Grey renderer in 2nd instance, when 1st instance is fullscreen

Hi All

I am not sure if I have experienced this behavior before on XP, but I find it a bit strange here on vista 64bit (unfortunately I don’t have the option to change this within any foreseeable future).

When I run two instances of vvvv and have renderers in both, and I put one renderer in fullscreen, the renderers in the other instance of vvvv greys out and if I make a fresh renderer it is also grey and the inspektor shows (nil) on almost all input pins.

I have also installed the latest nvidia drivers for the graphics card.

Edit: When I take the renderer out of fullscreen again, the all renderers return to normal

I’ve found that as long as the resolution is equal to or less than 1024x768, you can run 2 instances, higher resolutions seem to break it. I’d love this to work so you could run interfaces/do tracking in separate threads, please santa ;)

I was just thinking, is this a direct x/windows issue or would one be overly optimistic to wish/hope for a fix in Beta>21 ?