Detecting when another application is started

Hallo everyone,

I wonder if anyone knows a trick/node/tool that can tell me inside vvvv if another application is started on the same computer as my patch is running on. It is for an RS232 tooltje, would be nice iff vvvv disables from it when the other tool is started and connects to it once the tool is closed.

Hope some one knows, if not, I just need to build some kind of keyboard shortcut ;)

you could use the Processes(Windows) node which lists all running processes.

quote from change log beta14.9:

Processes (Windows) now has a pin called Update which needs to be banged in order to update the process-list

be careful, this node may have incredible performance needs.

be careful, this node may have incredible performance needs.

Mmh well, you really should not bang that update-ping too often.

i assume that your RS232"tooltje" has a window.
then it should be possible to make use of WindowLists (Windows) .

west232.v4p (4.0 kB)

Wow, thnx Kalle, never went to that side off the vvvv-moon before, seems to work great, going to test it for performance reasons soon, but so far so good :)

shouldn’t be very critical