Mapping of geometry

Hello vvvv forum

I am trying to map a gdi texture onto a dx geometry, but I am having troubles with the uv coordinates is there any sort of mapping node out there…
(I am trying with the grid node but no success there sofar)

and If I want to patch a sort of “microsoft paint 1.0”
how would I make vvvv remember the strokes I tried with qeue but with the gdi renderer the dots werent connected (with fast movements)



(I am trying with the grid node but no success there sofar)

the uv mapping of the grid is pretty straightforward; could you post a patch / more accurate description of your problem?

how would I make vvvv remember the strokes I tried with qeue but with the gdi renderer the dots werent connected (with fast movements)

hm, i recommend using a dx9 renderer instead, so you can use Line (EX9.Geometry) and connect the dots.

hm I got the grid mapped as I wanted
but with the line I am still not any further,…
How do I then connect the dots ???
I wanted to create a sort of pattern that grows.
I do have 6 audio inputs from pd and I need at the end some “generated” screenshot to print out…
My idea is to form a hexagon (each corner for one audio input) that than changes its shape over time depending on the input.
I wanted the paintstrokes as a texture on the hexagon surface…


Hello Johannes

How do I then connect the dots ???
These nodes are quite good to connect dots:

  • ConvexHull (2d)
  • Connect (2d)

You give your spread of dots ( from the queue), and it will give you the edges.

My idea is to form a hexagon (each corner for one audio input) that than changes its shape over time depending on the input.

You can create the dots easily with a Circular Spread (Spread count 6).

From the cartesian coordinates returned by the circular spread,
you can convert it to polar coordinates, then play with each individual length.