Create Directory

How would I create and delete Directories from within vvvv?

or how would the sell exec line be?

shellexecute for some reason does not execute the built-in DOS commands like mkdir. it just executes commands physically existing as .exe, .com or .bat files. so you need to create a batch file which calls the built in command and takes the directory as a parameter:

so for now you need to create a file e.g. makedirectory.bat containing somethink like
mkdir %1

then you can shellexectute that file with the directory as a parameter.

i can imagine there is some easier way to explicitely call a command interpreter with any built in command as a parameter but i had not yet the time to find that out…


in ShellExecutes first input you set the path to like e.g.:

then as command line arguments you give it something like:
/c mkdir c:\test

where /c instructs to execute the built-in DOS commands.

/c mkdir c:\test

works for me.

but since you know im a windows bum - how do i include directories with spaces in the path? i tried double quotes and smartquotes …

/c mkdir c:\test

works for me.

but since you know im a windows bum - how do i include directories with spaces in the path? i tried double quotes and smartquotes …

and, can i create directories not being all capital letters?

got me. i know direct sollution to this. oschatzs method should offer all features.

usually " quotes would mark paths with spaces. but with they seem not to be allowed. and why it makes all pathes in captials i have no idea either.

halloha. funzt.