The IPluginDXLayer type exposes the following members.


Public methodDestroyResource
Called by the PluginHost whenever a resource for a specific pin needs to be destroyed on a specific device. This is also called when the plugin is destroyed, so don't dispose dxresources in the plugins destructor/Dispose()
(Inherited from IPluginDXResource.)
Public methodRender
Called by the PluginHost everytime the plugin is supposed to render itself. This is called from the PluginHost from within DirectX BeginScene/EndScene, therefore the plugin shouldn't be doing much here other than some drawing calls.
Public methodSetStates
Called by the PluginHost everytime it needs to update its StateBlock. Here the plugin must specify all States it will set during IPluginDXLayer.Render via calls to IDXRenderStateIn's and IDXSamplerStateIn's functions.
Public methodUpdateResource
Called by the PluginHost every frame for every device. Therefore a plugin should only do device specific operations here and still keep node specific calculations in the Evaluate call.
(Inherited from IPluginDXResource.)

See Also