Reload-Pin on File Texture (EX9. Texture)

What exactly does the Reload-Pin on File Texture (EX9. Texture) do and what is it good for ?

In my eyes this pin would make sense if FileTexture would not reload unless this pin is banged or set to one.
But if you change the string that goes to filename FileTexture is updating/reloading whether the reload pin is set or not !?

OK - something changes when setting to permanent 1 - the CPU-usage goes op to 100%.

Does Reload=0 mean that FileTexture reloads as soon as the input changes ?
Wouldn´t it be more logical if FileTexture would only update/reload if the pin reload is banged ?
Or would it perhaps make sense to add another pin "autoload on/off! ?


hi markus

i personally use the reload function, when i change a texture in photoshop (while the texture is in use in vvvv) and save it to the same file. in this case the texture doesnt change until you hit the reload button. in other words, if the picturedata in the file itseld changes but the file stays the same, the reload button is usefull.

cheers elektromeier

of course i just bang reload for one frame…

Does Reload=0 mean that FileTexture reloads as soon as the input changes?


Wouldn´t it be more logical if FileTexture would only update/reload if the pin reload is banged ?

from a programmers point perhaps – but you would then need to explain to everybody why you need to do a second step after you set the filename to the desired one.
if you desperately needed your proposed behaviour you would easily add an S+H to your patch.

if the input string changes, the reload pin shall be triggered. why would a input string change else if not for another texture? ^^

of course more than once different philosophies crush at each other when programming in general but in 4v it´s often easily understood since 4v shows u results in best case immediately.