Interpolating between transforms

i have a spread of transforms. an object gets drawn with each transform. i would like the objects to move, so that object1 moves towards object2’s original location, etc. in other words, if the transforms indicate n objects in a line like this:

{CODE(ln=>1)}o o o … o
1 2 3 n^

then i would like to make an animation like this:
o o o … o
o o o … o
o o o … o^

so they all move from their own position i, into position i+1 (i guess the n:th one should continue in the direction indicated by points n and n-1, or maybe i’ll have one extra transform where an object does not get rendered).

how should i patch this?

you could use Shift(Spreads) node to shift the spreads that feed the Transform node. then, under the shift and before the transform, you can use any Animation node (Damper, LinearFilter, Newton,…) to smooth the transition.

you could use Shift(Spreads) node to shift the spreads that feed the Transform node.

ah, i should have been more specific in my description. i am using the Lindenmayer node, which outputs transforms.
i’ve figured out about GetMatrix and SetMatrix, but i’m hazy with what to do in between.