Arduino et VVVV

hi all,
i bought some day ago an arduino board,and i try to experiment…
i used the patches from mr Benefit(tnx!) to understand somethin, but i have a problem on the second patch(the poti one):i can read the values from a poti in serial monitor,but vvvv give me null result.
Using the hello world patch i havent this problem,vvvv and arduino speak each other ,but why i can’t read the poti?
is more or less the same patch…
Some suggestion?

tnx all


I remember that sometimes uploading a programm to the board isn’t always working when I didn’t do a GOOD (long!!) reset off the Arduino before uploading. (can give you akward results)

But since you say you can read the Data with a serial tool, that might not be the case.

Other thing: Only ONE programm at a time can talk/read with the same COMport. So, if you are running the Arduino 004 tool, AND the Serial Monitor AND vvvv, it is NOT going work.

And I haven’t tested it, but try to replace the “printInteger(val)” with “printString(val)” (but I am not sure if that will work, even doubt it, but the Arduino webiste is offline atm, so cannot check anything.