The ITransformIn type exposes the following members.


Public methodGetMatrix
Used to retrieve a Matrix from the pin at the specified slice.
Public methodGetMatrixPointer(Int32*%, Single**%)
Public methodGetMatrixPointer(Int32%, Single*%)
Used to retrieve a Pointer to the Values of the pin, which can be used to retrive large Spreads of Values more efficiently. Attention: Don't use this Pointer to write Values to the pin!
Public methodGetRenderWorldMatrix(Int32, Matrix%)
Used to retrieve a World Matrix from the pin at the specified slice. You should call this method only from within your Render method when supporting the IPluginDXLayer interface.
Public methodGetRenderWorldMatrix(Int32, Matrix4x4%)
Used to retrieve a World Matrix from the pin at the specified slice. You should call this method only from within your Render method when supporting the IPluginDXLayer interface.
Public methodSetRenderSpace
Used to initialize rendering by letting vvvv know which transform pin controls spaces. This sets view and projection matrices.
Public methodValidate (Inherited from IPluginIn.)


Public propertyAutoValidate (Inherited from IPluginIn.)
Public propertyIsConnected
Specifies whether the pin is connected in the patch or not.
(Inherited from IPluginIO.)
Public propertyName
The pins name.
(Inherited from IPluginIO.)
Public propertyOrder
The order property helps the node to arrange its pins visually. The higher the order, the more right the pin appears on the node.
(Inherited from IPluginIO.)
Public propertyPinIsChanged
Returns whether any slice of this pin has been changed in the current frame. This information is typically used to determine if further processing is needed or can be ommited.
(Inherited from IPluginIn.)
Public propertyPluginHost
Gets the plugin host which created this plugin io.
(Inherited from IPluginIO.)
Public propertySliceCount
The pins SliceCount specifies the number of Values (2D Vector, String...) it carries. This is like the length of an array or list.
(Inherited from IPluginIn.)
Public propertySpreadAsString
Returns a String of the pins concatenated Values. Typcally used internally only to save a pins state to disk.
(Inherited from IPluginIn.)

See Also