Dependencys of shaders

I want to convert some shader from an archive I had a bit back. The thing
is some have texture files associated to them as envioremental map.
My plan is to port the whole library over time to vvvv.

Does the vvvv shader model support external links to enviorement maps. I
suppose when the shaders where originally written, like any program,
paths are relative. Is there a mechnism to simualte this? I was thinking
a texture input pin. But of course that would mean tweaking the code of the shader,
no big deal there, but if it does not support texture no point in porting
shader like renderman ( I have some ports of renderman shaders ) and
others that need enviorment map. Hopefully I can set envioremnt with a pin.

thanks for your help.

filename annotations for texture-variables will be ignored.
if i understand correctly there should be no problem. for every texture that is defined in the effect file a texture-pin will appear which you can connect a FileTexture node to. there you can load an environment map and voila.

create a Texture Pin via

texture Tex < string uiname=“Texture”; >;

maybe you want to rename the Texture Pin and also have a more definite variable name for within the shader. do this by writing something like:

texture EnvTex < string uiname=“Environment Map”; >;


Thank you for the quick response Joreg and Gregsn. I will test it all out. thanks again.