Multiscreen with boygroup

im new on vvvv and really got a problem I cant solve. Maybe someone can help. Ive done a simple little patch with a multiscreen (span) and one jpeg wich schould be displayed as one image on four screens of two boygroup clients (both with craphic card with two DVI outs)…
But I really don`t get it, to tell the clients to render a specific part of the image on a defined monitor…
The patch is attached to this topic.

Thanks (5.4 kB)

I looked at your patch and here a solution i hope :)

See u


MultiScreen.rar (4.9 kB)

Hi guest have no idea how to do it in spanmode and using 2 dual cards , but probably interesting to read this thread and check the patch at the end to see how to make the fullscreen in the different clients . also for general patching check how to make your patches portable in usertuts, I,m curious too on the solution of your problem , cheers

thanks guys…
special thanks to digitalslaves for the patch. Works very well, but I can choose only one Monitor to be in Fullscreen on the client-machine.
All four render windows are stucked in one. Is there any way to divide them…or is it not possible to use both DVI outputs in FullscreenMode on a boygroup-client?

see you