, [0..3, 0..3]
| |
row1 |
Get/Set the 1. row as 4d-vector
| |
row2 |
Get/Set the 2. row as 4d-vector
| |
row3 |
Get/Set the 3. row as 4d-vector
| |
row4 |
Get/Set the 4. row as 4d-vector