Double trautner problem

can I use two or more blocks trautner?
I have a patch where I use two trautners, but as soon as I open the patch the masks image of the two blocks they are reversed, at times part correct at times wrong.
does someone know how to tell me as I can resolve?
thanks to everybody

DOUBLE (6.4 kB)


I also had that problem several times. didn’t found a solution. @joreg - any suggestion - I thought you fixed that problem with your last trautner version!?

for now I have resolved activating the two trautners in sequence, first one and then the other.
with the patch in enclosure.
however if there is a simpler solution…

inizializzazione pulsanti.v4p (7.5 kB)

Can’t help with your trautner, but your Map -> Frac way can be replaced by a CHANGE node (learn your BANGs better ;) ).

NoSpeakNoItalien.v4p (11.9 kB)

thanks thousand,
indeed with your patch it is simpler and light.
