Sphere morphing Bug/suggestions

I’m playng around with sphere deformation to obtain objects similar to this or these vvvvonderful pieces of yours.

The first (and most important) problem I have is to increase the resolution of the sphere. I can’t set it above 180 faces, 90 if I calculate normals. I don’t know if this is a hardware limit (Pentium quadcore 4x2.6 Ghz , Nvidia quadro fx550 Ram:2 gigs ddr2) or a bug of sphere geometry. Please don’t tell me that I have to assembly my own vertexbuffer!

The second problem is to obtain a realistic lighting like this.
I suppose that incrementing the number of sphere’s faces is
possible to obtain more shaded and precise forms and also the reflection should improve. Or should I use particular shaders? At the moment I’m using Phong or reflections shaders.

Last question is about transformations. I’d like to apply functions, perlin noise or other operations only to a part of a a sphere. I’ve tried with getspread (spreads) > setslice but I can’t modify more than one slice at time.

I attach a simple patch to show these issues.


Deform_sphere_Bug.zip (18.9 kB)

The first (and most important) problem I have is to increase the resolution of the sphere. I can’t set it above 180 faces, 90 if I calculate normals.

Connecting a Count (EX9.Geometry Mesh) node to the spheres output shows you that with a resolution of 181x181 you already have 65160 faces! directx seems to have a limit of 65534 faces though.

In my case, the sphere is created via grid and cartesian nodes…don’t know for Sanch…and also have a look at the smoothing angle pin from the normals node which increase lightning precision…

…I have to assembly my own sphere… Seems the only solution if there is this limit. This thing was driving me crazy.

Thank you