Boygrouping details

Hello all

Here are a few questions concerning Boygrouping :

I read in Boygrouping

You can also start a client with an additional rootpath like:
vvvv /client serverip d:\vvvv
now all relative paths in patches will be relative to that given path on clients.
Another option would be using the full network path when selecting a texture - this way you can keep all your textures on one computer.

that will be something like this ? :

E:\program files\vvvv_33beta13.1\vvvv131.exe /client C:\source

So vvvv will look into folder source in C:for images footage
.fx ?

therefore choosing a shared folder will be a good option ?

Is there a possibility to start a patch in “server-mode” by just double-clicking it and not having to start vvvv via vvvv.exe before?
If vvvv is started with a commandline (which is true when started via doubleclicking a patch) it won’t interpret the Args.txt. We like to use .bat files for the case where we want to start different patches or the same patch with different commandline options. you know how to use such?

You can use a hack in the registry to solve the problem: somewhere in the registry the behaviour for doubleclicking a .v4p file is defined. it is now set to something like: “vvvv.exe /o %1” (where %1 is the patchname)
you could redefine this to something like “vvvv.exe /o %1 /server” which would always open your patches with vvvv in servermode when doubleclicking them. Alternatively you could define another shortcut for being used when right-clicking a patch.

Where in the register i could make that by right clicking a patch it start in server mode ?

It is important to discuss three different special cases:

second option:

  • Both nodes exist on the client. Here no data is transmitted. The nodes on the client have connected locally (on the clients) and data is transferred internally. So you will get smooth animations as usual.

the nodes are suposed to exist on the clients but how do i know that it is actually using them instead of sending unnecesary data ,
i see a little latency sometimes .

Doing the >= node + and node in the fullscreen on separated renderers works for opening in fullscreen diferent clients but first i get 3 or 4 renderers in each client docked so i close the not wanted ones on each client and then do the fullscreen , is this the way is got to be or there is a quicker way o do it without getting the docking renderers ?

I get a gdi renderer as well that it,s not in the server patch at all ?

Will it be posible to make boygroup work as a multiplexer from a live video source, if so how to ? may be getting the same video caputure in all of them …

I use a conceptronic 8 port switch 100M ,is it good for boygrouping ? do you recomend any switch in particular for that purpose ?


helo color,

i have been reworking the Commandline Parameters and Boygrouping sites to include the answers to your questions. Please check those again and ask back here if something is still unclear.

  • I get a gdi renderer as well that it,s not in the server patch at all ?
    it maybe comming from a boygrouped subpatch like the PerfMeter module.

Hi joreg , thanks for taking the time to improve the docs ,

Things are clearer now , i got the relaive folder working now ;D

still have some doubts ,

I,m using a camera module i read that mouse and keyboard are not boygrouped in an old thread , but i got it working in some patches and in other does not work , how could i make it work all the time ?

i,m playing with multiscreen module too i think the gdi renderer must be somewhere hidden in it and i get the docked renderers in all the clients , is there a way to get just 1 renderer , desired renderer in the clients instead of all the renderers docked in all the clients or you just make fullscreen of the one that you want and leave he rest docked ?

is it posible to boygroup a videoin node ?

i have some other questios but i,d like to test some staff first

thanks for your help

how do i make fullscreen in the others clients independently i just seem to get fullscreen independently in just 1 client ?

boygroup_screens.v4p (13.8 kB)

I,m using a camera module i read that mouse and keyboard are not boygrouped in an old thread , but i got it working in some patches and in other does not work , how could i make it work all the time ?

no. kamera and mouse are not being boygrouped and therefore you have to take care yourself about transmitting user-input to the clients. since keyboard and mouse are within the Camera module it doesn’t make sense to boygroup it. you could try with getmatrix → setmatrix though on its outputs. only have the setmatrix nodes boygrouped and connected to the renderer. this will certainly jitter though and you cannot damp a matrix. so better patch a camera yourself.

i,m playing with multiscreen module too i think the gdi renderer must be somewhere hidden in it and i get the docked renderers in all the clients

yo, that is the way it is at the moment. still i don’t get why you actually care about it. since you shouldn’t need to touch the clients at all but simply go fullscreen via the server on one of the renderers (and leave the others docked, right) as shown on the Boygrouping page.

is it posible to boygroup a videoin node ?

of course, why not? just have a camera connected to each client and you’ll see their images.

oh. just saw your patch.
but frankly, i don’t get what your goal is. what are the 3 renderers for? you know that you only need one renderer on the server to go fullscreen on any number of clients, right?

is it that you want to go fullscreen alway only on one client? while the others still show windowed mode? then just don’t use >= but only = to compare any index you want to fullscreen to the clientID.

so either you are up to something very special or i will have to find some more minutes to improve girlpower\TakeThat.v4p which is supposed to show those basics.

Hello , somehow i was not getting the renderers on fullscreen in th e disered clients but they are working now , and for the camera i put the mouse and keyboard outside , i think this way boygroup suffer i little bit sending all values ,
next step is to get the rsh node working but can find the way to install rsh on my system ,any clue ?

thanks a lot . (21.4 kB)