Cons only certain values/inputs?

how can i form a spread from certain inputs only? do i have to pass NIL to Cons? or am i doing this thing completely wrong…?

my new spread should consist only of the true ifs.

selectivespread01.gif (11.3 kB)
selectivespread01.v4p (10.0 kB)

might Select (Value) help you here?

indeed, it does :)
thank you!

selectivespread02.v4p (9.7 kB)
selectivespread02.gif (8.9 kB)

No need to use that I (spreads) if you just want to Get your Values back after a Boolean operation.

Why did you also add the gif file? (not that it is bad, just wondering)

selectivespread02-1.v4p (11.2 kB)