Timed shut down of windows

Newbie needs help.

Just finishing a little project and there are a couple of parts I need help on.

Its will be a permanent 2 projector projection on a statue.

first question.

  1. how to shutdown vvvv and windows based on time and maybe date.

more questions to come

thanks for any help.




many BIOS’s support timed shutdown and startups these days.

also windows 7 and I suspect 8 will - http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_7-performance/how-to-schedule-computer-to-shut-down-at-a-certain/800ed207-f630-480d-8c92-dff2313c193b

and yes from vvvv is easy too with nodes above


I have it auto starting already, and running vvvv node from start up menu.

which is safest shutdown windows method, or vvvv.

I tried to find eq node, but cant. sorry to be stupid

Replace that = (value) with a < (value), just to be sure :D

edit: EQ is equal, or =. The forums replace some maths symbols for words.