No sql nodes

in 28.1 there where 2 sets of nodes for mysql connections, one native, which worked, and another in the addon pack (by Vux) which did not work and still doesn t in 28.4
Now in 28.4 the native and working mysql nodes are gone.
How to connect to Mysql ?

(extra info

Native Mysql is/was based on a library which unfortunately is not compatible with the new unicode features – and therefore the nodes were scrapped… So the easiest way would most likely be to write a new set of plugins (based on the db-nodes vux already made). This might be a good starting point.

Nooooo :) that leaves me in the limbo of getting SSL encrypted images from a mysql db in vvvv …

note that the one in the addonpack was for SQL, not MySQL.

as bjoern explained the native ones had to move. but you may want to check the latest alpha build for new mysql-plugins. please report back here if those work for you.

Awesome, working!

juhu!.. no text …