Sort (Spreads) QuickSort bug


I found that if Algorithm is set to QuickSort an exception is thrown (this happens with beta29.2 too), though node works fine.

Please open attached patch and hover on Sort node output pin, or GetSlice one too.


Edit: 32bit, on Vista

Sort node Algorithm bug (1.9 kB)

is it the range check error? this was discovered multiple times and i have not found any way to remove it. looks like a compiler bug.

but strange that you have this with quicksort, i never had any problems there. what does the exception say?


really don’t know if it’s range error, anyway attached there’s log.

This pops out just by hovering the cursor on any output pin down Sort node - meaning sort node output pin and getslice one too; hovering on randomspread output pin gives no exception.

Would you also please tell me if there are specific windows services needed? A while ago I’ve shut down some of them to spare resources, and since now I haven’t any issue with other software.

Thank you.

edit: changed os, this log is from XP, I’ll provide vista one if needed (5.0 kB)