What do Float, Wrap, Mirror and Clamp mean?

I was breaking my brains again on how to keep all my values between 0 and 1.

I read a few times: Just use Map (value) node. Offours I tried that already, but it didn’t work.

It worked as soon as I accidentally changed FLOAT to WRAP.

But now I realy wonder what I just did, why it works now and what Float, Wrap, Mirror and Clamp means. (and how it works).

This is my first time in programming, so please give me a break!! ;)

Map (Value) does the following:

Map source minimum to source maximum,
map dest. mininmum to dest. maximum.

all values between source min and source max should be equivalently translated into the destination room.

in german it is not much more than a “3 Satz” oder “Satz mit x”…

the modes are only interesting for input values outside the range [source min…source max](source min…source max).

the modes:

Float: if the source values are outside the source region just put the output outside the destination region…

Wrap: if the input is larger than source max just wrap around and begin with the destination min. output values will always be in [dest min…dest max](dest min…dest max)

Mirror: if an input values is bigger than source max, then mirror at this value. output values will always be in [dest min…dest max](dest min…dest max)

Clamp: if an input value is smaller than source min then output will be destination min. (…bigger than source max then output will be dest max)


Thank you for the explenation, made stuff a bit clearer for me.