Fileselecter/text metrics

Im currently working on a patch which will enable me to play video on the fly with 3 quads in the second renderer with video on mapped to 3 projection screens, a bit like Catalyst.
Im trying to get the file name & strip out the header eg… c:/users/documents etc… so i just have the name of the actual file, and overlaying this on a buttons. For some reaon i cant get the text (EX9 Metrics) to work for this but i keep getting a solid box. Also i was going to use the file selecor moduce for this but cant seem to get that to work too, anyone have any ideas?

Rough patch attatched,

Video ControllMK1.v4p (36.8 kB)

After seveal hours ive got the file selector working, (with lots of help form West). Anyone know how to break down the file directory string so i only get the name of the file? Cant for the life of me work out how to do it with the RegExpr (string)
See attatched patch.

VidControll_alpha0.1.rar (449.7 kB)

just use the second pin of the Dir (File)
called Short Filenames to feed the Text (Ex9 Metrics)

Ah! Had to modify the File Selektor so the scroll works. How on earth did i miss that pin!

Cheers Circuitb