Bloody AfEoe

it might be a stupid question…is there a way to detect an empty spread and turn it into something else. why am i asking this…basically i tried to use tonfilms midinoteplayed patch which i don’t fully understand. when no midinote is played it outputs the horrible Ø which disables the rest of my patch. i’d like to have a 0 instead. anyone??

another problem…probably connected to the one before. is there a way to fully disable a subpatch containing lots of renderers, lfo etc. setting the lfo’s to pause and the renderers to 0 doesn’t do the trick. the patches are still using the cpu. i’m at a point where the subpatches (with disabled renderers + other stuff) are consuming up to 70 % of the cpu and i can hardly edit the patch. could the empty spread help or is there another way.

Problem 1:

i think eno posted something similar in the old vvvvorums years ago:

download patch/module here:

ReplaceEmpty (Spreads).v4p (5.5 kB)

cheers mate…that’s it

Problem 2:

i don’t know if you are dealing with large spreadcounts in your subpatches.
lowering spreadcounts in unused patches may enhance your performance.

Edited: seems to be wrong:
~~#cccccc:another thing:
because of vvvv’s data structure (the inputs of a node request data at the outputs of connected nodes/IOboxes, not outputs “pushing” data to the inputs) it may be useful to switch off inputting IOboxes, so that following nodes don’t request data anymore.

… and unfortunately, the MidiNotePlayed has a little bug, the big IObox inside, which shows the notes, is switched in the inspector to ColsRowsPages, if you switch it back to Input you will be able to spread the MidiChannel also, what means, that you can listen to all midinotes that can be played …
i will reupload immediately.

@kalle, so you mean i need to use lots of switches to cut off the datastream. i’m gonna try this. i was just wondering if the empty spread has a similar effect as most of my patch didn’t work when the empty spread was pushed through.

anyway, thanks kalle & tonfilm.

ps: maybe one of the developers has another inside-information concerning cpu consumption?

ps: maybe one of the developers has another inside-information concerning cpu consumption?

yeah, and it would be nice, if the devvvvs post all those hints in HowTo Optimize Performance

sorry, need to clean my glasses i guess.

because of vvvv’s data structure (the inputs of a node request data at the
outputs of connected nodes/IOboxes, not outputs “pushing” data to the inputs)
it may be useful to switch off inputting IOboxes, so that following nodes don’t
request data anymore.

kalle, i can not really follow you here. gregsn might correct me, but concernig cpu consumption, ioboxes should not make any difference at all. except you might like to switch off UpdateView in the main menu or hide the patch to disable redrawing (which in fact consumes a lot of cpu)

so you mean i need to use lots of switches to cut off the datastream.
i’m gonna try this. i was just wondering if the empty spread has a similar
effect as most of my patch didn’t work when the empty spread was pushed

in general switching off inputs will not improve performance.
the way to go is lowering the spread count. set all spread counts of LInearSpreads etc. to zero. Each slice consumes cpu and the less slices there are, the faster the patch is. The debug view will show you. Apart from that, each node consumes a fixed amount of cpu. So beware of subpatches containing many instances of other subpatches, and try to build subpatches with as less nodes as possible.

Empty spreads in vvvv might be a little nasty to deal with, but they are a fully plausible consequence of vvvv´s architecture, and by no means a bug in the software which needs to be worked around - learn to use them. the basic rule is: as soon as any input of a node has zero slices, the output will have zero slices as well. this may easily generate empty spreads at many places in your patch when having feedback loops, and it may be somehow difficult to learn where the first empty spread appeared, but as soon as you have found the position, enter a ReplaceEmpty or Resample node, and you´re fine.


didn’t want to spread wrong informations!
but i thought it was this way?!?!?!?

ok…that’s what i meant when writing the initial question. thanx mr. oschatz, see u in kiel :)

just to finish this thread …for ppl with the same ‘brett vor’m kopf’ :)
changing the spread-count to Ø saves lots of cpu power !